Kitty City NM. Don't look for it on a map.
I stumbled upon Classy Cats Thrift Store in downtown Alamogordo (921 New York Avenue, Alamogordo, NM).
It's a cute little shop with good prices and interesting stuff. AND KITTENS!!! They'll take them out of their cages and hand them to you, if you want. FUZZY KITTENS!!! It all benefits Kitty City, a shelter and adoption center just out of town.
I asked if I could help there if I were just passing through. Yep!
You can show up and Ed will hand you a brush for grooming, or just turn you loose to socialize with cats.
I gave no advance notice at all. I was there when Ed got back from lunch, and he let me into the cattery. The runs are bright, airy, and spacious with lots of climby things and toys. All cats can go out to their safe enclosures, or inside to enjoy air conditioning. The whole place was very clean.
In his office are FIV+ and FeLeuk cats. Both can live good, long lives.
Over six years, this small shelter has adopted out 1000 cats. This is not a big city.
If you're visiting Alamogordo, do go to Classy Cats Thrift Store. If you need a cat fix (*raises hand*), go pet kitties at Kitty City NM. Cats who get socialized have a better chance to get adopted. You'll lower your blood pressure, and do a good thing for their futures at the same time.
Fuzzy as I was, I went to meet Roy and Marilyn from The Road. You can also find them on Facebook at The Road - RV Blog. They've been full-timing for 3-1/2 years, and they're still fun.
There are six of them in their rig. I'm featuring Otis, because CUTE.
You can't see from the picture; Otie has cerebellar hypoplasia (also called "wobbly kitty syndrome"). Otis hunts and plays and talks, and makes you giggle while he does it. His vocabulary includes "Hello!" and "Come out!" It's impossible not to love him on sight. Go on. I dare you. Look for him on movie screens and Facebook near you.
Sounds like you had a fun afternoon. Kitties can make you feel like everything is right in the universe. Good for you!
Here we have the Dog House 2nd hand store and Barking Basement. They help support a few humane places for cats and dogs. I shop at them all the time.
Awwwww. Glad you got you kitty fix.
Kitty and puppy fixes make life all good.
If everyone had a cat, the world would be a much happier place (and stock in those sticky lint/cat hair rollers would rule the Dow).
Sounds like Kitty City is a great spot to be a cat. When I die, I want to come back as a cat and live there.
So nice that you got to meet up with Roy and Marilyn. they have been doing a great job trying to help us win the contest we are in.
So glad there are places like this for all those cats. I wouldn't be able to help there. I would end up bringing too many cats home. Glad you helped out:)
Wow, you are finding "adventures!" I'm glad you got your kitty fix by stopping by the thrift store and volunteering!
Cali is jealous of the "kitty attention!"
Sounds like the Anti-Switzerland:
I already love thrift shopping. I already love kitties. Put them both together? LOVE!!!! What fun for you. :)
Oh, I'm glad you had a fun day!
Jo, I'm in the Show Low area, too. Pinetop, to be exact. I haven't hit those thrift stores yet because I'm in a big rig without a toad, but I've gone by them on the bus.
Being suckers for cats, we will check it out next time we're in Alamogordo.
Otis is such a cutie. Now I have another blog to follow!
My sister's cat has that -- we call it fallin'-down disease, and Tipsy does, indeed, fall down pretty often, but she doesn't care, so she's pretty happy with things.
Be careful getting your kitty fix -- that's how I wound up with Loiosh.
My son has a cat named Otis who happens to be a she, so I call her Miss Otis, as in Miss Otis Regrets, an old blues song... This Otis is quite a cutie. I fear I would not be able to leave that place without a couple of cats under each arm...
I got a kitty fix at PetSmart this morning when we went to buy dog food. Love your kitty pictures - both are beautiful.
Your duck navigation sense must have lead you right there. Purrfect!
I'm allergic to kitties, so can only manage to live with one at a time; and, our community limits total pets per household; otherwise I'd probably never get out of an adoption facility w/o another kitten or pup or three in tow. Glad you're enjoying NM so far. It's a beautiful place.
Ok you didn't say did you get a kitty? If so how is it working out in the prius. I can see a litter box on the passenger side floor. You probably have that area used for storage. Anyway, just seeing the cats was restful.
Oh yes , my kind of day too !!! Kitties everywhere. I love Otis !! I used to have a CH cat.
Thank you SO much for this! When (I'm being optimistic and not using "if") we make it there, I'll know where to go for a cat fix! I love our Maggie but, having lived with cats before, there is nothing like the presence of a cat. Lucky you for finding this! Lucky us for you sharing it!
I've been to that store! Love poking around in there...
Oh so special to get a kitty fix while on the road.
Otis is a cutie ~>^^<
Are you staying at Oliver Lee? Love that campground !! The ramadas are great, and the round-the-campground hiking is good. I went only a short distance up Dog Canyon, but it is a very spectacular hike, I'm told, and goes way, way far away into the Lincoln Forest.
See the most gorgeous cat I've ever seen at mah blog for last Thursday.
I think I'm having a cute overload!
Great idea and concept, and with 1,000 adoptions, it is working. Glad you are back on the road, even if you are living out of your car. Good luck with everything, and I wonder how many days will go by before you go back and help again. :)
Dave (Marcia and Bubba and Skruffy)
I've been internetless in the wilds of the Pennsylvania mountains now for days. I come back to find you are missing your kitties - no surprise. Any plans to rendevous and pick them up from Annie?
This sounds like a great place. I love shelters that do a great job AND I can get a thrift shop fix while helping them.
I do miss them, but the missing them would end soon living with them in a car, Sherry. Maybe I could get one of those bike trailers for them.
Thanks, Dave! And thanks for commenting. I will definitely keep this place in mind.
Cat, lay down and think of smokestacks until you feel better!
Judie, it was so hot I just sat under the shelter with a good book. I briefly considered the short riparian trail, then I considered the book harder. And, that cat looks just like our Max! My mother once said about Max: "he is the most beautiful cat I've ever seen!"
Love Otis, Nancy!
It was good, Gaelyn. And fuzzy.
Cool, Kate! And thanks for introducing me to Park City - I didn't realize it got so mountainous in those parts.
Aw, thanks, Betty! Yes, cats are special.
Yeah, Sue? That's so awesome of you! I've met a few CH cats, and they just all seem to be fully involved in getting on with life. It was fun to watch Otie hunt and call his prey. "Come out! Come out!"
Kristine, what an optimist you are! No, no kitties came away with me.
Karen, it's very beautiful here. And, would your HOA really notice one more kitty...? :oD
Contessa, ducks are notorious for their cat-sniffing abilities!
Donna, PetSmart is crafty that way. "Here's your dog food...and a cat! Have a great weekend!"
Teresa, I think I know that old song - it's sad. Load up your armpits.
Tipsy! Lol! Yeah, what do they know about standing upright and walking straight like regular, ordinary cats? They just know about wobblin'!
Yep, Gayle, check those guys out. They're like the wind.
Sue and Brenda, thanks! It was fun, and it was thrifty!
Cali must have accidentally missed me, since she didn't even bark when I showed up!
Pam, when the facilities are good and clean, and it's a no-kill shelter, I can exercise a lot of restraint. I just can't go to kill-shelters.
Ruth, I've been out of touch - good luck with that contest! And, good luck with your next life! :o)
Anne and Sandie, I agree with all those things you said.
Thanks, Mary - me too.
That's cool, Jo. It makes you feel better about spending money there!
Karen, kitties are magical. I even got a couple of magic bites from a very excited/happy cat.
I agree, Ruth! Keep it up, Kitty City NM!
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