Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Last moments in Sedona

I woke up to some cloudy skies and decided to head on outta there. I'll be back, Sedona, when you've had your time-out and an attitude adjustment.

Oh, Sedona, you temptress. Okay, I'll stay another hour ...

Okay, NOW I'm going. You can't entice me another minute. 

Rest areas get a bad reputation, and I'm here to fix that. Even though "rest" is a euphemism for ____, at Sunset Point you can actually rest without quotation marks.

I met Connie and Gill at the overlook by offering to take their picture together. They're from Minnesota and just wanted to thaw out their giblets. Gill's health isn't what he'd like it to be, and they decided to have some fun. We talked for half an hour or so. My takeaway was don't wait for your health to go south before you do.

Would you like to ride ... ?♪

Now I'm low-and-south, and the living is easy. I'm at a favorite spot outside Phoenix.


Anonymous said...

OMG...I love Sedona....don't stay away long because I love your pix.

Donna K said...

Yes, I would like to ride in that beautiful balloon. Loved seeing the entire life-cycle of the balloon!!

Kimbopolo said...

Oh my! Gotta see that in person. Glad you are getting a good 'rest'.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Shirlene, I'll try to tempt you with pictures of other places.

Love is waiting there, Donna.

Kim, I'll tell you where they routinely do that sort of thing, if you're interested.

The Good Luck Duck said...

[The balloon stuff, not the "rest." You know where to do that.]

Anonymous said...

Enjoying your blog and photos, wish I was there instead of this never ending PA winter.

JO said...

Sedona is one Gorgeous place. But you sure are right don't wait until your health goes south live now. Ordered a piece of equipment yesterday on to go. Getting close 8~)

JO said...

that was one to go

The Good Luck Duck said...

Anon, I wish you were out of that Northeast weather, too. Everyone! Outta there!

What did you order, Jo?

Pam said...

We're "going south" next October for 3 weeks. Our first foray into Florida. I don't know how we'll feel about gators. We were supposed to go south to northern New Mexico but needed to get south a bit quicker. Someday soon though I hope.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Pam, gators in Florida are like scorpions in Arizona. They get a big rep, then you have to work really hard to see one. The humidity is much easier to spot. :) Enjoy Florida!