Friday, March 21, 2014


October 2001 (Ithaca, NY) - March 2014 (Elephant Butte, NM)

Goodbye, fuzzy dude. We love and miss you.


Karen Snyder said...

Much sympathy and some hugs!

Jan Goldfield said...

I'm so sorry you lost your buddy. Hugs from here.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Max. It's so hard to lose one of our babies/pets. Been there too many times myself. I do love the shot of him in the Christmas tree.


Teri said...

What a beautiful friend. So very sorry for your loss.

Unknown said...

Please check with the Desert Haven Animal refuge down in Williamsburg, they might have Max! People pick up cats all the time that they think are lost and abandoned and leave them there!
I am not ready to give up!

Karen and Tony said...

Aww..I'm so sorry Roxi. He looks like he was a sweetie.

Janice Grinyer said...


RightBrainRightLane said...

What a beautiful boy!

Mermaid in the Mountains said...

Quacking my sincerest sympathies to you on the loss of your dear friend. Fellow cat lady sending hugs.

Barbara said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Beautiful cat. My heart goes out to you.

Nan said...

So, so sorry. Hugs....

Gail said... sad! :-(

Donna K said...

((HUGS)) So sorry...

Al Bossence said...

We here at the Bayfield Bunch know well how hard it is to lose a precious member of the family. All the years, all the memories, The fun times, the laughter, the tears, the trials & yes the tribulations. But it's all worth it for those we love & cherish so much. They may be physically gone but they live in our hearts & minds forever. Thinking about you.......... A.

Anonymous said...

You will always cherish the memories! Decades will go by . . . they are still remembered as if it were yesterday ! My saddest moment was July 26th, 1980. RIP Brutus, my faithful St. Bernard. ;->

Virtual hugs,


EcoCatLady said...

I'm so sorry. I recently lost one too, it's just so hard when they go. Max was a beautiful boy.

Barb said...

I had a yellow tabby cat, too and my vet told me they have the best personalities of all the cats (in his opinion). He was by far my best cat and I was so sad when he died. Just remember all the good entertaining times he gave you - I love the Christmas tree photo - and hopefully you won't be so sad.

Sherry said...

I heard from Annie. She is broken hearted. We lost one the same way. It's such a difficult ending to a long relationship. So hard not knowing. Gorgeous pictures of him show happy memories.

Brenda A. said...

I'm so sorry! From what I'm reading, he went missing? If so for how long? I've had cats disappear for more than a week at a time and still show up finally. It really sucks being in that place where you just don't know what's happened. I feel all kinds of heartbreak for you Roxie. :(

meowmomma said...

sorries... purrs and head bonks.....

stillhowlyn said...

Oh, so sorry. May Max rest in kitty heaven! Hugs...

Jean and Skip said...

Oh Roxi, so sorry to hear about your Max, so hard to lose a member of your family.

Linda said...

My heart goes out to you. I have lost a few cats over the years, so I can empathize. The photos are beautiful.

Sue Malone said...

Makes my heart hurt. For you, and for all of us who have an old cat. I am soo sorry for your loss.

Larry Vanstone said...

So sorry to hear!

Anonymous said...

Very sorry, so hard losing our beloved pets.

Contessa said...

Hugs Roxi. May Max be up in Kitty heaven frolicking with friends. Lovely photos of him.

Lois said...

Big hugs to you... what a beautiful face, so sweet.

Gaelyn said...

Sorry to hear this Roxi.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye, beautiful boy. Much love, Roxanne. Hugs.


MariaB said...

We are so sorry, Roxi... he was a great little man.

Newagenomad said...

Sorry for your loss. Just lost my girl as well :(