Tuesday, June 18, 2013

More Oliver Lee State Park. Bonus: Las Cruces, New Mexico

Oliver Lee Some More

Oliver Lee State Park was relaxing. I love the high pines of the mountains, but I can't stay away from the desert, even the summer desert. All I had to do was sit in the shade, drink water, and read a book.

Smell ya later.
 A shy little bird happened into my shelter. Shy like a fox!

 Get out, Harry Plopper!

Century plant, so-named because it's 100 feet high.*

*Facts presented here may not be accurate.

Las Cruces Again
Being a boondocker can skew your view of what "regular" people do in extreme weather. Sure, people may stay in Las Cruces, but where do they live in the summer? It seems they just keep on living here. Unexpected.

 Free concert in the park! This is 24/7, a blues band. The guy on the wailing sax is Cheryl's RV repair guy.

I'll go in if you do. 
Let's go in together!
No, you first, if it's so great being wet.
You people make me sick. Are you mice, or ducks?

I disapprove of being this high. Why can't you be happy on the ground? I can't watch this.

I see you! [Peeking Duck]


Marianne, Trumansburg said...

Wishing you were back HERE in the REAL WORLD and not having quite so many sweet adventures. It's GOT to make a person a bit unbalanced and, yes, I'm a bit jealous.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Come on in, Marianne! The water's fine!

Teri said...

I'm not adjusting well to the heat, not sure how you do it. I'm down here on South Padre using A/C which I usually avoid, but waiting for the baby, so I have to be here. I'm planning my route north.

Nan said...

Are you sure that was not the AFLAC duck?

The Good Luck Duck said...

Teri, the humidity makes it a whole 'nother beast. It got humid here a couple of evenings ago and I could barely make it to the car. SPI has to be brutal with humidity right now.

THAT'S why he looked so familiar, Nan!

Anonymous said...

Harry Plopper!!! :D "I like the way you talk."

Xo! From the midlife pooper (formerly cruiser)

The Good Luck Duck said...

LOL, Midlife Pooper. Well, I like the way you talk, mmmmhmmm.

Tesaje said...

Some people like the heat. Not me. I've lived dry heat and humid heat. Both suck. The people who stay in hot places retire to AC dwellings. Lots go from their AC house to their AC car to the AC stores and other venues only being out in the heat long enuf to go from one to another. The old fashioned way is siesta afternoons and staying up late. Heat just saps the life out of me. I yearn for the freedom to spend my summers in cool places.

Thanks for the grins.

Travels with Emma said...

I don't know, I think maybe the heat has gotten to you. Paddle on up to Minnesota and enjoy the leech filled lakes and tick filled land. Uf-Duh!

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

All the wonders of Mother Nature with heat and humidity thrown in to keep us mere mortals in our place. I guess Mother has no sense of humor, unlike you... ;c)

Unknown said...

I've stayed in the heat of southern NM the past two summers, and I needed to use A/C or a swamp cooler daily, usually from early afternoon until early evening. It's nice to try something different this summer. Leaving for the summer and seeing where we land is definitely an experiment.

Gaelyn said...

I don't like to be cold but that southern heat, dry or wet, just makes me wilt. A pleasant 80 with wind today on the North Rim.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Well, the in-between is nicest of all. Gaelyn, sorry you have to be at that nasty North Rim all summer, with those stinky old trees and the big hole in the ground.

I've definitely been sitting here in the AC in Las Cruces. It gives the illusion that it's really nice outside.

Paul and Marti, thank you. I think Mother Nature does have a sense of humor, she's just sick and twisted.

Leeches and ticks! Ducks love that stuff, Judy!

Mary, your grins are my mission. May you be cool.

JO said...

You are going to be a real Las Crucesian soon.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were heading north, or are you in North Las Cruces? I live in So. Cal...June Gloom all week...come on over.

The Good Luck Duck said...

I know it, Jo. There's a surprising amount of stuff that goes on here.

I did head north! But, the best way to get where I want to be next is to come through LC, plus a good friend lives here. Win-win. June Gloom: is that a description of weather, or your mood?

Unknown said...

24/7 is our most favorite local band! They used to play at Groovy Gritz before they closed! 24/7 Band would pack the house! I miss them and I miss Groovy Gritz! We are now camped up in the White Mountains in AZ, just off highway 260 on Young Road.(Between Payson and Heber) Great boondocking here, 55 degrees here this morning, 85 high yesterday! Just thought I'd mention it in case you wanted to head west!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Nice! Sounds like a good place - perfect temps. Is it near Canyon Point campground?

Unknown said...

Geri was camped at Datil Well at the same time I was--I ran into her husband there and got their business card. We're in the White Mountains now, too, in Pinetop. It was 52 in the RV this morning. We have hardly used the A/C at all since getting here. There are three national forests all connected up here--you might think of heading this way, Roxanne.

judilyn said...

Oliver Lee State Park is one of my favorites! The little area up by the ranger station attracts all manner of birds and flutterbies - should be hummers at this time of year. Pleasant to sit there in the shade and watch what comes buzzing by.

Looking forward to a visit later this fall.

Sherry said...

Heat dry or humid makes me melt - tender flower that I am. So I high tailed it to Vermont. I highly recommend that. It's 70 degrees mid afternoon and the sun is making things not to hot, not too cold,.....just right. You're a duck, fly on over.

Unknown said...

Gee Roxanne, Canyon Point campground??? I dunno. I used to visit Young AZ many years ago, took Chuck there about 4 years ago, so we knew there was dispersed camping all along this road.
We simply hung a right when we saw Young Road and were lucky enough to find this spot! There might be real campgrounds further down.....
NOTE: If you ever take this road, go the whole 24 miles into Young... great little western town! 24 miles of dirt road in from the north and 30+ miles dirt road from the south has kept it pretty pristeen! Just north of town, look for a sign pointing to Haigler Creek. Great boondocking campground with good vault toilets!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Lol, Geri. That's the closest thing I saw on Google maps. You've got my number with the vault toilet - I saved this!

Sherry, you quack me up. Vermont is pretty great, though. I like it.

Judie, the ranger on duty told me October and March are their busiest months. Not June - huh!

Sue, I'm definitely heading up and north!

Unknown said...

Canyon Point Campground is on my radar for after we leave Pinetop in about three weeks. We may linger a few places in between here and there.

Brenda A. said...

I think some of us were just born for heat. Cold is what fills me with dread. And I can't even comprehend spending the summer someplace where temps max out at 70-ish. That would make me miserable. It's okay for winter....but not summer for crying out loud! I do enjoy those temps as a very temporary break from the heat. But all summer long would make me insane. I need temps to at least be approaching the 80's before I can comfortably break out the shorts. And I pretty much want to be in shorts ALL SUMMER LONG. Okay....maybe I've finally gotten to the heart of the matter. I hate clothes. The less need I have of them, the happier I am. Yeah....that's it.

Roxi said...

Brenda, I thought you might understand desert lust. I've got nothing against beautiful piney places. I just piney for the desert.