Monday, May 27, 2013

Southern New Mexico Wine Festival - what the website won't tell you

Cheryl and I hit the Southern New Mexico Wine Festival with the full weight of our thirsty bodies. If you're here to see lovely, artful pictures of the event, click through to see Desert Diva's shots. I'll only embarrass you if you continue here.


We came through the gates, got our bracelets, paid, and got our glasses. 

If you want to taste, get in line at the winery of your choice. Wait, get to the bar, ask for tastes of five (or more) of what you want to try. Go from dry to sweet, white to red. Leave a tip, if you're so inclined. Walk away.

Next: Line, taste, forget what you've already tasted, taste it again, dry sweet white red, leave a tip, leave.

Next: Mob, taste, just pour something, you're cute!, open wallet, push through crowd to leave.

Next: It's hot, can I lean on you, pour pour pour pour pour, here's my Visa, roll away, get stepped on twice.

Lauren Hill


Watching this couple made me happy and jealous all at once. They had a nice, easy Jitterbug going; I decided cutting in would be poor form. I love to jitterbug, West Coast swing, and anything you can teach me. No aerials, please. You'll thank me.

It reminded me that I'm in the good company of many, many women who love to dance but have no permanent dance partner. In social dance, followers are many, leaders are fewer. Ladies and gentlemen who follow on the floor, how do you manage? My experience of social dance is that it's brutal if you're not in the market or on it.

But, there will be gracious and willing leaders who will be happy to dance with me, whether I make them shine or not. I just have to be brave enough to weather the others. Right? Right. Maybe later.

When I told them how great they looked on the floor, they told me they'd been dancing 52 years together. Zounds, y'all! He said he couldn't walk and chew gum before he met her. They made each other shine. Dance on!

Uh, I'll drink that later.

In New York State winemaking, most vintners also grow their own grapes. Here in New Mexico, I think there are big vineyards that sell their grapes to many wineries. However you do it, Las Cruces is crazy about its wine!

Lots of women wore their winery finery:

I just wore my duckery ... best.

It was a good time! 


Unknown said...

Love the photobomb! Also if you start dancing alone you never know who will show up and join you!

Texas Yellow Rose said...

Yep, great photobomb! Heck, it's been so long since I've danced I'd probably have two webbed feet! ;) Glad you had a good time!

Dragonfly said...

You need to be more like me(yea,right). I dance as if I could dance. Not well at all but having few inhibitions and a poor 'filter' I dance with or without a partner, with or without alcohol.

TexCyn said...

Wine + Sun + Dancing...uh oh...

Unknown said...


Steven said...

I danced like no one is watching once.

My court date is pending ...

Never again!

Tesaje said...

Several years ago, I took lessons and learned to dance. It was a lot of fun but the wallflower trying to get a partner was the drag part. I learned to ask men for a dance. One of my most fun ever partners was a little bitty very old guy I stood a head taller than but boy he could lead and he knew quite a few swing moves most guys my age couldn't imagine. Helped being of that era. I also learned that many guys who dance decently with their wife often can't really dance very well with anyone else. They get used to each other and his leads are non-existent.

Dodging the men who just wanted to get personal info on me was icky and tiresome. Hey buddy, I only want to dance with you, not looking for a hookup. A lot of the guys just have a small set of moves they do but I put up with them to have a partner. Then life got even busier and my feet couldn't take it anymore. I got tired of the forced sociability with people I wouldn't really have anything to do with except to dance. Being an introvert, it was an effort to do that. So that's my dancing arc.

Wine tasting is fun.

Unknown said...

"Here's my visa..." hahaha. Brings back memories. That's how a lot of my wine tastings ended in a prior life...

The Good Luck Duck said...

Lol, MG! I tasted a few that I really liked, but there's liking, and then there's buying.

