Saturday, June 21, 2014

Colorful Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

I'm enjoying this time off the road, so I'm taking pictures from the street.


Her Majesty sleeps on the bed and bites feet. When she's not on the street.


Unknown said...

Love the photos! Latitude 33 looks great with the picnic tables in front.

Mermaid in the Mountains said...

those colors are fabulous. glad you are being still for a bit, while not being truly still of course, but you get my meaning! Quack on, gracious ducky. Love the cat!

Anonymous said...

ToC - so very colorful. My camera went nutzo there! ;->

Virtual hugs,


Unknown said...

T or C is the quirkiest town we have ever lived in! Loved every minute! If you haven't eaten at Latitude 33, deprive yourself no longer! EXCELLENT !!!

Jodee Gravel said...

You street walkers take mighty fine pictures :-). Es not you! Sorry, so many bright colors make me goofy(er). Enjoy your stationary time.

Anonymous said...

Great photos. Esme knows who she is!

Lois said...

Great photos! Love the colors in T & C... thanks for sharing :)

Bill said...

Love the colors. TOC seems like a funky place.

stillhowlyn said... the operative word! The great photos are a bonus!!