Friday, March 14, 2014

Whitewater Draw, Arizona - it's for the birds

I thought I was coming here to be close to Bisbee, but apparently other things happen here at Whitewater Draw. Officially, all the excitement is over in February, but tell that to the birds and birders.

Where the sandhill are we?

Remember to pick up groceries before you get here, or you'll be diving for delicious draw delicacies.

Camping is allowed for three days a week. You guess which days. Seriously, you can camp overnight for three days out of every seven. Camping is set up in a ring around the potty, and each "site" has a picnic table safely corralled for your dining pleasure. I guess the corral is to create a tent space. Two pit toilets make the centerpiece.

There are no individual shelters, but there is one very large shelter with seating for watching the cranes, or for picnicking or whathaveyou. The major bird shows happen at dawn and dusk, I'm told, but who's awake for those, amirite? I'm also told to wear a hat and keep my mouth shut, but I'm told that everywhere.


Lynne (WinnieViews) said...

Well, trust me, when you camp there in January, there's more honkin' at dusk and dawn than a Manhattan traffic jam! You'll be awake! And, actually, even though I'm not a birder and that time of day and year is colder than heck, the sight of seeing hundreds of cranes landing and taking off together is really quite spectacular and worth the hardship (at least for 1 day!).

The Good Luck Duck said...

So, I hear you saying the cranes are going easy on me. Good break-in!

AndyD said...

One of my favorite places the variety of life out there ..and the owls. and..just love it there. thx for the reminder .

Nan said...

You know, today's blog is just for the birds. Good job.

Travels with Emma said...

Avocet of good flippers with you?? It might help for lunch.

Sherry said...

HA! Judy is as funny as you are. Gorgeous pictures. This looks like my kind of place. But only 3 days. Sheesh....I'd barely get set up and I'd have to move on.

Barb said...

Great photos - I haven't seen a Sandhill Crane yet - they sure are pretty. I guess for 3 days I wouldn't even put out a chair, but my camera would be out constantly. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

HI Andy! How're you guys? Are you still in Vermont?

Ha Nan! Hope you didn't have to crane your neck to read it.

OH JUDY! You outpunned me - well done.

Yeah, Sherry, three days isn't long. It's easy for me, because I move easily, but set-up and camp-break for a big rig is harder.

They're quite impressive, Barbara. I've seen them in the air (in T or C and Los Alamos), but never with their landing gear down.

Kimbopolo said...

That is a very large gathering of Sandhill Cranes! Or should I say flock? Batchelor flock? (The aviary version of a stag line). Either way, a site to behold.

Fascinating creatures.

The Good Luck Duck said...

The website says that about 30,000 of them winter here. This whole place must be a layer of poop and honk. Most have moved on. These guys still cause birdland excitement when they take off or return during the day.