Friday, August 8, 2014

Chilling at Caballo Lake State Park. Again.

I shuffled on down here a few days ago to have a staging area for getting my cast removed. Once that was accomplished, I felt an urgent urge to do nothing in particular.

I've had this stuff done at Las Cruces Orthopedic, seeing Dr. David M. Barrera. Dr. Barrera (say it with Spanish "r's") is just slightly cuter than puppies, and has been extremely compassionate and respectful about my uninsured status (say "self-pay"). I've never known a doctor to even concern himself with payment status, and this one asked me directly if I was "okay;" he made adjustments to his charge based on my answer. He also discussed the costs of various options, and was very willing to proceed conservatively. So, two thumbs-up for this guy. More like him, please, if we must use doctors.

I've been waiting to blog because I haven't had the ambition to offload pics from my camera. So here's something I phoned in:

Get it? Because I took it with a phone?

I'm mooning over and around, which is fine if there's nothing in particular to be done. Which there isn't.


Kate said...

Best doctor is best.

The Good Luck Duck said...


Julie Roberts said...

The picture turned out good. I'm glad the ortho guy was kind to you . I may have to use him sometimes.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Hopefully not, Julie! but if so, he's nice.

JO said...

There still are Dr. out there that really care about their patients it's nice to find them. Talked to a receptionist yesterday and if I could have reached into the phone I would have ripped her lips off

The Good Luck Duck said...

Jo, she's very lucky you didn't make the trip to the office.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Looks like a nice place to chill:)

Unknown said...

You will be so happy to get the cast off... I have broken both ankles, my right leg again in two places and my left wrist. I know this sounds gross but it is fun to peel the old skin off... I know... I'm sick lol... If you have a pair of Birkenstocks they can be your best friend you won't be moving too fast for a little while longer. So glad this day and age that you found a compassionate doctor. When I went to the Dr. with my broken wrist and I had splintered the small bone an inch and a half and caused all kind of other damage, they had to determine if it was severe enough to operate on because I didn't have insurance. I guess if you have minor breaks they just send you away... I mean really? I ended up with $40,000 of medical bills... Scary stuff... It sucks to get old and not have good insurance...

Marie Smith said...

Picture is very nice :-)

Jodee Gravel said...

Glad to hear the cast is off. You must feel cooler and lighter all at once!! Will you be heading east now?

Andra Watkins said...

Here's to that cast coming off soon and to more doctors like him.

Shadowmoss said...

After the previous conversation about how you need to transport stuff from the car up the rutted drive to the house, I started looking around for solutions. WalMart (if you shop there) had a folding cart that looked pretty rugged in the sporting goods section here. I just searched their site for folding wagons and you can spend anywhere from $50 up to whatever you want. I'm thinking the one in the sporting goods dept was cheaper than that, though.

Yes, I have a boring life...

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Shadow! I have to go there this morning, and this is perfect timing, since I want to get rugs, too.

I'll drink (again) to that, Andra!

Jodee, not headed east yet. I still have a September rendezvous in this area.

Thanks, Marie!

M-N-M, that's a sobering bill. I guess I'm very lucky.

Barb said...

I'm happy the cast is off and you're doing NOTHING. Somethings that's the best thing to do, and I love nothing days. Especially when things have been a bit stressful...

Good old Caballo - I'm looking forward to getting back there soon. Or at least later in the summer. :)

Bill said...

It's refreshing, and very unusual, to hear of a positive experience with the "health care system." Just the patient and the doctor coming to an agreement on what the fee should be... It's like something out of an old novel. :)
May that be the last time you ever have a cast removed. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

It was a first for me, Bill, and heartening. And, I accept that blessing!

Thanks, Barb! The boot is better, I think, at this stage.

I always gravitate to that area. I think it's an easy place to be, in general, and TorC is my weird kind of town.