Sunday, April 6, 2014

Getting serious at Caballo Lake State Park

I've been in one park for five days in a row, although I'm feeling squirmy like a toddler in church. That's even with my field trip to cool nearby places. I told you that stuff last time.

Having Barbara so nearby certainly boosted my time here. She gave me coffee, while Katie offered up her fur to be scritched, and we got to chat a lot. It's fun to see how people are in real life, as compared to the impression we get by reading their writing. If you've somehow gotten the impression that Barbara is staid and conventional ... I'll just save the surprise for when you meet her. [Not that I ever thought you were staid! No, not what I meant!]

I mentioned that there was some mischief at my campsite when I went away for the day. It was minor mischief; I didn't lose much of great financial value, but they were all things I use daily and would miss. A camp chair. A solar flashlight, and a small solar panel I used to charge a reading light. Having a theft at a campsite is a new one on me, so I don't have to worry about that anymore - whew.

Especially weird: things went missing that were of zero value. It was just like someone came through, assumed the site abandoned, and swept it clean. There was no trash, no item of value, no item of no value left behind. That's why I don't sense malice, or even avarice. I sense a sheepish camp host who left that day (the camp host really did leave that day), deciding to do one more round of clean-up on the way out and then getting the email from the ranger.

Especially cool: Barbara had a terrific chair that she "didn't want." She did a great job of convincing me how much she didn't want this chair, and how I would be doing her a huge service by taking it off her hands. It was a rather involved and persuasive tale, and I put my tale right into it. It's such a perfect chair! It fits into Spud perfectly. It fits around my tail feathers perfectly. It has a table! If my old, not-very-perfect chair hadn't been taken, I wouldn't be sitting in this excellent one.

Still, fool me once, shame on you. Pick my new chair-lock, I'll hit you with the heavy part.

New sign also courtesy of Barbara.

A ranger came by to take my report, after I asked the new camp hosts about it. He was very apologetic.

This park got very, very busy over the weekend. Scouts came in on Friday and left today. Now there are more families just in for the day, enjoying the river. I predict a return to serenity for me, and fun weekend memories for them.

Barbara, it was a lot of fun having you nearby. Thanks for the coffee and good conversations. And the great chair.


AndyD said...

Hi Roxanne Nell & I are @ elephant Bute for a week to. catch up w/ourselves & do taxxes...Urgh..... I can feel you sort of near by....which way you headed?

Amanda said...

How horrible that someone stole your stuff! It always gives me a yucky feeling inside when I hear about this kind of behavior. We've never had an incident like that and tend to be rather lazy about leaving stuff out around our campsite as a result. Maybe I should re--think this practice. By the way, we just arrived at Caballo Lake SP and just spent some time chatting with Barb & Katie who we are parked near. If you happen to come this way, stop by and say hi! We're the shiny Airstream with a long rainbow windsock.

Kimbopolo said...

Love your new furniture. Also love that you 3 got to meet.

Bob said...

Well I must say you were very calm about the way you described being robbed. I'd be ready to kick someone in the nads.

Sherry said...

So you lost those cool things that you use and got one of them back even cooler. But why don't you have to worry about any of that any more. Am I missing something? Only one robbery in a lifetime per camper or something??

Barb said...

I really enjoyed our coffee time, too. And I'm so glad you like the chair - much better than I did, honest! And to everyone else reading this, I'm just a little old white-haired lady. Very staid. Very s-t-a-i-d. And Roxi? I found another mouse under the passenger seat after I set up here overlooking the lake. Dead as a door nail. :)

Come and see us - Katie misses you. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

You only worry about the first camp-burgle. I'm pretty sure that's what I read, anyway, Sherry.

Well, these things happen. They were tidy! Maybe they also needed that leftover soymilk and the cereal. I could spin it either way, I guess, so I spin it so they get to keep their nads. This time.

Thanks, Kim! Me, too. Both.

I'll do that, Amanda! I can check my makeup in your luster on my way to your door! It's such a rare event that I don't think you should change your life because of it. There are bits of the story that argue against thievery altogether.

Andy, I'm at Caballo Lake SP, the Riverside area (below the dam). Let me know where you are and I can meet up with you at your convenience. My chariot is even more mobile than yours.

The Good Luck Duck said...

That's what I meant to say, Barbara. You are a staid little, old, white-haired lady.

Did that mouse die of natural causes?? You're thinking it's the shrubbery even more now, aren't you?

Suzanne said...

Hey, it sounds like a bloggers conference over there at Caballo Lake SP. Got Verizon?? Got room for one more??

The Good Luck Duck said...

Suzanne, I'm Verizonin' right now, and not bothering with my Sleek. I'm getting 2-3 bars of 4G. And yes!! Lots of room!

Emjay said...

Last November, my adult brothers and I gathered with our trailers in a boondock site near Ajo. While they were gone exploring, I was in camp alone and decided to go look for firewood. Gone 20 minutes, and upon returning, our camp had been rifled of a significant haul, mostly food from our ice chests but also a chair, two huge water containers, canned goods, ground coffee, paper towel, a case of sodas, beer, and so on. There had to be more then one person and they had to have been watching for our absence. Please people: Being in the southwest doesn't mean your possessions are safe, and if you are nearer to the border as we were, be aware that there are often people with binocs on the mountain watching.

heyduke50 said...

hopefully the thief needed your stuff more than you... otherwise hopefully he has a really bad day for doing so...

Dawn from Camano Island said...

The chair looks super comfy--the table makes it stellar!

The Good Luck Duck said...

I love my new chair, Dawn! It's perfect. Now I'll be MAD if it gets stolen (why I got the lock).

I think that must be the case, HD. I'll go ahead and believe it until forced to reassess.

That's very chilling, Emjay. Were you at Darby Well? Down closer to Organ Pipe's back door? It feels very solitary out there, but the locals will tell you there are eyes everywhere. Don't pick up wads of cash in the desert! Interesting that they were so interested in your food. It doesn't seem like a common thief would bother with those things. More like what hungry/thirsty people would be after.

Emjay said...

We were looking at Kit Peak Observatory from the east, so we were a ways from Ajo. Sierrita Mountain Road.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Oh weird. We lived on Sierrita Mountain road for six months. Yeah, that was food/water traffic, for sure.