Thursday, May 15, 2014

Deming, New Mexico

I spent a little time with a friend in the city of Deming, and found it cuter than I imagined. Not a lot going on there, but it's peaceful, and it has a Walmart and a McDonald's, so it's all the cultural hub it needs to be.

Weather balloon? Or would you weather not say?

Changed my mind about Flagstaff this time - I'll go when it's a better time for all of us - so I'm cooling my heels at Caballo until I decide what to do next. I'd like to go someplace new, and then be back here by May 26th when I'll check in with my friends, Annie and David, about what slight duties I may have while I'm lounging around their house. They make it sound like I'm doing them a great favor, when we all know I'll just be having fun.

"At the Good Luck Duck, Fun is Job One!" Maybe I won't use that on my business cards.


Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Having been to Deming, I am pretty sure that is NOT a weather balloon:)

The Good Luck Duck said...

No? What do you think it could be? It was out over the mountains near Rockhound.

fastalker said...

I saw one last week just like that flying over the keys! Wondered then what it was?

Anonymous said...

I think that is a Navy survey blimp. They survey land from the air.
Doris Keil-Shamieh

The Good Luck Duck said...

Oh, good call, Doris. I googled them.

Anonymous said...

I was told it's a border patrol.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Well, that makes sense, too. I didn't realize BP had blimps.

Tesaje said...

Definitely not a weather balloon. I have inside knowledge on weather balloons and they are not shaped like a blimp. Ever.
Glad you are having fun.

Anonymous said...

It is called an Aerostat. We have one here in Sierra Vista. When it is on the ground, it is right up against the mountains that I can see out my kitchen window. When it is in the sky, everyone can see it. Here's a bit of scoopage about it:

The ground site is right outside of Brown Canyon Ranch - about ten road miles from my house. You can practically reach out and touch it from there.

Virtual hugs,


Gaelyn said...

Definitely a spy blimp. Problem I found with Deming is the wind never stops blowing.

VtChris said...

The museum, must go....

Jodee Gravel said...

Pretty little town. Hope the Walmart is out on the highway so it doesn't ugly-up the place. If it's a spy blimp they're really bad at it.......

Kimbopolo said...

My main memory about Deming is how exceedingly friendly the natives are. Hope they were nice to you too.

Anonymous said...

Oh, oh, I have an idea - come up north of I-40. I'm at Storrie Lake where it's nice and cool. About to head to Villanueva on Tuesday where there is great hiking. Then back to Storrie Lake. Las Vegas is a neat town, and 4G here at the park. Later going up to Coyote Creek, Eagle Nest and Hyde Memorial in Santa Fe. It's a northern NM state parks summer. Come hang with me and Riley again!

stillhowlyn said...

You make Deming a lot more attractive! Just don't go in a wind storm. We did like the museum in town.

Travels with Emma said...

Maybe Goodyear is trying to bring back white walls???

The Good Luck Duck said...

Funny, Judy! I looked all over for the stadium, too.

Oh boy, Lynda, THIS WIND! I'm so happy for a calm day.

These are great ideas, Jeannie! I may just do something like that!

Kim, I usually find the natives to be friendly, and this was no exception. So, yeah!

Very bad, Jodee. Yes, the Walmart is in the already-ugly section.

Chris, I skipped the museum this time. I'll know to go next time.

Gaelyn, I wonder if there is escape from the wind anywhere. I was over it in March.

Good reference, Judie. That makes sense.

Thanks, Mary! Okay, weather balloon is off the table.

Anonymous said...

Trust me, that is a US Border Patrol blimp....full of sensitive tracking equipment and very sophisticated camera systems. It is by the way tethered. Illegals are crossing the border, and thanks to this equipment they are often greeted by BP agents on horseback as well as 4 wheelers....

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Anon! Good to know.

Anonymous said...

If you're into ruins & such, head towards Mountainair & Gran Quivera, Abo & Quarai. Relatively close together, but completely different. Not sure about campsites for you except that there IS a Manzano State Park in the area. We lived not far from there, so never really camped around there --just did day trips. Oh, between Mountainair & Tijeras, there's also a campground at 4th of July Canyon. My youngest daughter got married there...beautiful "midwest" leaf colors there in the fall.

T-burg Annie said...

Hi there Roxanne,
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, one day late. Thinking about you and glad to read about your adventures.
Love ya, Bruno, aka Carolyn's Annie, aka likes to camp next to rattle snake dens

The Good Luck Duck said...

Annie! Good to hear from you! You're not late at all; in fact, you're a couple of days early. Tequila makes strange bedfellows. I'm referring to the snake, of course.

Thanks for the ideas, Renee! I've never heard of those places, so I'm intrigued.