Monday, July 13, 2009

A picture is worth a word or two. (Roxi)

One significant body of work that will stay behind is my picture collection. The photos are stuffed into albums, traditionally, with a few strays here and there. I think it's like most old-school collections. The conventional grab-these-on-the-way-out-of-the-burning-building pile.

It seemed obvious to start scanning them and arranging them in some order. This coincided with my desire to create an album for my son, whose father died this June, at 49.

While I'm at it (I thought), why not create another online album with and for my cousins out west, with whom I haven't shared the recent couple of decades. In reality, this has been easy, because their side of the family is a subset of my son's kin. It has also been great to see old snapshots of us as kids; remembering Lori writing letters to a pesky younger cousin, just because she was kind even then. Feeling queasy like I did the summer we all rode around in the back of the station wagon while our parents took in the old sights. They were so mad at us because we weren't interested!

So far, I've processed a little more than 500 photos - scanning, cropping, editing and uploading - and holy cow! what a project. Not half done yet! But, it's packing an emotional punch - a good one.

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