Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lunar eclipse - don't come here for pictures

I've seen some outstanding eclipse photos around the 'Net this morning. These aren't any of them.

I'm only a waxing gibbous moon ...

...sailing over a cardboard sky.

Truth or Consequences gets a little spiffied up for Art Hop.

Cookie Crumbs Coffee Shop

Happy Belly Deli

Some of you know Jake the Dog, and will be happy to see that he had a river play date.

It may be impossible to be gloomy while watching dogs play in the water. I thought they must be walking on water, but the river is just that shallow just below Caballo Dam.

Composting toilets: the scoop on the poop

Back in 2012 I wrote a short essay on the beauty of composting toilets. In 2010, when we installed ours in the motorhome, a person couldn't even get a civil reply on RVing forums when asking about such things. Today, I've gotten 12,500 hits on that topic; it's three times more popular than the next most popular post. Thanks to RVing resource websites, the information remains everbrown, and some days I get more hits on composting poo than I do on my latest adventure. 

At 12,500 hits, I like to think that 1,250 people read it and thought "maybe I could do this someday." Maybe 125 people went through with it and installed composting toilets somewhere in their lives.

This is a movement whose time has come. Back around 2005, I read Joseph Jenkins' book, The Humanure Handbook, and thought "maybe I could do this someday." Who knew I would become a poo evangelist?


Gaelyn said...

You are the 'Poo Queen' and should be proud to sway those 125 people.

The Good Luck Duck said...

The Poo Queen! I love it! I wear the crown with all due dignity.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Very spiffy town:)

Pam said...

That's poo-rific news! Ah, to be so influential.

Unknown said...

I remember when your total page views were in the hundreds. Now I know how you do it. Persistence and poo. Always awesome. Rarely crap. That's why we love you.

Unknown said...

Oh... and that third photo - LOVE IT!!!

Grace said...

Yes, you've introduced many of us to alternate poo disposal. It's a good thing.
Oh, how Gretchen would have loved that river romp. She's pouting after I showed her the photos. What fun!
You saw more of the eclipse than I did. Thankfully, there have been enough photos to make me determined not to miss the next one! Hopefully, we'll have clear skies again. Grace (in Tucson)

Seeker said...

I love the pictures of the dogs playing with each other in the water. You can just feel the joy coming off them.

Karyn-Lee said...

Well if you have to be known for something......
Love the photos of the dogs, can almost hear the splashing and barking!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Karyn, I chose notoriety that no one else wanted. That's the way to get to the top of one's field.

The dogs were gleeful. It was fun to watch.

Grace, I wish the eclipse looked as good in person as it does in some of those photos.

Thanks, MG! I have revealed my secrete weapon. [It's technically an "excrete" weapon; I took scientific liberties.]

Thanks, Pam. I am in-poo-ential.

It's fun, C&A. A great RVing and vandwelling town, too.

Kim said...

i curtsey to you the POO QUEEEN. I am one of the 125, read you always, was intrigued by your poop scoop post... wrote you got more scoop on the poop (was eternally grateful for the thoughtful/detailed reply) and converted. Who knew you'd amass the numbers 1,250! you should wear your crown royally!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Hurray Kim! Thanks for the scoop on your poop! I love my crown, although it smells funny.

Unknown said...

You should enjoy the water too, not just the dogs! Chuck and I tubed down the Rio Grande 3 or 4 times and it was winderful each and everytime! Make your reservations at Riverbend Hot Springs and Bob will pick you up there and drop you off there at the end of the float! mmmm, wondering if the water there is warm enough yet???

The Good Luck Duck said...

Geri, how far do you float? There isn't enough water in the river to float a paper boat anywhere I've been.

Bill said...

I agree with MGP about that third photo. It really is stunningly pretty.
And bravo for your poo evangelism! May you continue to win converts.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Bill! And, I'm keeping the faith.