Saturday, March 8, 2014

Buckeye Hills Regional Park onward.

Buckeye Hills Regional Park is an unexpectedly peaceful place to camp. It's unexpected, because there really are occasional F16 formations directly overhead, and I was even strafed by a low-flying private plane. Okay, not exactly strafed, but he was pretty low and right over me. Nearly-strafed is super-accurate.

I expected Boy Scouts, and so they came. It's not clear to me whether they can exclude other campers with their reservation, or just discourage us with their presence and numbers. Either way, I didn't expect to stay, and so no harm, no foul. From there I went on to Painted Rock Petroglyph Site, a BLM campground.

This campground is accessible to all sizes of rigs, with excellent roads and big, pull-through sites if you want them. There are 60 sites, and maybe seven or eight of them were filled, so it was easy to allow plenty of space and still camp near the very clean pit toilet. Even at capacity, you would not feel terribly oppressed by RVs crowding in on you. If you were camping in a Prius, you might, however, want to put up your privacy curtains. Might.

No night noise - good sleeping.

The campsite is $8/night, and Interagency Pass holders pay $4. I've encountered this half-price bargain at another BLM campground, so hopefully it's a thing.

I think that if this campground had shelters I'd give it a five-star rating. Shelters make a big difference, especially if you're not toting your own shelter, like an awning. As it was, it felt open and exposed. You may not notice this lack, and so you'll enjoy the site.

Now I'm in Why, AZ enjoying the company of my good friend, Sue. She invited me to share their RV site in a good-feeling park down here; I'll stay for four nights. I'll even be a kitty-companion to Sonja while I'm here.

It got a little gusty down here - and I don't mean our tall tales around the campfire.

Sue: "THANK GOD you weren't sitting in it!"

Joan of Park


Anonymous said...

There are so many "Why" jokes . . . I can't think of anything original! :-( Good friends on hand . . . good medicine!

Virtual hugs,


Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Joan of park-nice:)

Grace said...

Thanks for the info on the park. Did you see the petroglyphs?

Dragonfly said...

Pictures of the petroglyphs or it never happened!

JO said...

We sure have been getting lots of wind down here. Looks pretty breezy already this morning

The Good Luck Duck said...

I strolled around where petroglyphs have been spotted lurking in the past. I observed photographers, but they seemed to be taking pictures of wildflowers. I have to confess that I saw not one petroglyph, but I further confess that I wasn't looking hard. Petro-fatigue.

Why just opens itself up to more questions, Judie, so it's best not to start.

Very windy down here last night. Not a good tent night.

Gaelyn said...

Love the selfie and camping sounds good.