While we're both enjoying the luxury, we're both preparing for our summers. Cheryl has been glamping up her rig. She's breaking it to her house gently that she'll be gone for a while. There are go piles and stay piles, but the house is getting the message that it stays.
In my rig, the organizing principle is where is the bucket?
Spud is waiting (what looks like) patiently for me to be ready. Cheryl has that same look.
It feels like I've tamed the clutter in Spud. Bedding is contained, mostly. Clothing is re-packed and organized. The new window tinting I got before I left Tucson is nicely private, plus keeping the heat down. I have black-out curtains ready, and a black-out panel for the rear hatch window and triangle windows just anterior.
I have a chair and a patio. I have other stuff, too, but I have a chair and a patio. And a Habitent.
The basics of Spud's layout are taken from Suanne's experience.
Cheryl is waiting for a mechanic's appointment, and I'm waiting with her, in case I can be helpful. While we're waiting, we do stuff. Like, I notice that the upholstery has a better body than I do.
I don't know what they call this neighborhood, but I call it AWESOME.
I thought I should crop, but what in the world would I cut out? Not Buddy Christ, that's for darn sure. |
Some of you will wonder what the writing says. You'll figure it out, then tell me, and I'll let you. |
These pictures are from different houses in this neighborhood. I haven't even included all the awesome that I saw here.
Then I got Moosed.
This is a club that would not have me for a member, which makes me want them even more. The bartender was very sweet, and still made it clear I could not buy drinks, or potato chips, or enter the gambling area. I was there totally under the auspices of my girl-Moose friend.
Thank goodness they gave me a bracelet so I could use the bathroom myself. |
Later, I wore the bracelet to Walmart. Naturally.
Rick has done a good job of explaining how Bloogle is consolidating its power. He was so convincing that I added a Google+ "encircle me" widget at the bottom. Not my bottom - cut it out.
I love the colorful houses! so many Home Owners Associations require only blah light colors. Give me a red house any day. I wish new RVs would be more colorful.
The bottom word is Portraits. It's written on the inside of the window so it's sort of backwards.
Those houses are beautiful. I'm glad you're having fun and enjoying the luxury.
Those colorful houses are really pretty. Don't see many like that in Montana. Sounds like you're almost ready to take off in Spud. Have a great time.
The houses remind me of my favorite neighborhoods in Tucson. Especially love the Buddy Christ and angel kitties! The whole vibe just works for me. I miss it. Sigh.....
Sandie, I'm not used to seeing much like them, either. Almost ready!
Thanks, Pam! They are beautiful - it makes me happy to look at them.
I agree, Merikay. How happy can beige make anyone?
It's a good feel, isn't it? I know that home would feel good to you right now, too. So unsettling.
Glad you and spud are getting ready to hit the road. Sorry the Meece didn't warm up to you but at least they gave you a bud.
That's it! I'm painting my house when I return from my summer travels...
Sherry - Actually the Moose guy was quite welcoming, but every lodge won't let you buy drinks/gamble unless you're a member.
Became Elk at Escapees rally. How to join Moose? Inquiring minds want to know...
Those Meeses aren't very hospitable. But who needs them anyway. Soon you and Spud will be off on a new adventure. And all the clothes and bedding will be messed up again. :D
I love those colorful houses! As much time as we've spent in Las Cruces I wonder how we've missed seeing them. Looking forward to seeing where Spud takes you.....
...and so the open road beckons. Glad you had the past few weeks with our Darling Diva!
CLASS PORTRAITS! That was bugging the heck out of me so I tried looking at it in a mirror and Eureka!
What did I win? :-)
Actually, looking at it again and at the stained glass picture of the woman, I think it's Glass Portraits.
Yup, I'm a whiz at reading backwards. Glass Portraits :) Do I win a prize?
Loved the blog post Roxanne, and your humor, as always. I'm glad you've had a kind, gentle, and fun way station for a few weeks. Do you know which direction spud will be taking you? Will you have electronics with which to communicate? I am in north central NM (Abiquiu) and AT&T access is very spotty. Keep in touch when you can. Have a safe journey.
I love the houses, too.
I've talked to a couple of people who say it's worthwhile to become an Elks and Moose member so you can stay free at the lodges. Some Elks lodges actually have hookups or even campgrounds.
I have several friends in TorC who are lady Moose members. It costs about $30 a year.
