Monday, March 3, 2014

Okay Sedona, you're back in the game.

Sedona showed her true colors today, so I forgave her a little for the past few days.

You may not forgive me, though, because I am too languid to bother choosing tonight's pictures. Photos: let me give you them.

Tee hee! I was hiding.

Early US map, including Bermuda, Cuba, and the island of Mexico.

I don't know if I found Emily's spot or not; it doesn't matter, though. Because I went looking for it, I got to see all this stuff I wouldn't have on wheels.

Balloon. I think this is the one that nearly fell on Al and Kelly, and then Pheebs bit it until it let go, so she's the heroine. I think that's exactly how the story went. I shouldn't even link Al's post, because OMG look at his picture quality. That's how the balloon inflates. [shrug]

I've been to Jerome, too, but enough is ... more than enough. Maybe later.


JO said...

Love Sedona I would love to go back one day and do it my way.

Pictures are breath taking.

Diana said...

Love the map! :-)

Karen Snyder said...

There is much to be said for foot travel, I think...let's ask Andra! :)

I would forgive a place almost anything in exchange for such breathtaking views and bright, blue skies. Have you considered that many of your photos are worthy enough to grace calendar pages, travel brochures and the like?

Dawn from Camano Island said...

Wow! No wonder you stayed! Your photos are National Geographic-worthy!

Al Bossence said...

Hey Quacker, nothing wrong with the quality of your photos. You got some good stuff there. Keep it going:))

stillhowlyn said...

Oh those clouds, textures, beautiful effects...almost like a painting. I think Sedona has you in its spell!!

Sherry said...

Gorgeous pictures. I'll obviously need technical advice from you on camping in the midst of all this beauty. I want to see exactly all of this. Map looks like US with the state of Wolf in place of some of that stuff in the mid south east.

aquarius said...


aquarius said...