Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hey hey! Annie says it's her birthday!

She's having a good time, and refuses to feel bad about it.Photobucket

I was prepared to get a shot of this earnest evangelist. He wasn't there. We heard he's serving time in the repentitentiary. So, here's a picture of Jac, who seems much happier than the preacher:

She let me take her picture if I promised not to publish it. I am untrustworthy.
I "met" Jac online three years ago, when Annie and I began figuring out how to get to the Southwest. She has been my Verde Valley mentor ever since. She's an artist and a scientist - my favorite combination - and a quick wit. If I were half the wit ... nevermind.

The weather forecast has gone south on us, so we're going north, maybe into some piney woods.

Part of my birthday gift to Annie has been to leave her alone and give her some peace.

Beaver Creek. Those toes creeped me out, so I left my shoes on and walked away.

V-V (say "vee bar vee") Ranch

V-V Ranch Heritage Site is the largest collection of petroglyphs in the area. They were used as a sun calendar.

I guess it is. I'm just mad that I didn't do it.
This is a must-see in the Sedona area. Use your Interagency Pass to park.

If you're cruising through Sedona looking for some local art, try the Art Mart.  You can find more expensive boutiques, but you won't find more beautiful work. It's a collective of artists who don't have to pay crazy overhead. You'll get something beautiful that's locally-made and reasonably priced, and the artists can make a meager living. If I had money to spare, this is where I'd drop it.

When you're done shopping, walk over to Java Love café. They'll let you sit there for hours over your iced coffee, soaking up the vibes and chatting about nothing. When you're done with your coffee but not your conversation, they'll give you a refill for $1. And, if you're still not convinced, they put fresh water out on the patio for passing pups.

Happy Birthday, Annie! And Happy Mother's Day, all you mothers.


jillbertini said...

Happy birthday, Annie!

Andra Watkins said...

Happy Birthday, Annie!! And, Happy Mother's Day, Roxanne!!

swankiewheels said...

Annie... happy birthday. My birthday is Weds. 16th... and my middle name is Anne (my sister always said it was Ann E and I hated that - she called me Annie Oakley). Well, I'd be proud of all that today. Any way, it's a great week for Annies. Happy Birthday friend.

Jim and Sandie said...

Happy Birthday Annie - you're certainly celebrating in a beautiful place. Happy Mother's Day.

Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday, Annie .... ;)

got flops oldern her

bhikkhu john said...

That sign on the minivan doesn't make sense. The church is an adulterous.....what? I hold off on all the repenting until I have a clearer idea of why I'm such an adulterous.

Happy Birthday, Annie, and Happy Mother's Day, Roxanne. :)

Karen Snyder said...

Happy Birthday, Annie! Happy Mother's Day! Love the photo of the gate. :)

Marianne said...

Happy Mother's Day Roxie, happy birthday Anne! Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the muusic!

Peter said...

If Annie says it is her birthday, then it must be true. So Happy Birthday, Annie!

Terry said...

Oh, Wow!! Happy birthday, Annie. This must be the good month as mine is later this month.

Wow! The toes creeped me out as well; talk about "pasty white."

But, the fence and gate sooths me. I love rustic. Maybe its because I am as well.

heyduke50 said...

I will let you give me $20,000 if you promise not to tell anyone... Oh, and Happy birthday, Annie...

Travels with Emma said...

Her toes don't look a day older...than the dirt???

Cheryl (Desert Diva) said...

Happy Birthday Annie! I hope Roxie (buys or makes)treats you to a nice dinner complete with cake and ice cream! :-)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Cheryl, smart money is always on "buys."

Judy, do her toes look the same age as me? Because, I was alone at the creek, which made the toe situation even creepier.

Terry, it is the good month because mine is later this month. Yours is nice, too, of course. There are really good gates at this place. Clearly they've been preserved for their looks, much like us.

Thanks, Marianne and Karen! There are good gates there.

Peter + Beatrice, I guess she would know. It's why I believe her, too.

John, I'm with you. I need details, and a little grammar. Just enough to round out the point. And, thanks!

Jim and Sandie, thanks for the MD wishes.

Thank you, Andra!

I'm gonna let Annie respond to Happy Birthday wishes. Not that she will, she's such a reclusive birthday girl. Not stuck up! I didn't say stuck up!

Annie said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! It's been a fun day; Thai food followed by a search for the next perfect boondocking spot.

Brenda A. said...

Happy Birthday to Annie!

Merikay said...

Happy Birthday!

I like the v-v picture. Good angle.

Donna K said...

Happy Birthday Annie and a Happy Mother's Day to Roxanne, who, no matter what she says, is NOT a half-wit!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Donna! And, I hope you're not thinking of some other fraction of a wit that I might be!

Thanks, Merikay!

Contessa said...

Happy Day!

Kimbopolo said...

Happy Birthday Annie!

Sherry said...

Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE!! So where's the cake and all the presents Rox??? And the party hats and streamers and everything????

I'm bettin' the Preacher man has been swept up into the rapture. Apparently his own personal sweep since he just left his chair and his car by the side of the road.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Oh Sherry, I can't BELIEVE I didn't think about that, because that's exactly how my mind works. In case of Rapture, this chair will be empty.

In completely unrelated news, I got Annie a dark blue camp chair and a used Aerostar.

Spotted Dog Ranch: said...

I missed out on Annie's birthday cause I was too busy repenting yesterday (for screwing up my back).

Sooo...Haooy Unbirthday, Annie, and may you have many more.

Spotted Dog Ranch: said...

that was supposed to be happy, not haooy, don't even know what haooy means, stupid keyboard

and coming from academia, every time I go to hit the publish button, I expect to see one that says perish...

sierrasue said...

Happy Birthday Annie !!

Nickie and Jim said...

Rock art - hahhaaaaaaa! Gotta love the wit (half, whole, or fraction thereof) who did "do it."

The Good Luck Duck said...

Chinle, I assumed it was the pain meds typing. Haooy is the noise I make when a bug lands on me. And, I like the idea of "preview" becoming "perish." It's like "Cake or Death." We're from academia, too, but we're not academics.

Sue, Annie responds with gratitude!

Intrepid, I love it, too.

Unknown said...

I know I'm a day late but Happy Birthday Annie!

John Going Gently said...

love your blog
found it by accident!
greetings from a wet and cold North Wales

The Good Luck Duck said...

Janie and John, Annie says "thanks!"

John from Wales, I'm so glad you found us! Thanks!

MariaB said...

Annie! I hope you had a great birthday! Sorry I missed it. I missed Jackie's too (also on the 13th)... my only defense is that we were watching three small children this weekend and apparently I cannot do that and anything else at the same time...

TexCyn said...

Happy Birthday!!! Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday!