Saturday, May 31, 2014

Coming clean. I do it.

I met someone very nice, and we enjoy each other's company. See? No drama.

Some people whom I love and admire told me not to say anything, just because ... who knows what will happen? I took this advice to heart and sat with it a while. My friends don't want me to feel vulnerable. It makes sense, it just doesn't make sense for me. 

I show you my campsites, but I'm not moving in. I don't withhold sunsets just because they slide into starry nights. Things and people and situations are beautiful in the here and now, and there's nothing else anyway. Vulnerability is part of the prize package under your seat.


Jan Goldfield said...

Do what feels right.

Brenda A. said...

Beautifully said! Enjoy the here and now. Really, really enjoy it. And if it departs, as the here and now tends to do, well.....enjoy the new here and now. :)

Nancy said...

Go with the flow girl. :-)

Annie said...

Haha! I thought you were coming clean about that other thing! :)

Linda said...

Good for you. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Linda!

Annie, never mention that again.

I'm goin', Nancy!

You are so right, Brenda. All of that.

Will do, Jan!

SwankieWheels said...

And when the here and now is gone, I agree, live in the new here and now. Good for you. :)

Shadowmoss said...

Where to draw the line in a public blog is something that is always in my mind. My Mom may or may not know about my blog, but I always am mindful that she might read what I write. Not that I'm doing anything for years now that really needs to be confidential, but still...

The Good Luck Duck said...

My mom!! No, I'm kidding - it's fine. Yes, I've been grappling with the question for a month. It's all about comfort, but not really comfort, you know? Because it's not always comfortable, the decision you make.

Thanks, Swankie!

wheelingit said...

Whoo hooo! Super happy for you girl! And I'm with you on the here and one. None knows what well happy tomorrow.

wheelingit said...

Make this will happen...bloody spell check. I guess we'll happy is also a good place we to be.

The Good Luck Duck said...

LOL, Nina! We should just ask spellcheck what we mean and let it have its way with us once and for all.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...


that's all I got. Wish I could make it bigger

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

the google made me do it


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

damn... should have previewed that

The Good Luck Duck said...

Stumpy, is that you posting?? It makes me laugh, whatever it is.

Paige Malone said...

Is it me???

The Good Luck Duck said...

Paige, did last night mean so little you have to ask?

Annie said...

LOL at Paige

Mermaid in the Mountains said...

excellent and fabulous and all superlatives to this post! Those who do not dare to risk truth ought to just stay in their box and never come out. This is not the path of those who follow as you do the wings of freedom's singing. Quack on, love and love more. What is there to lose? maybe a few feathers but not your way.

Paige Malone said...


Unknown said...

I knew it, I knew it!!
and I want to hit the like button on all the above comments.

Unknown said...

Well there's always teardrop trailers for two that a Prius can pull. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

LOL, David - I'll keep that in mind!

Kirsten YOU DID NOT!! I was so discreet ...

Ruthie, that's pure poetry!

Grace said...

What a sweet and happy surprise! Good for you! Grace (in Tucson)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thank you, Grace!

You're my only Grace, you know. In Tucson or anywhere.

Merikay said...

Happy Happy for you! Take it day by day and treasure each.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Merikay! Will do.

Donna B. McNicol said...

You made my heart smile!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Aw, Donna, thanks! I'm glad.

Kimbopolo said...

We are here and it is now. And I'm so happy for you.

Sherry said...

It's your life and your now and your blog and you can do whatever you want and not be worried at all me thinks. BUT............You show us sunsets and campsites so where is this picture of this one whom you enjoy?????

Barb said...

I'm thinking we don't have early enough posts like this. Where in the world is the romance on the road? I'm sure glad you found some. Atta girl, Roxi! :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Oh Cousin Sherry, you are still a troublemaker! You know where to find the picture.

Thank you, Kim! xo

The Good Luck Duck said...

LOL, Barbara! Where, indeed? Is no one else an oversharer like me??

Nancy1340 said...

Good for you! I know we don't know each other but I have worried about you for a good while. Why? I have no clue unless I just felt you were lonly. I am very glad you have met someone to spend time with.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thank you, Nancy! It's very sweet of you to worry. I think I wasn't lonely, and was happy, which was why we met.

croshayallday said...

You have one life... You have to live it... Good or bad... Happy or sad... No regrets... Life is so long when we are young... Days turn into seconds as we age... Go forth and live your life to the max...

TexCyn said...

Good for you girl! -Live, love, laugh-

Anonymous said...

I love the here & now.... What ever floats your boat...or gases your RV... LIFE is too short not to enjoy every moment....its about getting thru it with the least regrets...nothing worse than regretting a missed opportunity.

Unknown said...

Makes my Sunday morning news reading happy and feeling good. Life moves pretty darn to enjoy the heck out of it :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Aw, thanks Kelly! Yeah, I think I'll crossstitch "Enjoy the heck out of it" on a throw pillow.

I agree, Anon. I'm happy I decided not to regret a missed opportunity.

Thanks, Cyn!

No regrets, Croshay! Another motto to live by.

Harriet said...

Enjoy the journey don't worry about where you're going. Be Happy.

The Good Luck Duck said...

I like it, Harriet. Thanks.

stillhowlyn said...

Beautifully phrased! Carpe diem, or however that goes...

The Good Luck Duck said...

Yes! Grab it! Thanks, Lynda.

Suzanne said...

"I don't withhold sunsets just because they slide into starry nights." That statement feels very joyous to me. En-JOY!!!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Suzanne! More joy!