I got Spud set up a little too early in the evening. Weather? We were bathing in it! Spud's hatch condom was up to the task. You heard me. Wind blew the rain in from every direction, but the innards stayed dry.
Natural beauty? We're bathing in it. This is the Rio Grande before it gets south and we're forced to mock it.
Keep your shirt on and wait your turn. Now take your shirt off and wrap it around your eyes, because you're not going to want to see this.
Please, no more autogrrraphs. |
Kit Carson home. Somebody fact-check this for me. And, who is Kit Carson? |
I asked a local what one thing she would tell me to do, and she told me two. So, tomorrow I may do one or all of them.
I really liked my campsite, but I won't tell you why (shower) just yet. There are subtle things (dish sink) that make it nice, and I'll tell you more (hot water) another time. Little amenities (shelters) perk things up. I'll keep the backyard scenery (Rio Grande) to myself. I won't even tell you ($3.50) how much it costs me every night.
PERFECT post...loved the photos!
Make sure you see the Taos Pueblo and the Rio Grande Gorge bridge. And the Earthships are way cool, too. And two of my best buds are performing tonight at Living Light Gallery! Taos Diner for good cheap food. The Taos Inn Adobe Bar has live music most evenings for free.
Where exactly are you camping? Pauline
Every bookstore should have a bookstore cat.
(Possibly I am biased.)
Taos LaFonda does not hold a candle or even a smoke filled bar to the SF LaFonda.
Love your photos. Keep clicking.
And yes, Kit Carson is legit..an "Indian fighter" with all that means. Pauline again...
I know right where you're at. Lucky, lucky you. I also love Moby Dickens, but not Kit Carson. He's the guy who killed all the Indians.
Sounds like a great place, Taos looks nice, I didn't see all that when I was flying by there on the highway. LOL
How sweet are those cats in the window? Love all the photos. :)
Oh Roxanne. Drink it all in for me. XOXOXO
Remembered the wide & sweeping Rio Grande river from many cowboy movies years ago. Imagine my disappointment when I saw it for the first time in Big Bend Texas years ago. Nothing much more than a country creek one could spit across if one had a good tail wind. was told most of the Rio Grande water was drained off by all the States upriver for their agricultural needs. Maybe we will get to colorful & picturesque Taos NM one of these days...........
Great photos! We hope to hit Taos next year.
Holy Quacks!!! You make me want to be there (and this coming from a gal who is allergic to the sun and hates hot weather)
Beautiful Beautiful BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!
Is sitting on that duck one of them? Ride em' duck-girl!
Paleeezzz.....curious minds must know.....where is this wonderful place you are parked at and can I get my small MH in there too?
Looks like the perfect campsite. Lucky, lucky you!
Grace (in Tucson)
Oh the prettiful flowers! And the cat luvin! And even a nice dry Spud for you...yay!
Ahhh, some things really DON'T change--Kit Carson's home looks the same as it did 51 years ago!!
Did you really bypass Bandelier National Monument and Los Alamos, and skip straight to Taos from Santa Fe? Of course, I have no clue what your end goal may be, but if you're staying in NM for awhile.... Just sayin'! :)
Regardless, your photos continue to make me pea-green with envy, and your humor always brings grins or outright belly laughs! Thanks!
So you must be at a BLM campground? I didn't realize there were so many of them up there 'til I Googled it just now. Nice!
There are a few campgrounds along the Rio Grande in that area; at least one of them is big enough for a Class C. Beautiful area; haven't been there in WAY too long!
Showers, hot water, the Rio Grande all for $3.50?? The heat is really getting to you. I want that Duck!!
Hehehe, you said condom. Now I will always look at your little spud with awe.
I'm with Chris, you must share the secret location, can we fit our small RV's in that campground, your site looks big. I love the adobe buildings and courtyards in New Mexico.
Did you really use that thingy to cross the river?
Great Pics! Looks like a beautiful area. Of course, you had to sneak in a picture of a duck. :)
wonderful wonderful wonderful. That place is very charming.
