Saturday, May 10, 2014

Wrapping up Alamogordo and Oliver Lee State Park

I'm at Brantley Lake State Park, headed for Carlsbad Caverns. There is no flame allowed here, so I need to head quickly toward anything that might offer socorro ("emergency coffee").

Oliver Lee State Park is an extremely comfortable place to stay. I've been here twice, and each time left feeling much better than when I arrived. Shelters are nicely arranged to provide maximum comfort; please enjoy photos of my temporary home:

Living room


Dining room
My dear friend, Datil Betty, strongly urged me to hike Dog Canyon. I glanced longingly at the mild Riparian Trail, then moved ahead to read the Dog Canyon sign.

Betty was my dear friend.

I peered just beyond the sign and saw the trail ascend something like:  /

Oh look! Riparian Trail!
Wolfgang Rebesky is here, but out of the frame. 

This is a short, fairly easy (but not wheelchair-accessible) hike through unexpected lushness in the desert.

I met Wolfgang in the park, and he kindly invited me for coffee. He suggested we take a walk, and since I had already told him my Dog Canyon story, we took the riparian route.

Wolfgang is from Rohr in Niederbayern (Lower Bavaria), and we talked about idioms. We have skeletons in the closet, Germans have corpses in the cellar. Theirs makes more sense to me. I always pictured the skeleton tumbling out every time I went for my coat, getting tangled in the hockey gear, decomposing into the picnic basket. His English is almost perfect, and I speak mostly American. I probably insulted him twenty times accidentally - it was only my ravishing good looks that got me forgiveness and an apres-hike beer.


Grinding holes

Go home, Bee. You're drunk.


tstda62 said...

Oops I didn't mean the trail up the mountain. I meant the riparian trail Friends again??

Brenda A. said...

I think the riparian trail looks lovely! And Wolfgang is kinda cute. But that flower is the BEE'S KNEES! Get it......the bee is up to his knees in.....oh never mind. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

LOL Brenda. Wolfgang is cute, and the bee ... okay, I get it! He has knees. :oD

Okay, Betty. I guess we can work things out.

Wheelingit said...

I'm impressed you even attempted the dog trail. We did part of it and then relented. I think margaritas were our choice that afternoon, but beer with a friendly German sounds just as fun :)

Anonymous said...

Oliver Lee State Park is one of my favorite places in New Mexico, but was entirely appalled at the history behind the man. For some good hiking pictures, and fascinating history about Oliver Lee himself, take a look at this blog post I just found.

Virtual hugs,


Anonymous said...

Nice translucent horsetail pic!

swankiewheels said...

Love the photos. Hum, grinding holes look familiar! lol

Karen Snyder said...

Pretty, pretty place! Did the little fellow with the striped collar introduce himself or simply stare? Safe travels.

Anonymous said...

What great bee photos! I didn't realize there was an 8-hour long hike -- holy cow! We just went up to see the ferns. 8 hour hike -- I don't think I walk that much in 3-4 days...

Sherry said...

Love your new estate. Great kitchen. Couldn't recognize all the "appliances". Looks like you crawled inside the flower petals with that bee. How did you get those fabulous shots! Way cool. I have corpses in my closet for sure.

Larry said...

Very nice,enjoy all your reports,someday hope to get to these places. Keeping them in a journal.

Jodee Gravel said...

Delightful estate with a spectacular yard, interesting neighbors (with coffee AND beer), entertaining inebriated live the most bestest life!

Barb said...

I'm really sorry I didn't include that park in my loop of state parks. It looks really nice, especially for tent or car campers. Next year for sure. Love your photos! :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Barbara, I think you'll like it. It tends to be very quiet there, and a lovely view. Thanks!

I do, Jodee! I totally do.

Good, Larry. This is a good place.

Sherry, it's all on my camera. I just point. I have a couple of those corpses, too, but I've made friends with them.

No kidding, Renee! I'd have to be dragged out.

Bill said...

Fun post, and I especially like the photos of the bee. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Karen, that lizard was just as rude as you'd imagine.

It's true, Swankie! I remember the Q-holes (does that sound right?).

Thanks, Rob!

Judie, he didn't sound very wholesome, and that's just the official story. I'll check out that blog. I'll enjoy the views vicariously.

Nina, it was just as fun!

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Bill!

C. J. Hall said...

Oh darn, just missed you I guess. I was at Oliver Lee (first time ever) for Monday night. Gorgeous and clean. I need to FREE boondock most all my nights, so I will probably try some Forest Service on 82 towards Cloudcroft (but as low elevation as I can find). Camped free at several places around Ft. Stanton recently. Devil winds everywhere it seems. I will next be headed to Socorro area so I'm going to try to find some recommendations from you in older posts. Thanks for your fun and informative blog. C.J.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Hi C.J. I hear you about free camping. I buy the annual NM pass ($225), then I pretend my boondocking is free after that. I'll watch to see where you camp around Cloudcroft. I know a couple of easy places, but not at lower elevations.

The winds are ridiculous. I disapprove.