Wednesday, September 18, 2013

ROAD TRIP! Hillsboro and Silver City, New Mexico with Sue.

I took off into the mountains with eBaying, RVing Sue. We left our cat-eat-kibble world behind for the day.

We didn't know that Hillsboro is closed on Tuesdays. Still, it has a cool place to camp overnight with a toilet, so let's hear it for the town. I also saw a sign for the public library, so that's promising.

It's a thrift store.

We saw these everywhere. They must have washed up in the storm.

Emory Pass Vista, Gila Mountains, NM September 2013

Chino Mine, Silver City, NM

 Santa Rita is the patron saint of impossible cases.

Santa Rita Shrine, Silver City, NM

Javalina Café, Silver City, NM

Javalina Café, Silver City, NM
Javalina Café. We disagreed on the pronunciation, but we hoofed it up to the bar anyway.

Silver City, Big Ditch Park

Big Ditch Park, Silver City, NM
This river was once Main Street. During a flood, it had a tantrum and was sent to bedrock.

Snail shell, Big Ditch Park, Silver City, NM
Get it?

City of Rocks State Park, NM.
Finger Rock. City of Something State Park.

Butterfield rest area, Deming, NM.
Butterfield rest area.

Butterfield rest area, Deming, NM

I'm playing with some ideas. If I wanted to park somewhere in Kanab, Utah where there was a toilet, but not in a motel room, where would it be? I'd like to work for a little while at Best Friends Animal Society (more kitties, please?)


Kimbopolo said...

Don't mispronounce Javelina in Texas. You will be ridiculed publicly and repeatedly. Love the pretty pictures!

Anonymous said...

Would they let you camp there? (Maggie)

SwankieWheels said...

You find the neatest places.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Swankie, New Mexico tucks these cute towns under bushes for us to find. It's all a game to her.

Maggie, they have RV sites, but they're expensive and wouldn't work for me without a bathroom. I suppose I could ask for some sort of special dispensation from the volunteer coordinator, but I wouldn't blame them if they couldn't do that. It would be complex, regulationatorily.

Kim, it's made more difficult because it's a coffee shop called Javalina. I'm inclined to go with the play on words, but I forgot to ask them how they say it.

Teresa Evangeline said...

So... keep the fridge locked all the time, BUT don't forget to lock it after you've unlocked it ... I wanna know what's in the fridge ....

The Good Luck Duck said...

I'm pretty sure it's half&half, but I didn't dare look. It did make me think of Conspiracy Theory, though.

Anonymous said...

Pink Coral Sands State Park. I think there is a campground that is away from the OHV crowd.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Hmm. Does the campground have a bathroom? I don't remember one, but I wasn't looking.

Anonymous said...

We tent camped for several days this summer while visiting Best Friends at Crazy Hourse RV Park. Quiet, friendly, laundry / shower facilities...and the owners were working really hard on the property...

Sherry said...

Wish I could help with Best Friends. Don't know. Wish I could help with Hillsboro. Try N.C., it's open 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photographs! I'm glad you're having fun. - Barb

JO said...

Another place on the list. Better buy a flat bed trailer for this list.
BTW did you lock it after you unlocked it. Finger rock kind of looks like a camel to me.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. I so look forward to them for my "peaceful" fix. Thanks for that.


Unknown said...

Regulationatorily...hmm, I think you may have been influenced by our cardplaying friend Janice, who makes up words like these.

It was a very nice roadtrip. You definitely have an eye for finding the quirky things to photograph. It's delightful.

Travels with Emma said...

If course I don't get it. ;)

I've seen refrigerators like that on some refuges. Inside is usually dead animal carcasses. Is that redundant?

The Good Luck Duck said...

*makes note not to order the skunk sandwich*

Yes, the language is strong with Janice.

Thank you, Renee. I'm glad they can contribute to your peace.

Jo, I kept it locked all the time and locked it after I unlocked it. I hope that covers everything.

Thanks, Barb!

N.C. has a lot to recommend it, Sherry. I hear it's especially open on Tuesdays.

Anonymous, I checked that place out and I think it's a good option. I like its Buy Six, Get One Free policy and its wifi!

Jim and Gayle said...

We are spending November near Zion and will have 11 days before we have to be in Scottsdale. I told Jim just yesterday that we should stop in Kanab on the way and volunteer at Good Friends for a few days. He just rolled his eyes. We'll see who wins!

The Good Luck Duck said...

I suggest that you settle for a tour, if you haven't done that before. Jim may be asking you to volunteer by the end.

Nancy1340 said...

Javalina is pronounced Hav-a-lina, Have-a-lena IIRC from what I was told in Big Bend State Park.

Gaelyn said...

Yes there are bathrooms at Coral Pink Sand Dunes SP. Maybe you need a bucket, with a lid, and maybe a seat. Heading to Kanab before Oct 15th? That's when I'm done working.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Nancy, you're totally right about the critter javelina. So, if the name of the coffeeshop is "Java-lina," maybe it's pronounced like Java Jive, like a cuppa Joe, like Krakatoa, East of Java.? Know what I mean? Since I didn't ask, it serves me right that i still don't know.

So true, Gaelyn. And a curtain. Or a blanket with a hole in the middle for my head. It's not likely that I'll be going before October 15, but then, who knows?

Are you feeling better?

Brenda A. said...

Whatever is in that fridge, I don't want it. Too much stress!!! I'd be afraid I'd get it wrong somehow.....

LG61820 said...

Catching up on my blog reading today and found this post
I don't see them on your blogroll and thought you would enjoy the post. I found it very entertaining! LG

ps: Revisiting the past is ok for very brief periods (minutes). Focusing on the present with brief forays into the future is working best for me right now.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Wow, that video made me tired! But, I LOVE to see people putting composting toilets in their RVs.