I'm here tending David and Annie's home and herding their cats. Without meeting me, they invited me to come early and stay with them indoors. And I did. I'm so happy I accepted, because they're wonderful. It feels like I've always known them. They're comfortable, and kind, and funny, and deeply generous. When they left this morning we got verklemmt, as Annie said.
They both work at the Matthew 25 food pantry, and so did I - my first food pantry shift! That's half a day of hard work. Other people are working throughout the week to pick up donations, sort, arrange, and buy food. Others come in to vacuum and clean the pantry. This week they served over 100 households, and that's repeated every week. Each family is allowed one visit per month to the pantry, so over 400 households qualify for, and receive, a food package here in T or C.
I haven't taken any pictures. I haven't taken any pictures??
Rammed-earth construction - Datil |
Sunset from Sandia Peak, Albuquerque. |
An unguarded moment in Las Cruces. |
Santa Fe |
I asked a shopkeeper in Taos where to find the church with the staircase built with no nails (stop me if you've heard this). She said Santa Fe. This traveling is hard on the location circuits.
Sounds like a great gig with great folks.
I don't know if you met "Many Wheels Bri" and his wife Kit last time you were in Tor C. Awesome folks if you haven't.
Looking forward to TorC in the fall!!!
from RVSue http://rvsueandcrew.wordpress.com/
described Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
(known throughout the southwestern USA as T or C)better than anyone I know!
" It’s hard to explain. Take these ingredients: a cup of Southwestern, a cup of hippie, a cup of arts and crafts, a cup of cowboy, a cup of honest-to-goodness down-home, a cup of vagabond, and a cup of hot springs. Mix it all together and season to taste with a whole lot of what Chuck characterizes as ”laid-back.”
That's a great selfie!!
Lol, Donna! I set the timer so you wouldn't see my wings.
That does describe it pretty well, Geri. Annie says I have the MaƱana vibe to fit in here.
Cyndi, I met Brian, and hope to see him this time, too. Kit was out of town last time, but maybe I'll hit it right on this visit.
It feels good, Kim!
I met a film maker a few weeks ago here in Truth or Consequences who is making a documentary about how people came to live in TorC. I'm guessing 74% broke down here; 7% stopped for a Pepsi; and the rest simply got sucked into the vortex. (I am in the last group. Watch out, Roxanne!)
Love the descriptions of that place. Herding kitties is something even my collie doesn't try to do. She does try to play with them. Thanks for the gratuitous pics.
OH boy.
I just realized this is my fourth time in TorC. Am I circling the drain vortex?
Maybe I can get over there to visit while you are there. We used to go to the lake often when we lived in Cruces.
Mary, she probably tried once. My pleasure!
YES, Betty. I think you and Sue should meet. And "I" have a spare bedroom. And, I'm allowed to have friends over. And, we could make popcorn.
Hoping you show more of that amazing house. Great gig.
The one where I'm staying, Gaelyn? Or the rammed earth? It would be great if they'd start up the construction again.
Hmmm. Sounds like the Ducks feet are happy feet on T or C.
Yep, Dragonfly, those webbers are flapping around in a happy way. TorC definitely has its appeal.
Love the painted posts. New Mexico looks amazing, can't wait to get there someday.
I love New Mexico, Pam. I'm sure you will, too.
New Mexico is the next best thing to Mexico :) Glad you are enjoying your journey err I mean stay.
It might be the best thing next to Mexico, too! [Oh, Arizona, I did NOT just say that!] And, yes, you're right. It's a journey, too.
My youngest daughter once worked on a 'rammed earth and tire home' when she was in high school. I have a link to the finished home on one of my pinterest boards. here is the pin- http://pinterest.com/pin/148196643960452579/
If you click on the picture it should take you to the originating site if you want to see more pics.
Very cook, k! Did she work under the auspices of Earthship (that's where the picture led me)?
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