Sunday, January 8, 2012

Let the pickle chips fall where they may.

Our new friend, Chris, joined us at the lagoon last night!  We had fun!  We see eye-to-beak on a lot of things besides just RVing.  One thing we did not agree on:

She thought it was warm enough to swim.  I disagreed.

Chris was having genny issues of her own with her Onan MicroLite 2.8 KW generator. The problem sounded similar enough to ours that Annie thought they could fix it without Camper Clinic in Rockport.

We're going to make it work now, okay?

Jubilation!  It's charging again!  

There's another story I have to tell THE RIGHT WAY before someone else tells it wrong.  I pulled a jar out of the pantry, and the hugest, meanest, ratty thing ever encountered fell out of the cupboard.  First, it roared at me, then bared its teeth RIGHT IN MY FACE, then dropped to the ground and swaggered into the bedroom.


I've lost that 30 seconds forever, but Chris had to double over, so amused-at-my-expense was she.  I (allegedly) make a sound that (allegedly) turned two of the cats to stone and made Annie temporarily lose continence (allegedly).  I may have also lost continence, judging from the evidence when I came back around, or else I broke the pickles on my crotch.

You remember we visited Judy and Emma in Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge.  Birds.  Remember now?   She had dozens of mice.  We were smug.  Mice in a rig!  we snickered behind our hands.  Would you like to borrow a cat (hur hur hur)?

I released the hounds into the bedroom, and within five minutes our Ellen gave us a tenderized mouse woodchuck and that was the end of the drama, except for my change of clothes.



Some of you guys who don't have your own Amazon link have continued to use our link for your purchases - thank you!  We are very grateful.


Jan Goldfield said...

OMG, that's funny. Sorry for LMAO, but damn I will laugh about that until one drops down on me from the cupboard, the attic or anywhere else it is and I am simultaneously.

Nancy said...

Oh my god! I would have had the same reaction. I am so sending my cats to woodchuck retrieval training before I begin my RV journey.
Sorry you had to have a change of clothes, but glad to hear you came back around. Are there counselors available? :)

Andra Watkins said...

Sensational. I am glad you survived the incident with mere possible incontinence. :)

Travels with Emma said...

Oh sure, blame it on me. Har Har! I'm pleased that you had a remembrance of our meeting. :)

With the abundance of incontinence, how does that effect your composting toilet???

Lou said...

Very funny, the hounds turned loose is just hilarious. I think that the use of 3 or more "alledgedlies" in a space of two sentences constitutes a triple whammy negative, thus making all the alledgedlues absolutely true... Bwaa Haaa Haa

Aaron said...

once again you have made my evening. As we all gather around your post with Ian at the helm reading we all began to laugh at your expense. Don;t take offense. Now that is a good old bed time story that I just could not help myself tucking them in with. Stay warm and keep those hounds on alert.

Aaron said...

once again you have made my evening. As we all gather around your post with Ian at the helm reading we all began to laugh at your expense. Don;t take offense. Now that is a good old bed time story that I just could not help myself tucking them in with. Stay warm and keep those hounds on alert.

Carolyn said...


Anonymous said...

You beat me to that story you did indeed, but you left out the part where you shrieked like a girl LOL.....but really, can't blame you..... it was as big as a hedgehog.....VtChris

Teresa Evangeline said...

I'm so sorry I missed it. I would have been incontinent, too. Fuuunny.

Texas Yellow Rose said...

Lordy, that is hilarious! Of course, I should not snicker too much, as we have groundhogs who are allegedly neighboring nearby. Actually (and this is a wee embarrassing), I was sipping a soda whilst reading your post and I laughed so much I just about spewed said soda all over my laptop screen. (If that's not a literary compliment, I don't know what is.) Yes, full-timing is an adventure! Quack!

Bob said...

Hm, reluctantly I'm beginning to "get" that whole travelling with cats routine. Unless of course they're afraid of other furry creatures, although I've not encountered any felines who wouldn't chase down and snap the neck of most anything.
Earning ones keep is also good.

Now go and change.

heyduke50 said...

how much RV can a woodchuck chuck???

Sherry said...

Good grief LOOK at the teeth on that rodent. How could dainty felines compete with that? They deserve medals.

Glad to see you two paying it forward!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, you guys, for your heartfelt sympathy over my trauma and moisture. I guess the composting toilet got a break, since I was an incontinent away from it. I am seeking help in the form of gin & tonic, which I understand is good for the bladder.

Lou, this is an interesting, albeit little-known rule of English grammar, and I'm impressed that you caught it. Allegedly

Aaron, I wish I could have heard Ian read it. Any chance for another YouTube upload? He really cracks me up; that's a trait all your kids share.

Chris, I'm sure my sounds of amazement and wonder were more dignified than that. Still, an argument could be made that some might think it sounded like shrieking like a girl.

Rose, I've always wanted a spit take, and I do take it as a (sticky, brown) compliment.

Teresa, it was good for a laugh around here, that's for sure. In fact, we're still laughing thinking about how hard Chris laughed.

Bob, every now and then they redeem themselves, and this was EVERY now and then. People with singletons, though, report that the cats aren't as driven to win the prize as they are when they compete. And, I've run out of dry clothes.

How much RV could a woodchuck chuck? If a woodchuck could chuck RV? A LOT, Duke. A LOT.

Sherry, right? You see my terror was not exaggerated. And, yeah. PIF is a good thing.

Isherwood Wildwalker said...

THIS… is the honeywoodchuck. Watch it run in slow motion. It’s pretty badass. Look. It runs all over the place. “Whoa! Watch out,” says that bird. Ew, it’s got a snake. Oh, it’s chasing a jackal. Oh my gosh. Oh, the honeywoodchucks are just CRA-zy.

