Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sedona - stay or go?

I closed Spud's hatch against the rain last night, and slept like a rolling stone. I decided this morning to pack it in and head somewhere - anywhere - I could see the Sun. We're not in New York State anymore, Toto; I need the sunshine, and I need it now.

Last minutes, Sedona! If you want me, let me know. If you don't, then let me go. Just then, Corey walked past and said "hello." I mentioned Corey and Emily, of Where's My Office Now?, in my last blog post, but I hadn't met them. We chatted about the Habitent, and terrific places to camp in the PNW, and before my stomach growled many times Corey had invited me to have breakfast with them.

Emily and Corey live and travel in Boscha, a seriously cool 1987 Vanagon. I grilled them about their technology set-up, their propane, their sleeping quarters, their pop-top - whatever brassy questions I could think of. They answered all of them graciously. I pictured myself living in Boscha, and I can totally see it. Surfboards and all. These two surf, mountain bike, kayak, hike. Their metabolism slowed just talking to me.

Tell me if you've noticed this on the road: people just get down to it. Life on the road is a pineapple with the husk already hacked away. What do you do for a living? HACK Who is your realtor? HACK What schools do your kids go to? HACK And so, we spent a real morning talking about sweet things and sweet no-things that excite and inspire us. Emily drew me a map to get to one of her favorite spots, and I'm thinking today or tomorrow might be perfect.

Another family camped here also seems intriguing. I haven't met them yet, because I'm shy. Maybe there are reasons to stay in Sedona just a little longer.


Gaelyn said...

You, shy? Don't know why. Love the VW. Perfect a duck.

Karen Snyder said...

Personally, I'd opt for the sunshine given the choice. Also there's that rolling stones and moss thing.....

On the other hand, when there's such charming folk to be met, what's another day or three? :)

Leigh said...

Love the van (and the Airstream)! If you're looking for more space, did you hear Van-Tramp is selling his rig? He's getting something bigger.

Barb said...

I'm thinking you definitely NEED a van, or a trailer that's light enough for you to tow. Could you get one cheap and fix it up. Van-Tramp? I'll have to search that name and see what he has. But you definitely need more room! :)

Dragonfly said...

I was going to say stay in Sedona. I looked up the forecast for it and you have several more overcast days mainly in the 50's to 60's. I must say though, at the 16 degrees it is here, and 4 degrees expected on Tuesday, Sedona sounds pretty nice to me. Maybe stay long enough to meet the airstream folks.

Anonymous said...

White and 1987 . . . check! That was our second VW camper; first one was a 1978 VW Campmobile. When it came time to "move up", we thought that the VW Westfalia units were the only game in town, apart from the Adventurewagens, which were TEN GRAND more expensive. We had the 1987 Westfalia for four years before buying our first Lazy Daze in 1991. Since 2002, we have had a 1998 Sportsmobile with the penthouse top, and, having had both . . . no comparison in comfort over the Volkswagens. No problem with parts, as can be with VW units. Although we really haven't needed to do any repairs. It has been rock solid.

Spud seems to suit you, though. Would you use the extra facilities in a campervan? The ability to cook is foremost for me, but I understand not everyone feels that way. I couldn't survive if I had to depend on others for food. I want to be able to store food and cook it to suit myself - whenever and whereever. Refrigeration! Watertightness! A comfortable bed (actually two), an ever-present toilet and running water are all bonuses.

Virtual hugs,


Unknown said...

Is it warm anywhere? I could tell you it's nice down here on the border, but once you got here, you'd know I lied.

Emily said...

It was AWESOME meeting you today. We wish you all of the best on your journey. So glad you are thinking of staying in Sedona even for one more day. :)

Kimbopolo said...

Firstly, thanks for the heads-up on the vanagan blog. Secondly, get a van. Thirdly, if you find a candidate in the southeast that requires a scouting visit, let me know.

Joel said...

Hey, I had a great time reading your website. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.



Cyndi and Stumpy said...

I lived in and out of a 76 VW camper in the late 80s. Still get homesick when I see one.

Rojo said...

More of the same headed that way.It has been raining here for 4 days off and on. haven't seen that much rain in the OC in 4-5 years. Tomorrow just partly clody they say. Stay dry and look for sunshine

Anonymous said...

Move towards so cal. . Going to be in the 80s next week...we love ducks..

Shadowmoss said...

A duck that doesn't like water (rain)? hmmmm

Al Bossence said...

One of my best & most memorable trips ever was to Canada's east coast back in the mid 80's in my orange VW Camper Van. Just me, the van, & a little green mad looking Sesame Street 'Oscar the Grouch' character who I had seat belted into the passenger seat. We made quite a pair............

Bill said...

On cold dreary days like today, I really like the idea of being able to just pack up and head towards sunny weather.
I have Vanagon envy.

Grace said...

Oh, wouldn't this be so much more comfortable for you!
I'm surprised you've made it this far sleeping in your Prius. Kudos to you! But I'd sure love to see you have a bit more comfort. Good luck!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Grace, when I saw your link, I said "Oh, nothing's going to match VanTramp's Big Blue ... " and then there it was!

I have to admit, I am more tempted by that van than I have been by most others. I like that a vandweller lived in it - someone who knows the nuances of what a vandweller really needs and wants.

And, I certainly would be comfortable in such a vehicle! The thing is, I'm pretty darn snug in Spud. And, when I think about going to ______, the one thing I don't think about is can I afford the gas?

Bill, there's something to it. Whatever your escape pod is.

Al, my dad had a thing for VW buses. [Not that I'm comparing you to my dad.] But, he had a few during the 60s and 70s. He was a wanderer, too, living a homebody's life.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Sure, Shadow, remind me of my mutant feathers.

Ooh, SoCal. It sounds wonderful, but does it like boonduckers?

Red, if I see so much as a grouchy cloud, I am GONE.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Cyndi, I think my dad got homesick at the sight of them, too.

Thanks, Kim! That would be a boon for me if you were my scout.

I think I'm not motivated enough yet to get a van. I'm still waiting for one to hit my eye. Not putting in the legwork to find and buy one. So, it's on me!

Emily, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you both! The experience enriched me, seriously. I'll be "following" you.

Sue, I would start out not believing you.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Judie, I do get drooly over Sportsmobiles. Can't you hear me yee-hawing over the mud puddles and sandpiles?

Barbara and Leigh, thanks for the heads-up about VanTramp's rig. I love that I could just get in and drive away. Solar, even!

Karen, if I see any more rain, there will be moss on me.

Gaelyn, it's my introverted nature. Sometimes I'm really motivated to be social, other times not so much.

Dawn from Camano Island said...

Thank you to the 'Office Now' blog! Vans seem to make life easier. Happy trails!

Dawn from Camano Island said...

Shoot, forgot! The Airstream has a first-class set of bumper stickers!

JO said...

I posted something earlier and it went....... somewhere but not here.

I looked at a VW van a year ago and I really wanted it but had just bought that tt. I am still kicking myself over it. But I think my little camper will be just fine. I can't stand or dance in it but that's what the outdoors are for. Right