Datil, New Mexico has a lovely little campsite that is famous with boondockers for its cuteness, toilets, good water, and wifi. I didn't stay there. I stayed with my friends, Betty and John, who are known for the very same things. Life there is the opposite of roughing it. I smoothed it. Betty is my PR agent - she makes her friends read my blog.
I don't know. Who IS the pretty mule? Oh, who? |
How YOU doin'? |
This bug claims to be real. |
Magdalena, New Mexico |
This library is in the Top Five of cutest libraries in the world, neck-and-neck with Datil's. It offers fast wifi even when it's closed, if you already have the password.
If you're into these things, here's one.
That's hornED toad. |
On a clear day, you can see about 22 miles.
Tonight I'm in Truth or Consequences where I'll be house- and cat-sitting several weeks for some friends I just met. I'd write longer, but there are no-bake cookies.
Hope your new house sitting gig provides free WIFI too. Love the Horned toad.
Are those dishes searching for intelligent life on other planets? There isn't much of it here. ;-)
Is the Blue Canyon Gallery still open outside of town, set back off the road? It it is stop in and tell Barbara Diane and Dakota from Ohio I said hi and hope to visit her next summer.
You made up that red banded bug. I just know you did.
House sitting, what a great gig, you could do that all over the country and continue on your venture....you could live in the lap of luxury and not pay for it...except for gas to get there....whooo hoooo.
What did you feed that bug? It's going to burst!
Hi Roxi! I'm so glad you are house sitting! Seems reasonable to me. Will & I loved Magdalena when we went through--We even stopped to check out land. Didn't realize Datil had so much to offer---we'll have to investigate that more next time through.Hope all is well. Dixie
Love the horned toad!
That is one cute library. And one horned toad.
You find the coolest places.
House & cat sitting? Nice gig! There are people who pretty much make their way across the country (and world) doing that. I find it intriguing.
I might be interested in that "thing" if I had a clue what it was.
I'd love to see the VLA. I was trying to remember why Datil was familiar, and it's because of the VLA.
Have you been to Pie Town? I want to go there on my birthday one year, which is Pi Day.
I still like hornY toad better --hehehe. The photo of the lone tree looks like it was taken in the Hwy 12/Greens Gap Road area, which we go by on the way to our land. If it's not, it's sure doing a great imitation.
Brenda--that thing is the blade from a windmill.
Right, Brenda? I never pursued the opportunity before, but this just felt like a good thing, so I went with it. So far I was right.
And, that's where I stand with regard to that thing, too.
I do, Nancy, and it's just because people suggest them to me.
Lol, Kim! They are them.
Isn't he a great specimen, Leigh? We admired him for a long time.
I think this gig will be a good thing, Dixie. The people of the house are my kind. They have a quiet, gentle vibe. Magdalena is the big town Datil people go to if they don't need to go to The City (Socorro).
STAND BACK! SHE'S GOING TO BLOW! Have you seen one before, Grace? They belong in the Chihuahuan desert, but this guy was at the far reaches of his territory, or outside.
I could, couldn't I Shirlene? I'd have to screen carefully, though!
Dragonfly, I don't recall that name, but it doesn't mean it's gone. I may not have registered it.
Tee hee Jan!
Page, it just has to exist somewhere. They don't claim to be looking for such a thing, but it constitutes a huge radio telescope, so I'm sure some people are hoping for such an accidental discovery.
Yes Gaelyn! It's like the best campground, except I sleep indoors and use electricity. Plus cats!
Lol, Renee, it's easier to say, too. I don't know the road name - it's going toward Water Canyon campground. Is that the same road?
Linda, seriously?? That's freakin' humungous.
Linda, they would love that - you should be sure to tell them it's your birthday, too.
Mmm, now I want pi.
Whoops, I meant to say "yes, I have been to Pie Town." We ate at the Pie-O-Neer last time I was there. And, she will make a vegan pie if she has advance notice, but what would I do with a whole pie ... oh, yeah.
A windmill blade! Here I thought it was a giant white zucchini...
I'm into those things and I think it's beautiful
Alphonse! I've missed you!
Sue, the convoy vehicle did say "WIDE GARDEN VEGETABLE." I wondered about that.
