Sunday, January 19, 2014

Nothing to say, and then saying it: Sedona, Oak Creek Canyon, and Flagstaff. And electronics.

I'm still camped just outside Sedona in a very satisfactory campsite that Annie found. I've been enjoying tweaking my sleeping arrangements in Spud for cold-weather camping (it has been consistently 28° - 30°F). The best, so far, has been sandwiching myself between two layers of "blankets" that are a film of aluminum on one side, bonded to a non-woven fabric (like stiff Handi-Wipes). While I am the tofuham, two down comforters are the lettuce and tomato.

Annie and I visited Palatki ruins
My life is perfect if I can raise Spud's hatch and put on her butt-tent. That lets me sit up at night surfing, or reading, or whatever else I want.

I've visited The Cousins for the past two weekends. It's about 1.5 hours through Oak Creek Canyon. I'm not yet jaded enough to speed through the switchbacks.

No vehicles over 50 feet long. Please.

I have just ordered a passel of gadgets for making my life even better. I'll tell you about them when I've received and enjoyed them. If they suck, I'll tell you about that, too.

Tonight, I activated my Command Center (in the footwell of my passenger side). I'm powering my Wilson Sleek 4G-V signal booster together with my Millenicom MiFi hotspot.


[I originally had some trouble with the Mifi cycling off and on every few seconds. Apparently, that's a thing. I called, got a real person right away, and the trouble was over.]

I'm also charging my telephone. I'll plug in my Nook, if I feel fancy.

Although most of my gadgets have their own battery power, the Wilson Sleek is the exception; it needs continuous power to boost a signal. This is where the Prius "generator" comes to my rescue. It turns itself on for a minute or two every so often (Suanne figured about 4 minutes every half hour for hers). That keeps the 12 volt accessory battery happy.

One of my new gadgets will hopefully bypass that necessity. I'll tell you about it soon. The Mifi has a battery, and when I don't need signal amplification I can use that very well. When I set up tonight, I got two bars of 3G without the Sleek, and four bars of 4G with it.

I just figured out that the same cable powers up my phone, Mifi, and Nook. Oh frabjous day!

I just got an exciting idea for my next trip! I'll tell you about it once I'm started.


Mermaid in the Mountains said...

Ah, this post has more mysteries than answers! Can't wait for the next installment!

Jan Goldfield said...

Au contraire re nothing to say. It appears as if Calloo Calay needs some explanation. I'm sure it will be forthcoming.

Larry Vanstone said...

We too have the Wilson. Saved our butt more than once. Maybe even more than twice.

Barb said...

I've had a Wilson Sleek for a while, but haven't been anywhere that didn't have a good signal. There are places I want to go that it will come in handy. I've still had it hooked up, though, and suddenly the green light doesn't light up. Can't figure out why. I'm going to have to see what the warranty is, because I know people think the Sleek is great. I hope I'm still under warranty. Thanks for reminding me to call them. :)

JO said...

Glad you enjoy Oak Creek Canyon. I bet I wouldn't mind it so much in my truck. The class c was a bit dirty in the pants ride. :( But I made it. Can't wait for all you updates on your new stuff.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Would it be as messy now, Jo? Depends.

I don't know enough about it to help troubleshoot, Barbara. I find myself wishing the unit had its own battery, like all my other electronics. I have heard that Wilson has good customer service, but can't vouch.

Larry, I'm glad to hear it has butt-saving qualities. My butt looks forward to that.

Jan, I know you're mad.

RuthieBee, I am an enigma wrapped in a mystery, covered with duck sauce.

LG61820 said...

I saw something in this post that surprised me. I like surprises sometimes. LG

The Good Luck Duck said...

BOO! [Surprise?] I go around surprising myself all the time, LG. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I wish I'd stop.