I'm glad you stayed dry in your Spud during your first rainstorm! Good test to pass! Now... on to the EarthShips! That big bright yellow duck would make a good hood ornament!
Know exactly where you are but won't tell. And yes, there is room for RVs. No problem getting our 30' there.
No fair Jim and Gayle... such beautiful secrets are not meant to be kept!! Indeed, so many wonderful places and so little time! Glad you are finding ways to make it work. Isn't it amazing how adaptable the human spirit is?
Subliminal R-Cat!
David-Bag! I've been thinking about you - how's Small Grains??
Karen, I will absolutely tell all, since the BLM visitor's center told all! It's true; I feel like I'm moving fast, but it's so easy to go that I just do.
Gayle, the secret is safe with ... oh, wait, it's not safe at all! Now that I've moved on I will reveal.
Yes, Geri! Earthships! I will find one who is looking for an Earthduck to Earthcat-sit!
It is charming, Swankie! Don't tell Santa Fe, but I much prefer it here.
Ha Mike! It was begging to be sneaked.
Lol, Gaelyn! Do you not remember me and the edge?
Teri and Chris, I will for-sure tell you where it is in my next post. Or, email me and I'll tell you sooner.
LittleSpud??? Hahaha!
Sherry, get out here and we will find a way to get you that duck! It shall be yours ... somehow.
Renee, you're absolutely right. This is the only one with the shower, but there are other beautiful (maybe more beautiful, definitely quieter) sites.
Exactly right, Sue. And, my interagency pass got me half off of nearly-nothing!
Karen, you're saying I missed good stuff? Okay, I need to make a list.
Bandolier NM
Los Alamos (this is easy - I have friends there)
And, thanks!
Yay Brenda! And yay right back at you for those same things.
It was very luxurious, Grace! I liked it, and especially the hot showers. Okay, well really especially the river.
Judy, riding a duck is ALWAYS one of them!
K, that takes some doing! You should know, though, that it's rarely hot in Taos. So, put on a hat and get out here.
Thanks, Nan! Maybe I'll still be here ...
Al, that was exactly my crestfallenness when I first saw the RG. In fact, it was bone-dry at the time. Upstream it gets more impressive, but it's not like we were taught to expect.
You bet, Maggie! I've been thinking about you a lot as I travel up here.
Barbara, I don't know why they hide all the good stuff from highway travelers! Even the cats. Thanks!
I AM lucky, aren't I Teresa? I need to never forget it. But, I'll forget Kit Carson's house, in that case.
Thanks for legitimizing that guy, Pauline. Although, bleh. Now I know!
Okay, Jan. I'll have to take your word for it until I see La Fonda SF.
Possibly you are, Kate, and definitely they should.
Pauline, I'm still warming up and don't go out after dark. Okay, that is so sad I can't believe I said it. I plan to become more interesting. But, those daytime things are on my list. The pueblo and the Earthships are the two things the young woman told me to see.
Thanks, Donna!
Wow! I did not know that it doesn't get that hot there. Thanks to you I just indulged myself in a little on line geography lesson. So the good news is that I can wear long sleeves and a wide brimmed hat (I actually have one that has a 4 foot span, bright pink to boot--I could probably be spotted from outer space)and not swelter to death. Yeee Haww!!
Yay—cats in a bookstore!
So did you dance across the sand? : )
Lol, Rob, you youngster. No, but I am hungry like the wolf.
Yes, this is all true, K. I'll be looking for you on Google Maps.
I remember reading about Kit Carson when in grade school in the 50's, he was an early explorer of the west.. Great blog, my first visit. Old RB
Looking forward to hearing which CG you stayed in. We stayed in a VRBO casita for 6 nights there recently but did a lot of hiking and saw quite a few CGs along the Rio Grande. RV dreaming, we are. Loved Taos and the surrounding areas. Thanks for the beautiful photos of places we enjoyed too!
RB, I must have missed that chapter - thanks! I'm glad you stopped in; I hope you make it a nasty habit.
Emily, all has been revealed! I was at Rio Bravo campground in the Orilla Verde Recreation Area. I put the coordinates in the next post.
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