It has been an emotionally icky week, and I'm torn between the commitment to blog this experience honestly and compassion for our friends. I have given mixed messages about my intentions for this project. I have been moody and broody and have hatched alternate plans for leaving this nest, which I knew were cracked as soon as I laid them.
I had a helpful visit with an EAP therapist who kindly reminded me that all losses must be grieved, and some of them get pre-grieved. Grief is not a sign that we are making a mistake, it's just letting go, in a gummy, wet, snotty way. While we can't avoid it, we could bury our emotions in a Chefsburger (stop judging me! Animals are comfort food).
We found that the electrical systems are functioning, both AC and DC. Our trailer does swing that way. We brainstormed a couple of new ideas for kitchen space, and pulled out a few carpet staples.
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