Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cosmetic surgery on the blog. BlogHer, Blogger, Blog-GRR

Hey! Guess what we got? A new URL!

  • If I don't reset my link, will something bad happen?
We don't know.
  • What else should I ask?
We don't know.

If you go to the URL with .blogspot in it, it seems that some widgets won't work. You may or may not see the Leaders' faces. This may or may not be factual.

You all raised important objections to shipping our blog posts in their entirety to a network, and so we are disconnecting from RVThereYet. I have no animosity toward them; they have a clever set-up. 

Just remember that there's no reason for a reader to come to your site if you're set up to feed your entire blog to a network like this. Jim and Robin raised a further concern that Google doesn't like to see two or more identical pieces of writing "out there." That's where my comprehension dissolves, but maybe you can fill in the missing words and ideas here.

We've also separated ourselves from BlogHer publishing. If a blog audience fits its ad customers, BlogHer is a fine advertising outfit to hook up with. Real people address questions. Ad revenue shows up whether your readers click through or not. I have nothing against them. 

We left because their ad chunks were getting aggressive. If your mouse strayed past a mousetrap, you would be caught in a big, ole ad video against your will. Sound and all. Mmm, I ♥ SURPRISE SOUND coming from my computer. Especially a voice late at night after Annie has gone to bed. Who wouldn't?

What else?

Oh, you guys. I lost the Duckroll again. It wasn't my fault (this time), I swear. Wordpress bloggers are loster than Bloggers. Either way, if you're not there and it seems like you oughta be, just remind me of the oughta. Please. I use that roll to keep up with you all.

What might happen to the next campers to get too close. Cougary moves is what I'm talking about.


michael ultra said...

Duckrolls! That just strikes me as funny. Told you I was easy.

Jim and Sandie said...

More cougary moves!!! As long as you show up on my blog role I'm a happy quacker.

VtChris said...

Looks to me like Yogi found your duckrolls.....only now they are bear-rolls....

Brenda A. said...

Whoa there!!! Those cougary moves might cause the needle on that fire danger sign to go flying right off! You must control your powers and promise to only use it for good. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Michael, that's what she said. You're my kind of audience.

HachaCHA! Thanks, Sandie!

LOL, Chris! Now Smoky has to clean up after. Good thing he brought a shovel.

HAha, Brenda! I will keep my eye on the hazard level.

Russ Krecklow said...

Now you're cooking! The only thing I would note is URL's are all lower case letters in the world of stupid computers (or even "smart" ones, for that matter. It looks cool the way you show it up there, but the computers will render you all lower case (I think.) Nice!

The Good Luck Duck said...

I'm pretty sure you're right, Russ. I only put it that way so the words stick in the mind like silly putty to the Sunday funnies. I'm always trying to read URLS and thinking the goo dlu ckduck?

Wheelingit said...

Well goodness, all very exciting stuff. Who are you using to host your blog now? Just curious since I'm always thinking about self-hosting.

By the way I went thro the same decision with RVThereYet. Linked my blog for a while, but got practically no back traffic and even got some of my stuff stolen (from other sites pilfering off RVThereYet). Good idea, but didn't work for me.


The Good Luck Duck said...

Nina, Blogger still hosts this blog, and I just went through them to register (with GoDaddy). I think WordPress offers a more attractive blog, but I'm set up here. Also, I read something that made me think that, now that they are affiliated with a new advertising company, upgraded accounts won't be allowed to monetize in any other way. I could be wrong, but it looked like a new policy.

I never saw one instance in my stats that indicated someone had clicked through. I don't know why it took me so long to figure it out.

Rick said...

Good moves - all of them.

Looking at your blog at the end of your post you have large, brightly colored Follow buttons. Right below that are the standard Follow buttons.

I'm guessing that if you removed the Brightly Colored Follow buttons then your 'threaded comment replies' just might work - I'm not sure but it might be a problem.

You could always try it and put them back if it doesn't.

Gaelyn said...

So that's who you're talking about it. Hadn't thought of it either but think I'm signed up there also. Time to check it out and get out of there.

I like my WordPress.

Jim And Robin said...

Way to go! I completely understand staying with blogger...moving anything can be a mess with broken links, etc.

My last tip of the day - to help increase traffic all by your ducky selves...make your post titles keyword rich, no matter the topic. If talking about the Grand Canyon, choose a title with little competition.

