Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Annie and I both have surgeries coming up;  mine is in December, and hers hasn't been scheduled yet.  We will have insurance to cover the procedures, which is most of the point of having them done now.  Still, that means we'll be here instead of on the road.

Our goal is to move us toward living in the Duck and getting the house on the market.  While we're lolling around not trying to sell the house, we're literally and psychically stuck, and getting no closer to our goals.  That's the big plan, but I'm going to work on the small steps that Maria mentioned.  I'm going to put my clothes there.  I'm going to move my books out.  I'm going to go potty there.  I am going to make the Duck more me-friendly and the house less until it's just natural to head there instead of to this couch.

This afternoon I bagged up 62 liters of peat moss into gallon bags.  Nevermind the incompatible units of measurement - the Nature's Head is ready for full deployment.

Annie is working on the water heater and refrigerator, also turning the 90's valances into bookshelves.  I am in the middle of polyurethaning the future dinette table that will mount to the wall and fold down when not in use.

Tonight:  to the Duck for our first sleep-out!  Tomorrow:  think about curtains.

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