Friday, October 26, 2012

Twice Nice Thriftique and Chimney Rock, Sedona

We love a good thrift store, where good = low prices + decent stuff. So, it made us nervous to read Twice Nice described as a Thriftique. It's hard for me to be snarky, because it's the income stream for a local women's shelter - a fine cause. It's hard, but not impossible, and I can push through it.

Already dressed in clothes not purchased at a thriftique, we felt underdressed. We started rifling through the merchandise like the unwashed masses. I had to put on my reading glasses, because I kept seeing extra zeros, but the glasses must have been dirty because the zeros were still there.

If you need to dress professionally, you'll do well here and you'll support a good charity while you're at it. If you dress like we do, meet me on Bag Day (somewhere other than Twice Nice, whose only bag is a Vuitton).

Chimney Rock. We circled it, but it did not become suspicious.

Javelinas were no danger to Ducks.

Vicki's pet was hurt by a javelina this week. We are now mad at all peccaries. 


Gaelyn said...

I can barely imagine a "thrift" shop in Sedona. But I scored in Prescott supporting the local animal shelter.

Haven't seen any javelinas since I got back.

SwankieWheels said...

Hope the pet is o.k.

Dragonfly said...

But the javalina are so darn cute. Was it a dog or cat that crossed paths? It must have been terrifying to Vicki.

Tesaje said...

That looks like 3 finger rock.

Vicki said...

The javelina are very interesting looking...their hair stands up like procupine quails but those tusk are VERY dangerous.
Yes Dragonfly...I was and am very terrified...never had one that of them charged at me...a flat bed trailer near by, saved my butt. The poor dogs took the brunt of them...the smallest/friendliest dog was gourd...6 punture wounds...1 very ugly! The larger dog only received 1 small knick. Vet treated...sutured every thing and anibiotics are being given.
Do glad the Ducks had a better experience with those interesting critters...the babies are adorable.

Jim and Gayle said...

We were warned of the javelina being dangerous to pets at Big Bend this week. Never saw any, though.
We like animal shelter thrift stores, usually nice and inexpensive. Any name with "tique" in it spells $$$!

Brenda A. said...

Looking forward to scouting out thrift stores across the country. The "designer" ones are fantastic when you want to be dressed for success but aren't there yet. But even the more humble ones can turn up some pretty great looks and for waaaay less! Fun!!!

People have a love/hate relationship with the javelinas. Love cause they're so different and the babies are adorable. Hate because they are mean and love to go through trash. Admire from afar only!

Unknown said...

Thriftique. I like that.

I haven't shopped Sedona, but Prescott is fabulous. I found more vintage accessories (for resale on eBay) in one afternoon in Prescott than I did during my entire two-week stay in San Francisco.

Are those real javelinas on that sidewalk, or sculptures? They are so monotone...

Barb said...

I'm so glad the dogs are okay. I've never seen a javelina, and if I ever do, I'll be using my zoom lens. If any came roaring up to us, I would pick up Katie, for sure, but then I guess I'd have holes in my calves. Thanks for the warning. :(

Roxanne said...

Vicki, thanks for letting us know about your pups. :( Do they seem to be feeling better? Our experience was of a bronze statue, so it was pretty risk-free. Besides the danger of tripping over it.

Me, too, Barbara. I guess I need to know javelina survival tactics if I'm going to keep traipsing around in the desert. I have heard that they prefer populated areas because of the garbage cans, but I see bites out of prickly pears even way out here.

Sue, Gaelyn said she did well in Prescott, too. MUST GO. They are bronze, I think. No rust (although they're new and this IS Arizona), so probably bronze.

Brenda, I love thrift stores. I have always felt heartsick picturing working a job where I needed to look successful. This is why people go into science.

Gayle, the animal shelter thrift store here in VOC is pretty pricey, too. So, I just donate my stuff there, but I don't buy much.

Mary, three fingers, on the rocks. They do look like fingers. i guess they call it "chimney" because there aren't as many lewd suggestions available.

Dragonfly, they are cute. I am torn about seeing them. I will be torn after seeing them.

Swankie, it sounds like she'll be okay. So scary!

Gaelyn, Sedonans have a different sense of "thrift" than I do.

Prettypics123 said...