I know it makes it "mechanical" and I HATE THAT...believe me...but if you have titles you can rank in searches for, then anyone can get to your blog searching for all types of information.

I don't do it for every single post I put up, of course, but I do it for a large majority of them. Imagine the traffic and visits when you have people coming to your site from posts on the Grand Canyon, being vegetarian, boondocking...whatever you are talking about. With good keywords, you can land on Google's first page, and get all of that traffic (plus meet more, great folks!).

You two take care!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks Rick - that's a suggestion I will follow...as soon as I figure out how I put them in there to start with. Did I add them to my template? Ha! Documentation. I has none.

Gaelyn, you recently switched to WP, didn't you? Did your readers keep up with you?

Good tip, Robin. So, titles count more than tags, I assume? Or, does it help if your titles match your tags more?

Sherry said...

Now this is just really interesting and I wish I could understand at least half of it. But I love that you are thegoodluckduck.com and no blogger in the title. Does it cost to do this??

You look pretty slinky there by that big furry guy. Better be careful. Does Annie know about you two???

The Good Luck Duck said...

Sherry, it costs $10/year to do it through Blogger. It was really easy.

Who can resist a guy named Smokey? Not me.

Barb said...

Looks good, I've thought about getting my own URL... I think if I had something to sell or a small on-line business I would do that. $10/year isn't much, and you own it. RVThereYet doesn't sound like a good option to me. Glad you "disconnected." :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Barbara. It was a pretty low price, and it overcame the fear factor I had over linking everything to a new URL.

stillhowlyn said...

Hey, I found you. Nice new site!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Yay! Thanks.

Cherry said...

When I bought my .com through blogger/ google apps I also had to go back and fix my blogroll. Basically to get it to work I had to assign everyone on my Google Reader a folder to be able to pull the subscriptions into my blogger widget. If there's anything I can do to help y'all just let me know.

Don't let that tutorial on my page about threaded comments be scary - it;s pretty easy to do. Try setting up a test blog to work the kinks out in before updating your html here.

Also anytime someone plunks a .blogspot related address in their address bar it will automatically redirect them to here. I've had no problems so far and my readership has actually increased since taking on the .com.


Desert Diva (Cheryl) said...

What? I've been dropped from the "Duckroll?" *sniff

It's hard to keep up when you move from place to place with a group...

Congrats on your new "bonifide" URL!

Contessa said...

I think you might have amputated me:(

Donna K said...

Good news...I found your roll - it's lodged around my middle...would you please take it back?

Bob said...

*gasp* Lookit! I'm on the Duckroll!
I'd say I'm "still" on the Duckroll, but I hadn't really noticed that I was on it before or not. eep.

'Cause I'm so....attuned.

It all looks good to me.

*nervous laughter*

Unknown said...

Ok I'm lost but the good news is I can still read your blog, would have been disappointed if you disappeared after my little hiatus from the blogs. So many choices out there when it comes to blogging.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Janie, I found you! You're over on the Duckroll! Can I help you find anything else? I'm glad you can still see us.

Thanks for keeping a sharp eye out for important changes, Bob. I feel like I can relax now.

Donna, that can't be my Duckroll, because I'm looking down at it right now. It might be my Pillsbury Crescent Roll.

Contessa and Desert Diva, THANK you for speaking up. This is what I needed.

Cherry, I will approach your tutorial with a mind unafraid. Soon. The minute I stop quivering.

Rubye Jack said...

Looks good to me. Particularly, the one with you and the big guy.

Unknown said...

Like your new look! I got lost off of your blogroll, and hope that you'll add me back -

Thanks and good luck with the new platform

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, RJ! He's a hottie.

Found you, Maggie! Thanks for the heads-up.

Angie Mizzell said...

I arrived safely and everything looks lovely! But I'm so upset... with the loss of surprise sound and all.

Just kidding. That never happened to me on your blog.

The Good Luck Duck said...

And, it never will! I hope. Thanks, Angie!

Gaelyn said...

WP doesn't have "friend follow" so other means are necessary, of which there are many. Being a base beginner at web page design it did take me a while after the site launch to get several options set up and working, yet most of my regular commenters followed along. A few finally found me through the old site. Your site looks like somebody knows what they're doing. Takes a little time but....

Donna B. McNicol said...

Haven't read all the comments so someone may have already said this: both links will continue to work. How do I know? Check out http://2takinga5th.com and http://2takinga5th.blogspot.com Same thing with write4ten.com ;-)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Very good. Thanks, Donna!