Honeywoodchucks don't give a sh!t

--Shamelessly stolen from the HoneyBadger Youtube video

The Good Luck Duck said...

RANDALL! OMG, we LOVE him! You gave us a hearty honey badger laugh this morning. We're all honey badger this and honey badger that all the time. Roxanne, your shirt is inside-out. Yeah, whatever, I'm a honey badger.

Anonymous said...

Woodchucks are big! How the heck did one get into your RV?

The Good Luck Duck said...

Hey, it's all as true as it needs to be!

Contessa said...

At least it wasn't dead!! Phew! Well I guess not it is!

Nickie and Jim said...

Awright, now, what was it really? And why was a woodchuck hiding in your RV (if it was a 'chuck)? And how in the heck did it get in your pantry?? Didja holler any expletives or were they deleted?

Finally, did your dogs send it on a final trip to "Disney World?"

After the fact, it musta been hilarious.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Eyewitnesses retroactively claim it was more mouselike, and that my reasonable facsimile was an exaggeration; however, they were not the ones ATTACKED BY THE HONEY BADGER! I believe the "mouse" has gone on to whatever theme park ... hey, you're right! DisneyWorld!

I couldn't form my screech into any sort of words, so I guess my brain deleted the expletives before they were born. And, dead would probably have gotten a similar response, with a P-U at the end.

Anonymous said...

I am a big lover of animals...wayyyy more than people...but the ratty thing just took care of dinner. Ackckck.

Russ Krecklow said...

Might have been a nutria! They are pretty big and ferocious. Sounds a lot like the scene in Christmas Vacation that we love so much!! (What's that funny squeeking sound?)
Wish we had a video of the action!

bhikkhu john said...

That's the smallest bear I've ever seen photographed.

bhikkhu john said...

That bear looks a little like Mason.

Pam said...

Slightly off topic here, but I've been wondering how full-timers deal with the feline toilet situation. We currently have 4 least 2 will be going to live with our currently-semi adult children when they move out (SOON) but we're struggling with whether or not to take any others with us. The one my husband wants to take along is an escape artist around doors and likes to try to bite strangers. Not the best traveling cat, I would imagine. The one I might want to take along has a nasty habit of not covering her poo, which is ok here because the box is FAR FAR away in the basement. Any advice?

The Good Luck Duck said...

Pam and Wayne: good questions. We have two escape artists. Because our rig actually has rooms with dividing doors, we go out the door where the cats aren't. Treats are administered, then we scurry to close the bedroom door and leave that way.

We have had many (MANY) cat boxes over the years, but the type that serves our needs best is the Omega Paw. [One of our cats also does not poo-cover.] It rolls and the solid clumps separate out, and the dry litter rolls back into the box. The rolling is fast, and then you can pull out a little poop drawer and dump it into whatever serves as your "dump station" (ours is a covered stainless steel trash can with a step-lid).

We have six cats, and two Omega Paw units. We roll them a few times a day, but it only takes a few seconds. A recent guest volunteered that we have no cat odor, so something is working.

We have one old grumpy cat, but she won't bite unless provoked by love or petting or other gentle affection (unless she has requested said love).

John, you're hilarious! Mason may be the largest actual woodchuck ever photographed, although he was not photographed on my porch. This picture is of Woodchuck Norris.

Frank and Mary, Woodchuck Norris apologizes for your appetite loss. We dig the other animals a lot, too. People can be pretty great, but an animal will always be sincere.

Russ, I seriously need to watch that movie again. I think it would have a whole new feel, now that we're living in our RV.

Pam said...

Thanks for the tip!! Great to hear a guest didn't notice any odor. I'm on my way out now to look for an ereader so I'll stop at Petco too and see if they have an Omega Paw unit. Are you using a specific type of litter with that? I don't like anything with fragrance.

The Good Luck Duck said...

We use Tidy Cat for multiple-cat households. It is scented, only because we can't find unscented. It needs to be clumping litter, though, whichever you choose.

Unknown said...

ROFL! My mouse encounter involved me screaming like the girl I am and insisting John get out of bed and save me. He just rolled over ,chuckled and said he'd deal with it in the morning. No knight in shining armor routine for him.

Pam said...

I found clumping fragrance free litter today at Petco! Might be a new item because it was featured on a skid in the middle of the aisle. I checked one Petco store in person and called 2 others before ordering the litter box online. I watched the demo video and was very impressed!

¡Vizcacha! said...

Janie, once my shero got through guffawing, she tried to sympathize with a straight face. She did throw it outside after the cat nabbed it, so there's that.

Good find, you guys! We'll check there next time we find one.

TexCyn said...

That kite looks like a flying man-o-war. Have you seen those there yet? EEEks, good that the kitties went on duty. The cat here tortures, no, t-o-r-t-u-r-e-s the poor little things, for an hour! It's awful. I've been known to save their little lives because of his slow torture techniques. We recently saved a moles life. We had to, the poor little blind thing was wiggling in the cats mouth. The cat wanted to bring it in their house as his own torture toy. We said NO! Now go get yourself some depends.

TexCyn said...

ps, cool on the genny! Wanna come rebuild my overhead cab??? I'll even drain the oil out of my genny & pretend it doesn't work if you want.

Vicki said...

I'm just catching up on your blog from the beginning ,love your wit n humor!!! This post had me laughing n cryin so much that the hubby thought I was having some type of fit!!!! Ya made my day Roxie!!! Laughing wit ya girl...not atcha!

The Good Luck Duck said...

A subtle difference, but I appreciate it! Glad you're reading!