\OIf OI type naturally, it lOOks like this. Remember the days when Midlife Cruiser typed entire pOSts while cOpying and pasting the missing lettersO? OHahaha! ONOt dOing that.
This is the Habitent's first field-trial. Two wings up! A ranger stopped by to tease me about putting up my own outhouse.
It gives me a sitting room where I can curl up and read.
I'm in Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico. I stopped in at the public library for wifi, but they don't have any! The woman at the desk explained where I could go [in the parking lot] to pick up some. Park in front of the Civic Center, and there you go!
Enjoy for me...
Habitent ahoy!
It does look like an outhouse! Never thunked it.
I just knew you'd throw in something about composting!
I love your new sitting room. It looks very cozy and private. Easy to install, too. And... why not put in a little toilet? You'd still be sitting, right? :)
Passion Pie Cafe also has wifi. And a few other things.
Glad you made it to TorC. I hope you can have a little fun while you're there. I wish I'd had the opportunity to introduce you to more of my friends! They would all love hanging out with you!
Keyboard issues aside, glad you had a successful first outing. Doesn't look like a porta-potti to me, but rather like the coolest mobile home in blogdom.
I like your outhouse, but wondered why it needed to be so tall? Is there some wasted space there????
Yesterday I took my two little grandkids kayaking.
Almost room for two
ND THEYIS IS HOW I TYPIE, SO THERE. and I always hi the cayps key. Not goona fix my pyoos either, so there. Ihave to get used to the keyboard on the netbook. It's smaller. then thee's cell phone typing. isn't typing fun!>>?? Iknew i'd find that question mark key eventually...
Looks hot there. That river looks very enticing to my dog. A duck wandering the southwest searching for free wifi.
Good grief, you haven't had this posted 2 hours and I'm #11. You got you some following missy. Love those sunset shots. Spud looks great parked right there in front of that adobe...ah..mmm....adobe.....hmmmm building???
So the woman at the library desk told you where to go to pick up some. Okay, but what did you do for WiFi??? Eh??
I also added "You may reprimand me for this comment" but I put it in those forward and backward arrow thingies instead of parentheses. When will I learn that those denote html?? Probably never, at least in this lifetime . . . ;)
Nice moon pic!
I like it!!..is it that cool weather wise in TorC to camp?
Awwww!! YOu remembered :))) I LOLed in my pants when I saw your FB pOst with the O's. NOw yOu can feel my pain! We are ONE! LOLOLOL!!!
Oh, and can you believe when I stOpped cOpying & pasting letters for my pOsts, I gOt a few gripey comments that my blOg was illegible! HEHE!!
Pretty pictures the sunset is awesome.
Beautiful sky out there.
You sure took some beautiful photos from your home on wheels.
I don't understand how your sitting room stays there or how you sit in it. It's cute, tho.
Love the look of your home on wheels!! Very cute:)
This all cracks me up!
Thanks, Pam! She is pretty cute, if she says so herself.
Saunter, the part you can't see is the hatch standing open - that's the support for the whole thing.
Thanks, Rick. Not bad real estate, right?
It is beautiful, Teri.
Wasn't that cool, Jo? The Sun and the moon were the same color that night.
Hahahaha Nellie! You made me LOL one in my pants, too.
AFCG: No! It isn't that cool at all. I don't mind the heat, though, so I'm good.
Thanks, Lynda! The moon kept moving - what's up with that?
Betty, that made guff-snort. I went ahead and picked up some while I was there. The wifi was good, too.
Lol, Sherry. I think they call it a shelter. There's a pick-a-nick table inside.
It is hot, Mary. The water looked enticing to this dry duck, too. [posted from free wifi]
Cyn, before I got this cheap keyboard you see me here a'typin' on, I had to say "QUESTION MARK" to denote a question. There are ways!
Almost, Anon. There would need to be a shuffling of possessions, but it could work.
Right, Shirlene? It was hot, but nice.
Haha Swankie! Maybe too much HEADroom?? <---snort
Thanks, Kim! Big-riggers keep looking at me - with envy, I believe.
Oh d'oh Sue! I wondered about that, but assumed not. Next time. And, let's get together in TorC sometime when, you know, we're both here.
Good point, Barbara! I do have a bucket, for those times. And, Judy knows I'll jump at any opportunity to talk about my bucket.
Nan, this may be why people were dancing around Spud. It didn't occur to me.
Avast not, Marianne, 'till ye reach the next state park.
I'll enjoy for both of us, Maggie. And congratulations on your new gig!
Sure wish I'd had a tent like that for my Vega way back then. OK, stop laughing about my Vega.
So, the other night a woman, a ssenior student arriving late at the Aikido dojo where I sat watching, asked if I had any questions. "What's the meaning of life?," I asked. "42," she answered.
I'd never heard of the game or Adam and the question was purely meant in fun. So I found it delightful when, this evening, I randomly picked a post from your archive and found the answer!
Jung would have merely smiled his Mona Lisa and said, "But, of course."
Happy Holidaiz!!!
Mike, even with Adams' help, 42 routinely confounds me.
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