Sunday, September 22, 2013

Geronimo Springs Museum and Art Gallery - Truth or Consequences

I've been told more than once to see this museum, and I usually have to be told more than once.

Let me tell you a little about this museum: Geronimo, Hot Springs, Ralph Edwards.

Seriously, it's a good museum. It's far bigger than you would imagine from the outside. It's only $5, with $1 discount for AARP and maybe AAA. There is a very impressive pottery collection, and a lot of interesting information along with the artifacts. If you leave here not knowing a lot about Truth or Consequences, then you obviously got pulled in by the jigsaw puzzle already in progress in the Community Room. 

One of the town's saloons was exactly here. One of its floozies, too.

American flag made of mohair
Mohair US flag

There is a good little gift shop offering books by local authors and displaying local artists' work. It's a pretty decent one-stop-shop for authentic Truth or Consequences gifts.

If you like museums, you'll like this one. Don't let my highly distractible nature turn you away from this great collection of New Mexico artifacts and lore.

Some of you express worry, here and in email, for my safety and continence as I travel. Thanks for that - I am warmed by your concern, for real.

  • If I feel weird about a place, I won't stay there. 
  • I look for places with available toilets. I have an emergency toilet in Spud, but I haven't had the need or the privacy to use it yet.
  • I can stretch out and sleep in Spud without her hatch being open.
  • If I'm someplace comfortable, like a campground, I'll put her tent on and I'm even more comfortable. I don't do this, of course, at a Walmart or at rest area. For now.
Right now I'm housesitting, which is a stone's throw beyond wonderful. I couldn't be happier with this situation. It doesn't create a lot of adventurous tales to tell you, but I think I needed this more than I needed adventure.


Bob said...

Hm, I sometimes worry about my own continence, but it's only briefly.
And now you know what kind of underwear I wear. wakka wakka!

The Good Luck Duck said...

I never want to put you in a box, sir.

Jim and Sandie said...

We've been to that museum. It was great. I've about reached that point in life where my continence worries me somewhat.

Gaelyn said...

I'm glad you have a place to stop for a while. Those 'people' in the museum are creepy. Don't camp with them OK.

Linda said...

It has a floozie? That's so cool. In Randsburg, where they filmed one of my favorite movies (Chopper Chicks in Zombietown), they have a historic jail "museum" and it has been carefully supplied with a floozie and a drunkard, in adjacent cells. The floozie has changed dresses at least once since I started going there.

Sherry said...

I want the floosie's dress. Does the giftshop sell copies?? Or the local thrift shop??

Brenda A. said...

Adventure will wait for you. Or it will find you right where you are. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

My comment box looks funny, if you know what I'm saying. Yours?

You're right, Brenda. It's always lurking, like Hobbes in the funny papers, waiting to knock us down with excitement.

Sherry, I'm afraid the floozie's dress is one-of-a-kind. I like her belt, too. Maybe she'll change out, like Linda's incarcerated lady, and you can grab it.

That's one thing I don't have to be told twice, Gaelyn.

Sandie, once my continence becomes a serious issue, I hope to continue on with Poise. You know ... if I were forced to camp without a toilet situation, that might not be a bad thing to have tucked in Spud somewhere.

Annie said...

That mohair flag is liked brushed cats. Skeevy. And that floozy will eviscerate you in your sleep if given half the chance. Otherwise the museum looks fun ...

Linda said...

I put the museum in at Markeroni for you. ;)

The Good Luck Duck said...

I put that flag in for its gak factor. It reminded me of that cat/dog fur clothing booth we once saw. I was worried the floozie would not wait until I was asleep.

Thanks, Linda! It didn't occur to me to do that.

Pam said...

I tent/cot camp alone frequently myself, as you know, nothing like the cover of darkness for a quick tinkle behind the tent. Heck, I changed clothes standing up next to the car with nothing but a door hung open for partial screening in case someone passed by just a few days ago! Neither situation took very long, no one saw, life goes on!

The Good Luck Duck said...

So true,Pam! I've done the same quick-change many times, understanding that anyone who catches a glimpse will be too busy racing to the 1)ER for eye burns, or 2)therapist for long-term help. And, I've done a few broad-daylight funnel dances. It's still the pooing that hangs me up.

Nickie and Jim said...

It's a perceptive person who can listen to their inner voice... and acts on it! You are where you need to be.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Nickie. That's an ongoing project for me - staying tuned-in.

Unknown said...

So glad you made it to the museum! We have visited a couple of times and really enjoyed it. Bought several books on the NM area from there also! In fact a friend of ours, Dave Turpin, wrote a fun book that takes place in Truth or Consequences. Fun to see all the local places mentioned in the book ! Name of the book> Why "Truth or Consequences of course! Glad you are enjoying your stay here! Now.... have you been to Latitude 33 restaurant yet???

The Good Luck Duck said...

Yep! They customized a dish especially for me (veganized it on the spot). It was good, too!

Pat said...

Have you checked out It's a website where you can get house sitting gigs. Sometimes they are for a week, sometimes for months on end. There's five postings in NM and one in Tucson. Most have animals that need care.