Sunday, July 13, 2014

Not kayaking on Caballo Lake, New Mexico

My friends, Annie and David, returned home this evening, and they are being gracious enough to let me stay a few more days so I can go to my orthopedic appointment. Orthopedic, orthopedic, orthopedic, orthopedic - okay, not a real word.

Wolfgang Rebesky - rig

Please notice the kayaks; these are the ones I did not ride in. Yet.

I can't think of a thing to tell you. Let me see:

  • Germany won the World Cup.
  • I haven't had to leave the house since Thursday
  • The above are unrelated

After my appointment Tuesday I'll know how far I can go. I'll just Dremel my cast off when it's time.*

*I'm kidding, Mom


tstda62 said...

Knowing Roxanne, she isn't. :)

Paige Malone said...

Excellent all the way around.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Ha, you two!

SwankieWheels said...

That should work.

Unknown said...

I didn't know you had a Dremel.

Sherry said...

Wearing a cast does tend to clip ones wings. Hope you are being pampered.

Texas Yellow Rose said...

Well, another way to look at it is "orthaepedic." If you were in the UK, of course. Or not.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Betty, I'd get to use that "æ" thing. Most satisfactory!

Sherry, life is pretty sweet, even with my stubby wings. I'll be even happier when I can fly again.

Sue, I am a woman of mystery - even to you!

I'm counting on it, Swankie.

Jodee Gravel said...

I hate it when the things I'm not doing aren't nearly as cool as the things others aren't doing.....and I don't have a most excellent "excuse" like a cast on my leg. I do, however, have a Dremel :-).

The Good Luck Duck said...

Jodee, we should get together. You could not do the cool things I'm not doing, and I could use that Dremel.

Kimbopolo said...

I'm guessing one can get into a world of regrettable situations with the combination of 1) dremel 2) poor mobility and 3) free time.

JO said...

Bolt cutters would work faster! Just kidding Roxanne's mom

The Good Luck Duck said...

World of Regrettable Situations. What a great title that is, Kim!

Roxanne's mom doesn't believe you, Jo.

Shadowmoss said...

Hmmm. I've been thinking of changing up my blog, either it's name or mine, or even starting over again (would the real world gave 'do overs' so easily). World of Regrettable Situations would work for either my blog, or myself.

Shadowmoss said...

PS: I also own a dremel, and bolt cutters. Just sayin'. I'm not that far away.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Shadow, I think that's a terrific blog name. Re: dremel and bolt cutters: ROAD TRIP!!!

Anonymous said...

I broke my foot, too. But my clinic forgot all about me. I finally called to ask what to do and they said come in next week for an x-ray. This will be 8 weeks in the boot! I agree with the pain. The night I broke it I thought it was just a sprain, but lying awake all night screaming convinced me that maybe I should have it checked out! Hope your appointment went well. LG. Posting anonymous because Google.

The Good Luck Duck said...

LG, have you not YET resolved your Google-feud?

How did you break it? What happened? Tell me it was something exciting, because I'm tired of telling people "I fell down."

LG61820 said...

I'd like to tell a story with some excitement - maybe I was injured stopping a crime or stopping a runaway baby buggy or being chased by the police or maybe even during a sexcapade! However, there were witnesses that I stepped in a hole and fell. LG (Google and I now being on speaking terms.)

The Good Luck Duck said...

I tried:
*I was rock climbing
*" " parasailing
* " " skydiving

and just got blank looks. When I said "I fell," they all got looks like "Oh! okay, that seems legit."