These Frankenpines are sick and wrong. Every time I see one I get chills.
We took a drive around Marshall Lake yesterday.
Not Marshall Lake. It's the Perkins Telescope. |
Also not Marshall Lake. This is Upper Lake Mary. Or Lower. They confuse me. |
Not overlooking Marshall Lake. |
Ah, here it is! Marshall Lake, with the lovely Annie as perspective. |
So, cell trees: useful camouflage or an affront to all that's good and right?
Many people think that anything that is not "natural" in a landscape is ugly. Some man made things are ugly, but not because they are man made. Cell towers could be designed to be more graceful and pleasing to the eye. I think the fake tree cover is silly, but not really offensive. Cell towers = working phones! This is good.
I like working cell phones! This mutant tree business just creeps me out, though. I'm a huge tree BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! Gives me nightmares.
Lake? That is Marshall Lake? Are you sure you didn't Ying when you should of Yang'd and missed the real Marshall Lake? There was a bit of confusion about the Upper and Lower Lake Mary's. Just saying ...
Can you water ski on the lake?
Ha! Harriet, yes, it's possible except for the big "MARSHALL LAKE" sign. I sense your doubt, based on my disorientation. Still, upper is south? What kind of mad, mad, mad, mad world is this?
Haha, Karen! Oh, do you mean Upper/Lower Lake Mary, or Marshall Lake. Because, yes, or no.
I think the tree-oflage is designed to confuse aliens!
Wow that Marshall Lake is amazing.... can hardly see all the way across :p
Would make more sense camouflaged as a fire tower or some such? Might look more reasonable being way taller than the trees. The mutant tree look is rather comical and therefore distracting in the otherwise natural environment.
Aha! Subter-flage! Verizon is cunning!
It's true - it's like one of the Great Lakes.
Brenda, I like the fire tower disguise idea. I'm trying to desensitize myself so that the Frankenpines are merely "comical."
I think they put those big fake trees around to confuse any earthlings or aliens who might look at them and think to themselves..."my, my, that sure looks like a mighty BIG hairbrush. Sure didn't realize there were things around with hair that big. Sure hope I don't run into one any time soon. Can't imagine what they must look like."
It looks to me that Frankenpines were designed by a committee!
Russ, this is so funny it must be true. Especially if an Earthling thought it.
Yes, Rick! Like a camel! But, camels don't give me the heebie-geebs.
LOL at Russ' comment.
I think they should make cell towers look like cell towers. Enough of this political correctness or whatever it is. I first saw one of these coming down around Island Park in Montana (or is that in WY?) and had to stop and really look at it. It caused some cognitive dissonance, for sure.
Cool telescope!
Chinle, I would much prefer a cell tower to one of these monsters.
Kim, I wish we could have toured, or visited, or trespassed, but all I could do was take this sad picture through a chain link fence.
Wow Marshall lake had such a Where's Waldo vibe to it, only on a much less grander scale.
Will they decorate them for xmas and put presents underneath? If they do might be worth the trip.
A cell tower by any other name... Those are just plain silly! Looks like a bottle brush on steroids!
Maybe the lake is suffering from drought-induced shrinkage? Otherwise, it should be embarrassed to hold itself out as anything more than an overgrown puddle. Just sayin'.....
I think the heat over the weekend got to me.
When I first saw "Frankenpines" I read it as "Frankenpies" and wondered what new diet ya'll were trying . . .
Someone had me a damp washcloth for my forehead, please . . . ;)
I've never seen a cell phone tree!! Wow...I've never even considered a cell phone tree. Wow...It really stands out more instead of less when done that way. wow...
Now you got me thinking that my idea for the new high voltage major electrical transmission line towers - you know the honking big concrete and steel structures - maybe isn't as good as I thought. They are seriously U-G-L-Y and I was thinking they could get artists, or budding artists or reformed graffiti taggers to paint them up as trees or trump loi them into almost invisible parts of the vista beyond them… they could just paint the bottom 20 or 30 feet – not the dangerous upper parts of the structure. After seeing this I’m wondering if that’s all that great an idea.
So, a question about the tracks out of Marshall Lake. What the heck makes those kinds of tracks??
I believe Island Park is in Idaho, and it must also be where the missing Marshal Lake is too.
Oh yes, and it must have taken you hours to drive around that lake?
