Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Alamogordo to Carlsbad, New Mexico - Brantley Lake State Park and Guadalupe National Park

I got dozy, so I pulled over in Hope, New Mexico.

Buses are welcome in Alice's Treasure Box.

This just seemed like too much Americana in this iconic place not to photograph.

Still too much Americana.

I spent the night before in Brantley Lake State Park. It was my intention to boondock down by the water, but I felt especially tired and dry-camping suddenly felt like work. Electricity and water near the toilet? $4? Sold. It's a comfortable park; the only downside I could detect was the drifty smell from Artesia. 

After Carlsbad Caverns, I drove on to Guadalupe Mountains National Park in Texas to spend the night. The campsites are only parking spaces, but, for the view of El Capitan? All is forgiven. $4/ night with National Parks annual pass. 

Nope.          Nope.
Nope.                   Nope.

That was then, and now I just left Rockhound State Park. Found no rocks I needed to hound - just a nice, easy trail and terrific views of the basin.


Next ... maybe a fast trip to Flagstaff to see some cousins? Maybe I should check with them first? Nah - they love it when I walk right in without warning.


Unknown said...

That flower photo is gorgeous--it should be in a calendar or on a greeting card. I got intrigued by the Guadalupe Mt NP link. They have an artist-in-residence program, which would be a cool thing to aspire to.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Sue, that would be a fantastic experience for you.

Anonymous said...

Boy, you've been getting around! If you take the scenic route to Flagstaff via Wickenburg, we're in their RV park. Drop me a FB note if you go by us...would love to meet you & visit for a few.

Anonymous said... fingers & mind sometimes bypass each other. We're in the North Ranch Escapees RV Park 4 miles S of Congress.

The Odd Essay said...

Whatever that flower is... you did a fantastic job with the photo! You're in Bill's old stomping grounds now... he went to school at Las Cruces.... He took me back there to see stuff a few times but we sure didn't see your wonderful places!

Suzanne said...

I see Alice's Treasurebox had ice cream. Were there any frozen bananas? (snicker, snicker)

What?? No Guadalupe Peak SUMMIT?? You're not a duck, you are a chicken!! ;-)

Gaelyn said...

Always seem to manage a couple pockets full of rocks at Rockhound. Let me know when you head to Flag as I have to go shopping there soon.

Nickie and Jim said...

I hope you pull over when you get dozy.

Barb said...

You're really moving around, to some great places! I love those cactus flowers at Rock Hound - I haven't seen that color yet.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

We have always passed on the caverns, maybe we should rethink that:)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Oh boy, Anneke, RETHINK!

Barbara, I'm burning this state up! Oops, just remembered Signal Fire - maybe I'll hold off on the New Mexico fire jokes.

Nickie, I do. When I feel dozy walking, I sit on a bench, too.

Will do, Gaelyn.

Suzanne, thank goodness you're eleven, too! About that SUMMIT - a friend who had just hiked it told me it took him 6.5 hours, and he's not a chicken duck like me.

Sharon, LC is a nice town - I like it. If you're visiting old sites, you probably wouldn't get around to Rockhound SP.

I'll do that, Renee. I'm thinking of going north through NM, but my plans are like the sands of time through the hourglass.

Linda said...

OK, in general the annual pass isn't valid for camping discounts. Only the senior/disabled passes give the discount. Does Guadalupe do something different? On their fee page they say only the lifetime passes give the 50% discount, otherwise it's $8.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Linda, you may be right. I just put in my pass number, and the camphost checked carefully, and I believe even called in the number. I was pretty loosey-goosey about it, thinking I was in the clear, and I wasn't challenged; still, you may be correct.