Sunday, January 26, 2014

I blame Blogger.


I'm feeling bloated and lethargic. I blame Blogger. 

My posts aren't refreshing on your blogrolls. If you could read them, they would be refreshing. I blame Blogger.

I don't have the drive to go out and do anything energetic or fun. I blame Blogger.

I'm in the midst of technological bliss, though. I did my first test of my new PowerAdd™solar charger last night.
Two thumbs up!
I want to have spare power for my electronics, and especially power to run my Wilson Sleek 4G-V signal amplifier without leaving the engine on.

I surfed for 2.5 hours with charge left to spare. Then I realized the PowerAdd charger had also been keeping my Mifi charged without me realizing it, because of the way I had it connected. Bravo, little charger!

This morning it's back in the sun getting ready for tonight. I could also charge it via an outlet, but the Sun is already paid for.

It will also charge my phone directly, my Mifi, my Nook, and other yet-undiscovered electronics I might have at the bottom of my pile. Tonight I'll see if it will charge my computer by way of my laptop's 12 volt power adapter, and I'll let all seven of you know.
I also received my Go Power!™ solar car battery charger yesterday, and not an afternoon too soon, because Spud's battery died that morning. I haven't used it yet, but I'll let you know about that later.

ETA: I messed around in Feedburner and hit the mechanicals with my wrench. I may be updating now.


Jan Goldfield said...

Who is the kitty in the window? I am one of the 7 people who read your blog. I see it on FB and on Feedly, a blog reader. You could encourage your readers to tell people this marvelously technological way to keep up with what's going on in the world, especially with the important kitties, I mean bloggers.

Annie said...

Is this Land Yacht yours???

The Good Luck Duck said...

It's Lily in the window, Jan. She's 17, and the meanest cat I've ever met.

I think lots of people do Feedly, but lots also have a routine of following from one blog to the next via blogrolls. Did this post show up on Feedly for you?

The Good Luck Duck said...

Annie, Annie lives in the Bounder now.

Anonymous said...

Love the cat silhouettes!

Are you saying, in so many words, "Bugger Blogger"?

The Good Luck Duck said...

BUGGER BLOGGER! I love how the English can swear and it still sounds refined.

Steven said...

Nope, didn't come up in Feedly or even my blogger reading list. Looks like residual problems from the google outtage on Friday.

The Good Luck Duck said...

My last listed post is two weeks ago, so the residual resides.

Steven said...

Methings something different is afoot then. I just realized that I'm seeing updated posts from other blogs from yesterday (after the outtage) and even one from this morning.

Steven said...

Stupid blogger!

Wheelingit said...

This one showed up on Feedly for me, but I think I missed a few before this. We're headed to Tuscon end of the month. Wonder if you'll be around?

Teri said...

I see your posts on Facebook

Barb said...

I've been getting your posts on my blogroll. Don't think I've missed one. :)

That PowerAdd solar gizmo looks interesting. Hummmm. That might go on my "want" list.

Jim and Sandie said...

No posts and then three right together for me. I don't understand all this stuff and it does get frustrating at times. I thought all cats were mean, er independent.

Mermaid in the Mountains said...

you are so funny! I don't blame blogger for that though. I tend to check your blog a few times a week, not sure what you mean about it showing up on the blog roll. happy quacking!

Diana said...

Didn't come up on Feedly for me. Glad you put it on Facebook.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Nina, you never know! I'll keep in touch; if I'm going to be there, I'll look for you. Day and night until I find you.

Thanks, Teri. If it weren't for Facebook, thirteen people would be seeing my posts.

Barbara, I've been showing up on your blogroll the last two weeks? That's so odd. I don't get it.

Sandie, my mother only liked Siamese, so I grew up thinking all cats were mean. It turns out they aren't, except Lily.

Thanks, RuthieBee! Some people don't have blogrolls, and they follow blogs on a feed. I wasn't showing up any of those places.

Diana, I hope it's coming up now.

Unknown said...

I don't know what a Feedly is. I just wait until you post on FaceBook that you've written a new blog post and then I dutifully and happily go read it. I hope I'm not missing anything this way.

klbexplores said...

You show up on my Feedly feed. Glad to know you are still quacking around blogville!!

Kimbopolo said...

Was wonderin' where you been !!!!!!

Brenda A. said...

All your missing posts came up no problem for me on blogger! Glad to see you back. :)

Gaelyn said...

Wow, look at all that techno stuff. Maybe now you won't kill spud's battery.
Didn't show up on feedly but got here from G+.

Shadowmoss said...

Glad you are now updating. BTW, your blog post updated this time as well. Previously it wasn't. I come here a lot as I troll your blog list. Too lazy to add them to my own.

Dragonfly said...

Just testing, I haven't been able to comment for some time.

stillhowlyn said...

You're updating fine here. Wondering if your 4G Wilson amplifier works in 3G. Our old one seems to handle both, but then I don't have a clue!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Lynda, I haven't tried it in 3G-only areas, but since it only amplifies ... that's as far as my thought process goes.

Glad you can again, Dragonfly. I blame Blogger.

Shadow, glad my blogroll is useful! It's part of my plot to lure you here.

There's even more techno stuff coming! Plus, this was a great day for solving Spud problems.

Thanks, Brenda! I've been here all along, but now you'll never believe me.

I been here, Kim!

Yay Karen! It's good to be "back."

Sue, you may be "missing" a lot with your technique, but you're not missing my stuff.

JO said...

Now that looks like a neat charger. I may have to look into that. Nice pictures of the cat in the window. :)

stillhowlyn said...

Re Blogger...I'm having trouble also. I get notices of comments but they don't show up on blog, just Google+. Think it's the whole Google interaction gone haywire!