Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Camping near the Very Large Array (New Mexico)

Judie sent me this video, and it's so inspiring I stole a lot of it. Inspiration ➤ theft; it is always so.

When it reopens, you'll want to camp at the very nice Datil Wells BLM campground, which has so many more amenities than my new home base. After you get your fill of the good water and free wifi (please take me with you), meet me at the Very Large Array. Here are some pictures I "took" of the antennae:

Some legitimate shots:

Access is not particularly restricted - it's not a military base - so I don't know why I feel so gleeful when I find a gate unlocked.

To see shots of me, the cabin, me in the cabin, me, my friend Morty, my friend Maggie with Morty, Maggie still continent after meeting Morty, and more, come over to my Facebook page. You can see my page without having a Facebook account, right? Let me know.

I won't be wintering at the cabin this year, since I don't have a heat source yet and I don't know how much snow to expect. The road up the mountain will be nicer without snow. There's a lot I don't know, and I'm a little nervous. A little excited. Excitous. 

I also don't know where I'm wintering. Exciting! I will probably scoot out of New Mexico like people without robust heat sources do. Where are you wintering?


Unknown said...

I'm wintering near the border. Come visit.

The Good Luck Duck said...

I will! I like that area.

Travels with Emma said...

Want to join me in northern Minnesota? At the rate I'm going I soon won't have to worry about a fridge. I can keep the food outside. :(

Shadowmoss said...

What is this FaceBook of which you speak? Can I request that the content show up here as well?

Steven said...

I loved visiting the VLA. It was quiet and late in the day so all the tourists were gone. It was me, the beagle, and some prong horned deer looking animals wandering around. Unfortunately the gift shop was closed so I don't know if I missed out on any cool goodies.

The Odd Essay said...

One of our first places to volunteer was at the Bosque del Apache NWR in NM. Our last night as "free" people we stayed at the State Park in Datil Wells. I loved that area and am kinda jealous of your cabin. The romantic side of me thinks cozy fires, lots of soups made on the woodburner and dozens of books to get me through the winter... the practical side keeps reminding me that firewood needs to be cut and stacked and brought in.... even the rare visits to town (Magdalena? Socorro?) would be treacherous. But still... your new site makes me dream a little....

heyduke50 said...

did you at least get free cable? HBO, Showtime, Marstime, JuperterBO etc....

Nickie and Jim said...

South America! (can you believe it?)

Sherry said...

So it's a bunch of strong armed guys holding up a big bowl over their heads right? Oh I see, some of them are holding the bowl in front of them. How do they see that way? Those are really big guys. I'm with Shadowmoss, don't do Facebook, think it's part of the evil plan to keep us from actually talking to each other. Wintering...........on a warm beach in Florida SOUTH of Tampa and partly in the Everglades. Mexico sounds warm. BTW, you win the funniest comment award and the blog hasn't been posted even an hour. David looks like a pile of Burger King trash on the beach. I looked back and you are absolutely right, he does. And then I laughed myself silly.

Gaelyn said...

South Africa, but have to wait until January. :( Think I'm going to see snow here in Flagstaff.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Gaelyn, one would think you like South Africa. And, I see you've already seen some.

LOL Sherry! Facebook is the Great Satan? On the other hand, we're not exactly "talking" right now, but it's not all bad that way.

Wow, Nickie! Way to go! Where to go!

Haha, HeyDuke - the reception was bad that day. I just got a radio station out of Phoenix.

Sharon, I'm trying to get the truth-scoop from my friends out there about winters. Frankly, wood stoves? Yuck. Been there, dusted that. Maybe a nice gas stove, though. Anyway, until another time winter and I are staying on non-speaking terms.

Steven, I can't swear to it, but people told me those deer-ish animals were antelopers.

Okay, okay, okay, Shadowmoss and Facebook-haters - I'll post them here.

Judy ... BLECH!! GET OUT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Okay, I know it's home, but you don't have to stay there all winter anymore.

Linda said...

Quartzsite and environs.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Pondering that myself, Linda.

John and Aileen on the road said...

Florence, AZ and Quartzsite. Crossing the border heading south on Tuesday.

Trainman said...

If you have a long enough cable, you should be able to get "The Planet Channel"...... Will be down by the Mexican border this winter, look for a Why in the road .....


Box Canyon said...

We are following the sun...Utah to Arid-zona, Southern Californication and back to Utah come spring. Anywhere I can wear shorts, tee shirt and flip-flops :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

John, how is Florence for boondocking?

Trainman, maybe we'll run into each other at the Why in the road - I want to go look at Ajo in the ground.

Wow, Mark, your plans sound much more exciting than mine. I'm just staying in the southwest.

Bill said...

I winter where I summer. :) But I'm looking forward to reading about your travels. These photos almost seem unreal. Like something out of a science fiction movie.

stillhowlyn said...

I remember driving by that array and thinking....who's out there!!! Me thinks we might be wintering in and around FL and the Gulf for a change, though we are prone to desert fever and may flee!