Friday, May 23, 2014

Flagstaff, AZ to Datil, NM.

The Slide Fire is not yet contained. The wind must have shifted yesterday to give Flagstaff breathers a break.

Have you seen this new blog? I like to think she has started writing because I kept saying she should; everyone knows how effective nagging is.

I'm in a rare situation: I have a schedule. This aberration will end when I arrive back in Truth or Consequences and meet up with my friends David and Annie, where I will housesit. Today, I'm going to Datil to unload some things I will bring back from Flagstaff. I can't stop over anywhere because there will be nowhere to sleep in Spud. It makes me dozey just to think about it.

Edit: Breaking kitty news:

April 1997 - May 22, 2014
We love you, Original Grumpy Cat


our awesome travels said...

That fire looks pretty brutal.
Annie has been doing a great job with her blog enjoying it as well as yours.

The Good Luck Duck said...

The firefighters have impossible terrain to deal with in that canyon.

Thanks, George. And, I knew her blog would be fun once she started it. It pretty much reads like she speaks. Or thinks, but who knows but Annie? :o)

Annie said...

Thanks for the plug! Writing the blog has been fun, and who doesn't need more fun?

Sure hope they get that fire contained soon!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Of course! I knew you would have fun with it, once you got it going.

That fire needs to pack its bags.

Annie said...

Lily, Original Grumpy Cat. Oh so true! I'm going to miss her.

Anonymous said...

Blogwork (A phrase I just made up) seems intimidating at first, but get a few of 'em under yer belt, and then the "habiturate" kicks in and you are hooked! Enjoying yours, Annie! Especially the sunsets!!!

Virtual hugs,


Contessa said...

So sorry for your loss. Try and think of her running around somewhere, up there in a peaceful garden, carefree as a kitten.


The Good Luck Duck said...

Contessa, she was a grumpy kitten, too, so that's all easy to imagine. Thank you!

I agree with Judie.

Annie, I still have some scars from Lily's grumpy childhood, if you ever want to reminisce.

Jack said...

So sorry about Lily--grumpy or not. Stay away and safe from the fires. Scary business.

swankiewheels said...

Sorry about your kitty. Be safe from the fire.

Gaelyn said...

Sure glad the smoke cleared from Flag but I hear Williams is suffering. 5% contained. Sorry about grumpy cat. I liked her. And I like Annie's blog. Persistent nagging sometimes works.

Larry said...

Sorry about grumpy cat.

JO said...

Sorry to hear you lost another fur baby. But they all lived a much loved life for sure.

Thanks for the heads up on Annie's blog didn't know.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Jo. Yes, they lived a fine life.

Thanks, Larry. I'm sure she would snarl her thanks, too.

Only 5%? Dang.
Yeah, she had her fans. You (mostly) only hurt, scar, bloody the ones you love.

Thanks, Swankie. I'm outta there now.

Thank you, Jack. Yep, I'm clear.