Judy, I'm just glad we didn't try to walk it.
Les, I think (tee hee) that it might (*snort) be a (GUFFAW!) boat ramp. I don't think your artistic ideas are bad. Just don't have the artists try to disguise them as anything. Some nice vertical murals, maybe? High-tension metaphors?
Hahaha! Yellow Rose, that's my next diet. Frankenpie with ice cream?
Karen, we supposed the "lake" might be full of cold water, which would excuse its shrinkage.
Bargirl, that's perfect. That would completely desensitize me, and turn that ugly thing into a local icon.
Steve, you're saying the "lake" needs a stripey shirt to kick things up a notch?
Frankenpines is perfect. Great name....sneak in....take sign.
But I don't get it. What's the point of this ugly stick out thing. It's a cell tower and clearly its disguise didn't work. OK tower, Time to just own up to who and what you are. Send him to a meeting: "Hi I'm Frankenpine and I'm really a cell tower."
Never heard of such a thing.....what a waste of money!
Nice! A 12-step program for cell towers. It's like wearers of bad toupees. We're not fooled. Free yourself of the pretense.
Silly, no? AND CREEPY.
Ok Ladies....put the water back in Lake Marshall. I know you really need to fill up your tanks, but look at what you have gone and done!!! Draining a lake is so uncool....just like the Frankintrees.
*spits out 4,500,000 gallons* Sorry.
Hey! Check this out: Marshall Lake, twelve miles southeast of Flagstaff, is a small marshy body of water that's generally full of coots, Mallard ducks, and other waterfowl. Ducks Unlimited... UNLIMITED DUCKS!?!
Unlimited duck might be just a bit too much competition for you 2? Frankenpine is a good term. I like it. It is creepy but I saw the pic and wondered what was wrong with that weird tree. Doesn't help that the disguise is of the wrong kind of tree for the area. I dunno. Creepy Frankentree or ugly cell tower? Hard to choose.
Oh yeah, also weird that the telescope isn't on top of a mountain.
Come on, Everyone. It is obvious that the Forest Service took pity on the "higher flying" birds and provided them a resting place. Now they don't have to work so hard to gain altitude.
As for the lake, we once had 5 acres with a pond that was bigger than that. But, it could have been that those "higher flying" birds drank it all.
Tesaje, the telescope sorta was on top of a mountain. A ways up the hill from the "lake." "Unlimited" might be a few more than we could handle.
Thanks, Terry. We heavier birds need all the help we can get. I'm waiting for Russ to come back and make a "coot" remark.
That's a lake.
Soon folks will be so used to seeing cell towers no one will care if it looks like a fake pine.
You think that looks weird...we have one right outside the middle of the desert!..I mean really...they could have made it a saguaro (sp? or something! No size fits all!
Oh no! That would send me shrieking back into the night (but not far from the Duck). Although I'm not sure how I'd deal with a 200 foot saguaro, either.
Gaelyn, no one and ME!
Um ya, you know about those "Ducks Unlimited" folks, right?
Keep a low profile.
So...I've now seen a (what the f**k was that?) a Frankenpine. Or whateverthehell.
I can honestly say I hope to never see one again. Ever.
And, wouldn't it be about the same amount of dough to put up one of those fire look-out thingies? Then it would be doubly functional. PLUS, if you get to climb up and "look-out" (hey, it that why it's called a "look-out"? Gloriorsky!) that would be putting the "Fun" in "Functional".
Some folks ain't got no larnin'.
Just to prove that Russ is right about aliens and hairbrushes...
How long can you watch this??? hahahahaha
Donna, I understand now why people plant hairless cucumbers. Less maintenance, but the singing!
Bob, if they made a dual-purpose lookout/cell tower, they could also eliminate the expensive climbing maintenance guy (although there is an RVing couple who makes their living with the high-climb). There would be stairs. I like it.
Ya know that's a fair bit of microwave radiation from the cell tower and not really something you want to be right next to. Take a bit of pity on the poor lookouts. The tower repair guys know how to avoid the radiation. Getting distance disperses the radiation so it is safe but right up next to it - nope.
Those Frankenpines drive me bonkers, too. What the HELL is the point???
Awful. Did you read Ain't For City Gals say that they put a PINE in the desert? That's so bad it might be worth driving to see.
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