You have to have a member sponsor you. What I've heard is, go in and ask the bartender to sponsor you.
Wouldn't it be fun to have a house with all those bright colors? A few window boxes and some potted plants out front. I'd love that. Of course, my condo board wouldn't. Glad I moved. :)
Wagons Ho!! Have fun out there and be careful. I know you have a big stick don't be afraid to use it :0
Glad to know you are doing better. What great colors for Buddy Jesus and the Angel Kitties.
Around here for some unknown reason, there seem to be a lot of purple houses! I was thinking of photographing all the purple houses and making them into a book. Why? Beats the heck out of me but it would be a colorful book! Good luck to you and Spud.
OK so you will be off soon. Rollin, Rollin got to keep on rollin.
Love the houses. Maybe I'll paint my truck tent like that.
The sign in the window reads ƧTIAЯTЯOq.
I feel more alive looking at all those colors. Thank you for sharing them with us. Nice photos, very nice!
Around here there is probably a city ordinance against painting your house with those glorious colors..pphhhtttt!!
Those are some pretty strict Moose laws. Too many Moosettes running around and that could create havoc and whatnot!!
A bar that won't let you buy your own drinks sounds like it might be a good idea! Who wants to be called a Moose anyway.
I tried your G+ - it works!
If I ever live in a house again, it better be where there is no HOA so I can have a pretty house like those. So much character to share.
Other than possible camping spots, what is the advantage of being a Moose???
Swankie, the parking spots are the big draw, I think. Nice to have a place to pull in in a city. Cheryl reports some opportunities for socializing and eating, and an occasional slots adventure.
I agree about HOAs - yuck! Color fascists!
Lol, Rick, you make a good point. They should also run grocery stores where you can't buy your own food. Gas stations...you get the drift.
Nancy, it's possible about city ordinances. Boo! to them. And, it's the whatnot that scares me, too!
Thanks, John. I thank the people who went to so much trouble for my photo ops!
Nicely-done, Rob. Later I'll Google how you did that.
Fly that freak flag, Jo! You guys will have fun in your truck-house.
Donna, that would be a fun (purple) book. Back in Ithaca, there is a clutch (2) of purple houses. Thanks!
Thanks, Terri. Aren't they great?
Harriet, the stick is ready for use. I'll do both of those things - thanks!
Barbara, I think those people must be happier than the average bear. Besides the people across the street, who are happier still. This is a cute neighborhood - mostly very modest houses - where people keep things up without an omnipotent HOA telling them how to be.
Sue, I think that's a real advantage for folks like us. Cheryl says it's fairly costly to be an Elk compared with being a Moose. I'd be most any sort of ungulate if it gave me a place to park when I needed it. We think that a WoM could sponsor a prospective Moosette, too.
Thank you, Kess. It has been a real emotional boon to be able to stay here. I know you know how it is. I'll be headed north - maybe we can meet up somewhere? I have your email. I'll have my laptop and my phone, just no portable connectivity yet.
Glass Portraits. Nice, Pam and Laurie! ! I didn't even see that there was a word above.
Thanks, Contessa. You and Desert Diva need to meet up! I think you'd hit it off very nicely!
Sharon, I would never be able to get back to them, but we just got lucky this time.
Gaelyn, it's all true. Spud will be a mess within 24 hours. Spud will just be a constant mess.
Bob, I think the drill for Moosehood is to have a sponsor, fill out some brief paperwork, and pay your modest annual dues. It sounds easier than becoming an Elk.
Cheryl, that's the only thing keeping your little house from utter perfection. Then again, maybe you want to keep the exterior unremarkable so no one suspects that it's perfect.
Sherry, I CAN MAKE THEM LOVE ME! Okay, I can't. But, they would probably still let me join and buy my own drinks.
I LOVE those houses you photographed! I'm living in the wrong part of the country. I thought I was doing well getting away with a small white house trimmed in bright blue with bright purple front door and garage door. I live in New England and thought maybe my neighbors would have a fit or have the village first selectman after me to change the colors. Guess I'm far enough back from the road, they decided not to bother.
Donna, maybe they're afraid because they think you're a witch. Do you weigh the same as a duck?
I loved the house colors. But if I had painted my house in those colors when we owned one, the HOA would have burned it down and fined my a**.
Don't miss HOAs one bit. :c)
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