I hear ya, Mary, Even with me asking leaders to dance, it's a messy business. There's the deep-sigh "yes," the "eye-roll" yes, the "pity" yes, and the "no." I"m not shy, but I am an introvert, and I agree - all of that is draining. There was a loyal stand-by, Jim, who was so gracious and was having such a good time always, that I forgave him his abysmal lead. I don't know why it's hard for some guys to get that they'll be most popular, not for their crisp moves, but, for their attitude.

Steve! Haha! Okay, then leave a message like no one's home.

It was, Sue!

Yeah, Cyn, there's that, for sure. Thank goodness for pirated water and misters <---the water kind

Dragonfly, those are exactly the right filters.

Hey, Betty, watch those aspersions! It's been a long, long time for me, too.

It's true, Nanci. And, I could also learn to lead. That tips the odds in favor of dancing, too.

swankiewheels said...

Hey, they was a guy at the Winter RTR... showed up at the bar where Lucy was singing... and we danced several dances. I think it was the first time I had danced in over 20 years, because of the knees. It was great, and you don't forget how... it comes right back to you. He was a good leader.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Fun, Charlene! Maybe a bar is my best bet <---words never before said by anyone

heyduke50 said...

i suck as a dancer but whenever our paths cross, and they will, remind me to dance with you... but you will have to get me drunk first as it is the only way I can dance...

Contessa said...

Yup us females are the dancing leads just as we lead in much other stuff. Love the wine tasting thing....between the wine and the dancing I likely would have been on the floor....oh I so wish I had been there and done that!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Heyduke: done, and done.

Contessa, it was right up your alley! You would have enjoyed it.

Nickie and Jim said...

I rank dancing right up there with ironing....

Loved the winery-finery!

ain't for city gals said...

My mom and dad were the BEST jitterbug dancers...they would clear a dance floor! They danced together for 62 years! before he passed a year and half ago. And you are so right about the leaders...I could dance with my dad and actually look like I knew what I was doing because he was such a great husband..not so much but he tries...

Sherry said...

The Great leader is the key. They can make anyone look good. Talk about rare birds. Do women really have all the rythmn or at least most of it??? I'm a whine-o rather than a wine-o so do I get in free???

JO said...

So you didn't dance? Then you didn't taste enough wine. You slipping or would more have made you slip? I think I tasted to much tonight.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Lol, Jo! The more I drink, the less-likely I would be to dance.Some combinations aren't safe.

Sherry, a great leader is a thing of beauty. My husband had no rhythm. When we danced, I tapped out the beat on his shoulder. And, unless you're under 21, Whine-O, you'd have to pay.

AFCG, that's not such a long time ago to have lost your dad. I'm sorry. Annie's parents were good dancers, and she was a very good leader, too. Still is, I imagine. She hasn't danced for a long time, which is a waste.

Nickie, do you mean you need to knock back a few before you press the underwear (IF you know what I'm sayin')? Or that they're equally compelling for you?

Gaelyn said...

I used to dance without liquor. Now I can't find any dance partners and am a lightweight when it comes to liquor. Dang. We must be doing something wrong.

The Good Luck Duck said...

You're telling me!

Nancy said...

My mom and dad danced. Polka, waltz, swing. I thought they were the best ever. I didn't get the gene. I like it but I am very bad at it. I try to lead when I shouldn't.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Nancy, sometimes a follower's gotta do what a follower's gotta do. Dance abhors a vacuum.

Pam Wright said...

Looks like way too good a time!! Glad you had a great day.

Unknown said...

Great photo bomb! Sun and a lot of wine...I would have been stubmling all over that dance floor!

The Good Luck Duck said...

In that case, Mary, I'd better lead.

It was fun, Pam!

Desert Diva said...

What a mob scene at the festival! Sadly, you're correct about dancing. Where have all the leaders gone? :-(

The Good Luck Duck said...

I've told you my tales of woe on the dance floor. It's sad! I know there are leaders out there who also just love to dance. They're just spread thin. :o)