Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sandia Peaks Tramway, Albuquerque New Mexico

Thank you, Joy, for hosting me and a passel (bunch, group, horde) of our old friends! I'm sad to leave, but if I don't go, how will I come back?

Albuquerque is home to the Sandia Peak Tramway, located unexpectedly on Sandia Peak. Last night, we were located unexpectedly on Sandia Peak.

First, Lori and I scoped out the daytime sights while Joy toiled wearily at her J - O - B.

We told people it's not that we're afraid to go up, we just don't need to.

...something something counterweight

Later, I held down the couch and waited for Joy to stop W-O-R-K-I-N-G. Then we were up and away.

Joy recommends the sunset trip. It takes 14 minutes to get to the top. Also 14 minutes to get to the bottom. Coincidence? Definitely not. 

Once you're at the top, you're free to stay as long as you like.

At one point of the ride, you are 960' above the ground.

If you are interested in TWA Flight 260, ask the guide about it when you get on; they're not allowed to mention it unless someone asks.

Albuquerque city lights. Turn left, Bugs.

If the mood is right, and conditions are right, and left is right, you can ski down the other side of the mountain from about 10,000 feet. I like my clumsy descents to be closer to sea level.

Today I'll leave, and then I'll be someplace else. More details later.


Teresa Evangeline said...

Wow. Great pics. All those years I lived in Santa Fe and I never took that tram ride. Shame on me. Albuquerque is a beautiful city ... at night.

Bugs Bunny would love your last caption.

Jan Goldfield said...

Next time, plan your trip to ski down. Fantastic!

lesliewhozit said...

the tram was closed when Gary and I went to Albuquerque! We were so disappointed but we got pictures of the beefalo herd down below. What great pictures!! Quite the view from up there. Good to see you having fun!

Kevin Read said...

The tramway was closed for maintenance the week we were there in April! Guess we'll just have to return some day...


The Good Luck Duck said...

Kevin, maybe the first week in October?

Les, thanks for the "beefalo" confirmation. Another guest politely asserted they were buffalo, and I made a counter-assertion. Fisticuffs were averted.

As if, Jan.

Gigi, I can see how that would have happened. This is why there are Valium trees.

Thanks, Teresa. Yes, nightfall covers a multitude of imperfections. For a city, ABQ isn't bad.

Jim and Sandie said...

Our oldest son got married going up the tram and had their reception at the restaurant on top. It was fabulous.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Wowwie! That sounds spectacular!

Karen Snyder said...

I should put you in touch with my cousin in Abq. for an altitude fix. He has balloon connections! :)

Thanks for the armchair visit to a part of the country that will forever hold a piece of my heart. Beautiful photos

The Good Luck Duck said...

*urp* Thanks, anyway, and thanks!

The Odd Essay said...

I love ABQ... been up in that tram a couple of times... but never in the evening when the lights are on... really great shots!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures. I will definitely go try that tram trip sometime. Thanks!

Travels with Emma said...

Cool beans!

Unknown said...

Whew! I am afraid of heights! I could NEVER do that. Thank you for doing it for me!

Rick said...

I've taken that very same ride to the top and it was pretty exciting alright. Your pictures turned out a lot better than mine as my camera was shaking pretty good.

I went on the sunset ride too and the view of the desert was awesome.

Newagenomad said...

Beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Great photos from the Crest! We lived on the east side of the Sandias (the "green side" of the mountains) for 22 years. Loved it -- as you can tell from previous posts, I STILL love New Mexico. Hard to beat the sunsets, sunrises, blue skies, mountains, etc. etc. Haven't been up on the Tram for quite a few years, but did it a number of times. Let me tell you -- it's freakin' cold up there in the winter with the wind blowing!


Gaelyn said...

I'd like that view, and ride. Heck it's only 28 mins. out of your life.

Guess you're not in Flag any more. Too bad, I'll be there Thursday.

Dragonfly said...

Oh, the tram looks like its new on my bucket list.

stillhowlyn said...

Beautiful sunset photos. The anxiety experts say "face your fears". Well thanks, I just did and enjoyed it much more from here!

John and Pam (ohtheplacestheygo.wordpress.com) said...

What a beautiful trip up the mountain!! Definitely a great idea to take the sunset tour. Wow!!!

Pam said...

You should go to Tinkertown. It's near ABQ and I think you would love it.

I'm really missing New Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait until our trip to New Mexico again. Some of your pictures reminded me of the area surrounding the Capulin volcano.

Tesaje said...

I like Albuquerque but I never took the tram. If I could stand the tram up to the heights of the Andes in Venezuela, I'm sure I could handle that one. Skiing works ever so much better when there is snow covering all the ground ...