Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sampson State Park gets two Ducks-up.

We've enjoyed this park before, but not as "campers."  The page doesn't mention geocaching, or cheesy-fries, but we did those, too.  The campground was full, but quiet, and the lots are big enough that Annie started to fret about mowing if we stayed too long.  I suspect this park is somewhat underrated, as it felt very empty.  Still, with 1905 acres, you hope some parts of it will always feel vacant.  And, it didn't feel empty when we peered out the bedroom window at the guy metal-detecting our siding.  Dude needs to back away slowly.  Leave your detector, though;  that looks like fun.


I would like to find some ways to actually boondock before we set out.  Sitting here in the driveway is very pleasant!  but doesn't give us the chance to test out our systems.  I guess we could sit here and unplug ... okay, that just occurred to me.  And, with all the pleasures of the state park, we actually feel more privacy right here where we park in our yard.


And, speaking of testing, the storm system that generated tornadoes just south of us let us off with sideways rain and a stern warning.  It's good to know that the stove vent can NOT BE USED under such circumstances.  It was also useful to learn that the refrigerator needs assistance to stay closed during sharp turns.  Did you know that a beer can completely fizz out of its bottle without ever losing its cap?  How is that safe?  Where is the FDA when you really need them?


I spent some extra time laying on pic-a-nic benches and looking at the sky.



Carrot is the chillest of travelers.  She packs her own non-slip coating and relaxes on the sofa while we move.  She's a good role model for Lily, who moans and wails like the hounds waiting to be released.

1 comment:

MFH said...

Photobucket is NOT working. (Dec, 20, 1019)