Sunday, May 18, 2014

Deming to Datil.

My hiking companion had some commitments, so he headed west. I almost never have a plan, and I can live with that. 

I got some good ideas about where to go next - thanks! Since I actually do have a plan for June, I decided this was a good time to head for the cabin and do some stuff. Leave some things here, as though I have a home! Datil is a swollen hour from any kind of shopping, so I stopped in Socorro to pick up supplies.

Virga - it's an air-water sign.

The Gila Mountains are on fire again, and it's not pretty. It's very dry everywhere ... c'mon monsoon!

Thank you for the window-wash, Wolfgang. Now you see why I can't have nice things.

Sunset in Datil


Jodee Gravel said...

Virga - har, har! Incredible sunsets, the last one looks like stained glass.

JO said...

Great sunsets. Yes come on Monsoons. It;s like a toss up between the heat of Tucson and the fire danger in the mountains.

Contessa said...

Welcome Home!

stillhowlyn said...

Ahhh, home, must be nice. And what beautiful sunsets! That virga might be a good sign!

Anonymous said...

The back window looks small. Does is provide good vision out the back when you are driving?

Virtual hugs,


Anonymous said...

Your sunset photo looks like sunRISE over the Plains of San Augustin, with the Gila in the background. Your view must be oriented differently than from our place. Although we're in AZ, which is a great deal closer in looks than OK &'s still not NM.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Renee, I think that's Horse Mountain, but I'm too new to be sure.

Judie, up above that tiny window is the hatch window, so put together, visibility is fine.

I hope so, Lynda! And, thanks!

Thanks, Contessa!

It's true, Jo. New Mexico has the same dilemma, although I'm not sure anywhere in NM is as hot as Tucson.

Jodee, there are some great rises and sets here!

Sherry said...

VolFgahng.........really! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

The Good Luck Duck said...

Troublemaker! :o)

Barb said...

Happy Birthday, Kid! (per Annie;s blog) I hope you have a great birthday and are enjoying your house. Some thundershowers are predicted, so maybe the monsoons are coming? :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Barbara! I enjoyed my house this morning, then headed for Flagstaff, where I'm lounging right now.

our awesome travels said...

Great sunset photos, oh yeah HAPPY BIRTHDAY, we are both celebrating our birthdays on the same day. What a party!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Happy Birthday, George! PHWEEEE!!! <---cheap noisemaker