Monday, June 22, 2009

Bathos, or From the Sublime to the Duck. (Roxi)

This weekend we enjoyed the company of our friends in Syracuse, then Sunday morning we stopped in at the (still-closed) Carousel Mall. I got lost. Fact: if you need a GPS to buy your clothes, things have gone astray.

Afterward, we traveled on to Camping World to check out accessories. I added the link, not as a promotion, but so you can see just how much money you can pay to live the simple life. We strolled through the floor models long enough that I was dizzy from the consumption fumes. At least two models cost more than our stick home. One posh Class C featured a 27" TV in prime storage space. You can gauge my righteous indignation by the html.

The point is, if you like this idea but hate the idea of "roughing it," there is a rig for you.

Today: the maiden tow of the Duck! We're off to Fletcher's to leave it for servicing. There will be a story to follow, if I have to write it myself.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Heh heh, you said rig.