Thursday, July 24, 2014

More Morphy, please: Morphy Lake State Park, New Mexico

I left the comforts of girl-camping (exactly like boy-camping, but with girls and it smells better) and headed off to Morphy Lake State Park for the night. This is a beautiful spot, with a maximum 18-foot rig restriction. What's the point of having the tiniest rig if you don't flaunt your privilege?

Morphy Lake sits in the Sangre de Cristo mountains. TRIVIA QUESTION: In which popular TV series does the main character mention the Sangre de Cristos, and what city is s/he in when s/he mentions them?

I'm feeling restless and at loose ends (are you a string? I'm a frayed knot!) with the feeling of not being where I want to be, and not wanting to be where I am. It's a head thing, and I can deal with it. You can look at the pictures and see that if I don't want to be there, it's a problem with my bean.

Morphy Lake is at 8000 feet, and there are wildlife dangers. Other tent campers looked at me and said "I don't have to run faster than the ______, I just have to run faster than that orange cast." One guy walked past and said "Whoa! You're doin' this hardcore!"

Chipmunks present an unrecognized hazard in the wilderness. I had half a dozen of them working me at all times in the crepuscular hours. One fat one danced and shimmied, and while I pointed and laughed, the other five took my dinner and my paperback. I stood up to stop them, and one took my chair.

DO not say "AW!" This is not cute.

I wondered what to do with my food, but they all retired before nightfall. I got up this morning to silence and relaxed, until they all emerged from Hell at one time.

I texted a friend last night and told him of my woe. He said "Have fun with them!" and I replied YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

When one is restless and at loose ends, naturally one goes to Taos. But, THEN where does one go?


Texas Yellow Rose said...

What other color would a cast on a duck be but orange. :)

Paige Malone said...

They aren't dumb. They see your cast. You are what we in the forest like to call easy pickins.

The Good Luck Duck said...

HA Betty! I never thought of that.

Paige, I thought I was going to wake up pinned to my bed like Gulliver. With a Y. pestis infection.

Robin said...

You need to cast them in your next play! See how they like it. Surprise them with a different color though...

Paige Malone said...

Lmao. It could happen. I had them messing with my tent one night after I saw Blair Witch earlier that night..I got freaked out I had to sleep in the car.

Grace said...

Aww... I have to admit... that's one scary eyeball!

Karen Snyder said...

Cast? She said, "cast?" Obviously, I've been missing things, so I started working my way backward from here . . . Holy cow, you've been in this situation for a month!! Not sure why I'm not getting your posts -- guess maybe I need to be a subscriber instead of a Facebook follower. In any event, I'm so sorry this happened to you, although it's apparent that your funny bone isn't in your foot! :) This post is great fun, though I suppose it might have been scary to be confronted by such a thieving horde.

You know it's possible this accident of yours might have been one of those disguised blessings. October might be a better time for a Florida visit, unless you just have a thing for hot, muggy, and possibly violent weather.

Sounds like you're mending, so hope the worst is over. .

JO said...

I do know the feeling believe me.

Those little critters are nothing but thieves. We had then at Big Lake last Sept. They stole everything they could carry. 2 sticks of butter and we never even found the wrapper. They drove Fred nuts and he took off after them pulling himself free and being lost for about 1hr giving me heart failure. Not even hornet spray worked. Makes you wonder what good it would be against a bear.

Allison said...

Awwwwwww. So cuuuuuuuuuuuute.

Jools from N. Texas said...

My brother and nephew go primitive camping in the wilderness around Northern NM, near Cimarron. They told me of these little creatures called mini-bears. They said they could break into the food as effectively as any full size bear. Be wary, my friend.
Jool in N. Texas

Dawn from Camano Island said...

Chipmunks are great--way better than squirrels, aka rats with pretensions. As for your question, I have no idea. Who was it & where?

Dragonfly said...

You mentioned Taos. The voices in my head have been haunting me with images of Taos from years past. Maybe next year. said...

Breaking Bad?

Jodee Gravel said...

The pictures might have been cute if they didn't have that creepy, scary music in the background........which is likely why you don't want to be where you're at. Mom always said "If you hear the scary music, DON'T stay in the house!" Just's usually good to pay attention when you're "a-frayed..." (ha!).
On a lighter note, the pictures are spectacular :-)))))).

Pam said...

Definitely "Breaking Bad." The finale when Walt was at Gretchen and Elliot's house in Santa Fe. It was night and he said he bet they had a great view of the Sangre de Cristos.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Jodee, when the fat one told me I 'had a purdy mouth,' I just packed up and left.

Yes, Barbara!

Dragonfly, I am your messenger.

Dawn, Barbara got the first part. The locale is ...

Jool, I can attest. Those mini-bears were looking at me like a snack.

Allison, they're waiting for you, with your "AW! CUTE!"

Jo, they were sneaking up from behind, too. It was eerie.

Karen, you're inside my head. My mom said "You'll do anything to get out of weeding!" And, apparently, she's right. And "cast." LOL!

Right, Grace?? Terrifying!

Paige, I put all the food outside. No way was I inviting them into Spud.

Robin, I think a burlesque revue would be perfect. The Good Luck Follies.

The Good Luck Duck said...

On the nose, Pam!

stillhowlyn said...

There are times when being surrounded by beauty, friends, or family doesn't stop that incessant restlessness of mind. I swear, I need to remind myself constantly to just be grateful rather than fuss. I guess our futures unfold regardless of all the planning...

The Good Luck Duck said...

Ah, Lynda. You are the kind of right that is even righter than that. My own mantra is "Stop thinking and just let things happen." Which, then, makes me think for a while.

bhikkhu john said...

Those are some of the cutest photos I've seen all year long. But wildlife does exploit the hobble. Mesa Verde is good for soothing restless angst. Not too horribly far from Taos.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Good call, John (and very good to hear from you). I'm thinking hard about Salida, so another five hours is nothing much. Thanks for the idea.