Thursday, December 19, 2013

(Not) chillin' in Tucson.

A duck is always game for a visit to Tucson. Yep, totally down with that. So, I eagerly accepted SuperLori's invitation to be her Avian Sidekick again. That fits the bill.

Not much going on, Duck! you say. Well, not on the outside. Inside, where it's dark and slimy, past the giblets and the mesentery, things are really happenin', man.

Check out Levonne's latest article (*ahem*). It's about someone you know. Someone you know really well. Someone synonymous with "TMI."

While my Tucson hosts are off functioning as productive members of society, I'm kicking it with Sammy the Wonder Dog while we have a spa day. That means she gets brushed, and then I take a shower.

Crested saguaro in Tucson Mountain Park


Kate said...

I don't even know what a 'mesentery' is, and I'm fairly sure I don't wanna go find out.

Brenda A. said...

Ahhh....Tucson Mountain I do miss thee. Past the giblets and the mesentery? Yeah....that's where it's at these days. Big time. It's good. It's needed.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Kate, it's the part you touch and go "EWWW!" Go ahead - you'll like it.

It is, isn't it, Brenda?

Kate said...


Jools from N. Texas said...

Wow, great article Roxi! Keep up the good work! Carrion !
--Jool in North Texas

The Good Luck Duck said...

Haha Jool! I don't know feather or not to believe you.

Kate: @@ you are getting very sleepy...touch the mesentery ...

judilyn said...

Cresteds are very special!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Very! I trekked into the wilderness to find him.

Donna K said...

Nice article. Hope you enjoyed the spa day and didn't get the brush off!!

JO said...

Were you here when the weather was nice? Not getting much nice these days.
I'm with Kate can't touch that.

John and Pam said...

Love that cresty one! Is that the same one from last year that I gave you directions to?

Your friend did a very nice blog on you.

Tesaje said...

Did you see this from George Takei:
Many fans asked for my thoughts on the "Duck Dynasty" controversy. They pressed and pressed, but I refused to quack.

But I can't duck this issue forever. I don't really care feather someone on a reality show said something about gays that didn't fit the bill. He's entitled to his opinion, even if it's for the birds. But the network also is worried about flocking with its base, so if it feels it should drake him over the coals for making his fowl comments, so be it.

So that's migrate opinion.

Shadowmoss said...

A quick note to show that I follow directions well. I read the article, was intrigued enough to start clicking links on your site that I normally overlook. It's the geek in me... the clicking, not the overlooking. Anyway, the link for seems to go to the kind of page that pops up when you no long have the site there. I didn't actually click any links on the page. That is also the geek in me.

The Good Luck Duck said...

LOL Mary! Yes, I saw that! I can't believe George is winging it with all MY puns.

Yes, Pam, that's the same one! I loved that hike.

Jo, the weather was pretty terrific yesterday. Today the dog is confused: Why am I wet?

Donna, I didn't get the brush-off, which is why I needed the shower.

The Good Luck Duck said...

THANK YOU, Shadowmoss, for doing that. You're right - that domain name is parked, so I gave it a parking ticket and deleted it.

Dave Burdick ( said...

Roxi, saw on Al's site that your site had fallen off of some of the blog lists on other sites....looked and yours (and about six others) had fallen off our our site. Got you back on, don't know what is up with all of this...perhaps some evil NSA type of stuff (lol). --Dave (

Contessa said...

Can't believe I have never seen a crested saguaro before. Thanks for sharing. I did checkout the link!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Dave, thanks for checking into that, and for putting me back on! I lost my glasses three times yesterday, and I blame the NSA for that, too.

Contessa, those crested cacti come in organ pipe variety, too!