Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Viva Las Vegas: Las Vegas, New Mexico

Okay, I guess it's okay to say we're at Storrie Lake State Park.

I had rested long enough, and went into town for some internet and shopping. 

First stop was McDonald's, Internet café. The young woman who brought me my coffee saw my crutch and brought everything right out to my table. Later, another employee preceded me out the door so she could open all the doors for me. Sweet!

Ladies, the gentlemen in Las Vegas are friendly. Nothing creepy - I just had the feeling I was in an Old World country where women are openly admired. After being stopped for a couple of conversations, I was feeling like Ann-Margret in Grumpy Old Men.

This drug store offers soda and ice cream. I accepted.

When I feel extravagant, I buy books. And so I did. 

One of the locals told me I could get a close-up view of Montezuma Castle (now United World College of the American West). I couldn't - it's a closed campus - but it did take me through some great scenery. Just past the college is a hot spring. Park on the road and walk in.

I saw a sign and followed it. Morphy Lake State Park is about 35 miles from Storrie Lake, and is restricted to rigs 18' and under. SCORE! It is high-and-piney up there! No showers, but there are pit toilets and a 1.5 lane road in and out. About 8000 feet in elevation. I didn't stay the night, but have it in mind.

It rained for about an hour this afternoon, and I felt sorry for myself the entire time. Then I remembered I could lay down and check email, and then I got happy again.


tstda62 said...

Great pictures

JO said...

So many nice old towns in NM. And all the parks look grand. Nice people too.

our awesome travels said...

Now that's my kind of Las Vegas, quiet and beautiful.

Teresa Evangeline said...

Au contraire (to the unbating of my breath) ... I remember these places well ... gorgeous pics.

Jodee Gravel said...

Food delivered, doors opened, conversations started......they obviously know who you are! And again - your duty to allow them to fawn over you (it's as it should be). The pictures are fabulous and that piney campground looks like heaven - although perhaps less fawners :-(.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Jodee, I'll stock up on fawning before I go back into the piney woods.

It's a special place, isn't it Teresa? I get enchanted every time I'm in these here parts.

It is, Gary!

You can't lose your shirt here, either, George, unless you step into the bookstore.

I'm partial to NM myself, Jo.

Thanks, Betty!

Anonymous said...

Always loved New Mexico. thank you so much for the pictures. Not much has changed in the last hundred years. Still beautiful.
and is that a pay phone in the drug store!!??
Aunt S

Barb said...

Morphy Lake looks beautiful. Green and cool - sounds good about now. Looks like a nice day. The thing about rainstorms here is - in an hour they are usually gone. :)

Newagenomad said...

Great pics of Morphy. Probably the best thing going for smaller rig bouncing between there and Storrie. Was nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! Missing New Mexico as I am almost always -- except when I'm in Montana, which we are now. It's not too shabby here either. I got me some lake, some mountains, some piney, too; just 1200 miles away! Glad you're enjoying the Las Vegas area; I much prefer the NM version myself.