Tuesday, April 29, 2014

City of Rocks State Park, and Hatch, New Mexico

I have known Lily since she was given to me as a tiny, adorable, black-hearted kitten. She was taken from her mom and siblings too soon, and never learned how to have fun way back when. She's 17 now, and I caught her playing this week. 

Not playing

Annie was interested in scouting out City of Rocks State Park, and I'm always interested in a drive.

For perspective, Jake is 3 millimeters tall.

Dinosaur pig nose

Do you know this nest?

Too happy.

For Karen and Al

I've made a couple of serious upgrades to the Spudmobile:

And ...

My mom reads my blog sometimes, and I wonder if she's thinking "Oh my gosh, I hope she's not cooking inside the car!" But then she remembers it's me, and that I'm probably not cooking anywhere.

So today I remodeled. It was good! Plus, I found stuff.

I'm oozing my way toward Carlsbad Caverns.


Brenda A. said...

You gotta watch the bats come out of the cave at dusk at Carlsbad Caverns. It's the best! Oh and the happy guy with the sharp knife worries me. Stay away from him!

Dawn from Camano Island said...

That's a nightmare waiting to happen right in that parking lot!

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Love that eccentric american roadside stuff:)

Larry Vanstone said...

Mom knows best!

Unknown said...

Make sure you give yourself a lot of time at Carlsbad Caverns. We didn't have a lot of time and could have spent hours more there and look forward to exploring again in the future. We loved what we saw of the Caverns and yes the bat flight is supposed to be amazing!

Sherie Ann Peterson said...

The bat flight is amazing. If you don't cook, what do you usually do about food ... Eat out or no cook or eat out recipes? We find we're much too tired to want to cook at the end of the day.

Wheelingit said...

City of Rocks was one of our top fav spots in NM. For Carlsbad Caverns nearby Brantley Lake State Park was an excellent base. You can disperse camp there right by the water. We did the self -guided tour at Carlsbad....very cool.

Suzanne said...

I sure hope you were a "cheatin' vegan" while photographing on location at Sparky's!

Sherry said...

Love those rabbit ears! Great to see Annie and Jack. Definitely a Dino nose for sure no doubt. Is City of the Rocks a next campsite?? And what are the temps where you are now? Ok so give some details about those cool looking upgrades. How do you power them?? I'm taking notes on temps for my future life and on gear for my future life totally downsized.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Sherry, I won't be heading to CoR this time, since it's in the "wrong" direction (at least for heading to Carlsbad). Temps are in the 70's today (lows maybe in the 40s), going to upper 80's and 90 for the weekend, then back down. Remember that 90°F here is not like 90°F on the east coast.

The stove is butane, and the cooler is 12volt (with a 110 adapter, if needed).

Suzanne, I cheated like crazy. I'm sorry to report instant karma, however, and meat won't sound like fun again for a long time.

Nina, that's good to hear about Brantley Lake, since I've got a ticket to ride. I also like touring myself around when I can; I'm not such a crowd.

You bet, Karen - you intrepid sharksters, you.

Good advice, Brooke. I won't hurry myself along, and I will try to see the bat flight.

American, I eat stuff raw and cold. Wow, that sounds grosser than it is. I mean, I eat raw vegetables and fruit, and nuts, and cereal. Sometimes I eat out.

Larry, that's what she keeps saying!

Me, too, Anneke!

Dawn, I can't believe a horror flick hasn't broken out back there already.

Brenda, I will do that. Both of those thats!

Barb said...

I drove past the City of Rocks this year, but sure enjoyed it last spring. I think I DO know that nest - it belongs to a couple of Ravens. And their babies pretty soon, probably. Nice fridge and cooker - that will sure expand your meal-time fun! :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

I love ravens, Barbara. They are the most cooperative of bird models. I'd love to see babies.

I'm already pretty excited by coffee and tea, and this morning I had oatmeal. The decadence!

www.gypsyandthenavigator.com said...

So Jealous! You were at Sparky's in Hatch. Love everything there cause it all has Hatch Green Chile. Enjoy Carlsbad. I have been there long ago & hope to go back soon and see the bats.

Bill said...

We have a 15 year old cat. She doesn't play much any more.
I'm enjoying your travels vicariously. For a long time I've wanted to visit Carlsbad Caverns. I reckon I'll get there when you do. :)

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Pam said...

I agree he looks "too happy". My first thought was he looked like a cannibal on a rampage.