Those damn javalinas can be vicious. They have actually chased John and the dogs! Watch out especially if there are young in the group.

Rubye Jack said...

I've been lucky in that everywhere I've worked I could dress as myself. I really see nothing cute about those javelinas. Such is life.

stillhowlyn said...

So Duckies...since you've been around the Arizona block a few times, methinks you're liking the Sedona area, no!

154275 said...

"We are now mad at all peccaries." is not a sentence or sentiment I have run across before. Nice work.

Donna K said...

I have been mad at all raccoons for years since one tangled with Rusty in the backyard and then tried to lure him into the swimming pool. Thank goodness he listened to my yells - either that or he was just smart enough to know you don't go into the water with a raccoon. I'll be mad at the peccaries with you!

Roxanne said...

Oh man, the raccoons are ruthless with dogs in water! Solidarity! Poor Rusty, he must have been a smart guy - most dogs don't know that.

Also (not for the first time), I read that one tangled with Russ in the backyard and then tried to lure him into the swimming pool. I guess Russ is a pretty smart guy, too - thank goodness.

Haha, Rodney! I admit, it's not a sentence I've ever formed or thought before.

Lynda, we do like Sedona lots, but it's actually not our favorite spot. It lured us here to the Southwest, and maybe that was its job. Now it's a lovely spot to be close to the Flag relatives and a local friend before heading back to lower ground for the winter.

RJ, I've had the same kind of good luck. Close-toed shoes have been my only dress code.

Levonne, THAT is scary. Nothing will scare them off or drive them back? Yikes. Bring on the animals that are more scared of me than I am of them.

Anonymous said...

Well you ARE in Sedona where even the bag ladies are fashionable. Can't say we did much frugal shopping when we were there, but sure love those red rocks. Hoping to see ya ducks down south this winter!

Nickie and Jim said...

Mad at all peccaries!! You guys quack me up.

Nicely framed shot of the chimneys.

(Aren't you glad you're not in NY now?)


Anonymous said...

Javelinas are really wicked things, mainly because they mostly have brute power and no real thinking ability. Just reaction. Stay away, babies or no, even if you have no animals.
They live all over the state... mostly, but I've seen them in Tucson in neighborhoods as well.


Tesaje said...

Yay glad the doggies are going to be okay. I spent quite a few years dressing for success. And I was in heavy duty science. But the last 10 years I cared a heck of a lot less And now I dress in whatever is comfortable. I donated a ton to thrift shops. But I don't think I want more stuff.

Diana said...

I agree about Prescott - lots of great thrift stores there!

Roxanne said...

Well, now, Prescott is looming large in my thrift-store fantasies! This calls for a visit.

Me <---caring a lot less now. I want more stuff sometimes, and I want to get rid of more stuff sometimes.

Javelinas may be tired of being seen only for their beauty. Hey buddy, my eyes are up here.

Nickie - quite glad! Although I'm missing people.

Nina, I like the frugal hiking here! Well, frugal if you have an interagency pass. All the red rock you can look at! It will be cool if our paths cross this winter!

Anonymous said...

I used to prowl the thrift stores and then I realized I could no longer tolerate that certain smell that acquire. Perhaps the Thriftique is just too fancy for that particular issue. I now consider TJ Maxx my thrift store ;-).

The Good Luck Duck said...

Annie, there is that certain smell, and certain of those certain smells can make us feel ill. I think it's mildew, maybe? Or maybe we have a funk allergy. TJ Maxx is my underwear go-to store (don't tell anyone).

At the Thriftique, one does not notice a smell because one would be mistaken.

Anonymous said...

I'd be snarky about a triftique too with prices like that! Hope Vicki's pet is okay. Blasted Javelinas.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Right, Somer? I think I need to get to Prescott. Vicki, lots of people are worried about the pups - keep us updated, please?

Vicki said...

Thank you all for asking after my fur babies! The boys (dogs) are doing fine. Doc sutured the worst punctures and they are looking very good. Doc also put them on antibiotic so the prognosis looks good! Toby,our friendliest/class clown is a bit leery out in the big yard now...hopefully with his personality, and being off the mountain for 5 months, that will pass quickly.
Again Thank yall for your concern!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Whew, Vicki! Thanks for letting us know!