Great pictures! Judging from the number of comments you are getting from your readers I'd better cut down the words on my posts and just keep the pictures. Carry on!!
Sherry, I'm just a lazy blogger. Each of those pictures? A thousand words. You should do what makes your blogging heart sing!
We still haven't made it to Datil but been to T or C a couple times. Some dusty little western towns just west of there caught our fancy too. Ya got some nice photos there, keep shootin:))
Al, one day I'm going to do the circle from TorC out to Reserve and around. Or vice versa.
Ah...good memories from Datil. I stayed at that little campground and we may well have participated in Pie. It's all lost in a sugary haze.
House Sitting sounds perfect!
Great pictures. Still waiting for the camper to be finished so I can hit the road.
I saw three of those whales the other day on the Highway. There huge.
Nina, I remember your picture of pie, so I'm pretty sure you participated! Yes, this is a very nice situation for me, and hopefully for the owners, too.
Jo, I would never have imagined windmill blades would be so enormous.
That red and black bug must have dropped in from Roswell! Weird and beautiful at the same time! We are definitely going to miss NM. We plan to spend some of our last month here exploring corners we haven't visited yet!We have a humane society near town... provides free camping for volunteering. Find Paws and Claws thift store (next to Family Dollar) to inquire! Enjoy your stay in T or C !!!
Geri, I'm in town - let's meet for coffee at Passion Pie before you leave.
I've heard of that shelter, and I'd love to help critters, but word on the street is ... well, maybe I should spend my volunteer urges elsewhere.
Yay for kitty sitting! I saw one of those great white whales making a turn and it took 3 cop cars to help them. They really are big! On the freeway, they bounce a lot on the end. Most of the radio telescopes are looking for info on the universe and how it works in the radio spectrum. I think the SETI is a silly endeavor and its resources can be much better spent in discovery of real things. Yes the odds of life out there somewhere is high because the universe is very large but the odds of intelligent life within reach of us is vanishingly small. Of course one can argue about how intelligent our own radio signals demonstrate us to be ...
The library looks like a train station ... oh right, it once was. I guess train stations were an early exercise in corporate uniformity. At least they are cute buildings.
The pie-o-neer...dear Lord.
Yes, I used to live near a wind farm, and we'd see them every once in a while. I also see them on the freeway here and there.
I like windmills.
Did you say "no bake cookies," as in cocoa, oatmeal, peanut butter, etc.? Oh, man, you're having all the fun.
Those are the ones, Teresa! It was a delicious blast from my past.
Haha Linda! Are you mocking the name? Me, too.
I guess losing a blade is a BIG deal. That's not really a DIY project.
Mary, I kinda go along with Hawking when he says we ought not go looking for trouble.
Geri wrote to me to say that the shelter she referred to is very good to the animals, and I believe her. That's not why I hesitate to volunteer there.
Just checking to find out if you are the same Roxi I met in Magdalena on July 13th at the Golden Spur. You and two others ladies sat at the same table we were sitting. The Golden Spur is having a Music Festival agaIn next weekend the 23rd & 24th. If you are the same Roxi maybe our paths will cross again. Safe Travels....
It is SO FUNNY to see all the comments from folks who have been to Datil -- most New Mexicans don't even know where it is! What a hoot!
PS -- The road I thought you took the "lone tree" photo from is south of Datil off Hwy 12 (on the way to Reserve). Imagine, finding TWO lone trees within 60 miles of each other!
Anonymous, it wasn't me. :o( But, the music festival sounds fun - I'll Google it to see more.
Renee, that's what I've discovered, too. I say it, get that look, spell it, describe where it is, then say it again. People usually say "I know where Pie Town is!" or "I know where the VLA is!" But, yes. RVers do seem to know it.
GLD--I adore a good pun. Most of my friends are noted for periodically deteriorated into pun matches. :)
I named my historical marker website markeroni. :)
Oh, you're the Markeroni Linda - of course! That's a choice 3-way pun; serious high-fives for telegraphing that one! Sue Soaring Sun is always good for a series of high-quality lowest form of humor.
Yes, Markeroni, Raven's Roads, all of that good stuff...and welcome. :)
Yeah, I'm kinda proud of the Markeroni pun, though not many get its full extent. ;)
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