Monday, August 25, 2014

Having a ball getting my bearings: Datil, New Mexico

I've surprised myself at how comfortable I feel in this little cabin. It must be the bed. I've made a couple of trips into Socorro when The Mall just wouldn't do. But, mostly I sit here and be.

My neighbor, Terri, walked over, up, and around here to visit today, and to bring me veggies. Thank  you!

I keep thinking that it's time to hit the road, and one of these mornings it will be. Definitely within the next few days, because I'm meeting someone I kinda like up in northern New Mexico. He wants to see the cabin, so we'll visit it.

If you know of someone who installs solar power out this way, please do mention them to me. If I had the courage to do it myself, I would. Six-hundred watts would be terrific and 1000W would light me up; it depends on the price differential.


Wheelingit said...

I must admit your cabin looks pretty darn idyllic. I can imagine not many ducks would want to leave such a spot.

Nan said...

Brian Boone 404 270 4820 heads to Q in Sept or October from Montana. You could give him a call and see if he would swing by your place. I did our solar last March and was quite reasonable. You can read my March blogs to see his work....

Robin said...

Your area is beautiful - seems like no matter what direction you look it is awesome. Love it. Hoppy for you.

SwankieWheels said...

It's perfect. I want to visit too.

Grace said...

If I were you (don't you just love sentences that start like that!) I would want to be there every moment I could. It sure is lovely and looks so peaceful! Grace (in Tucson)

Kate said...

Yeah, that's flat-out gorgeous. It'd do. It'd do nicely.

Karen Snyder said...

Easy to just "be" with such views. Have you said what the elevation is there? I'm thinking if you had that solar power, you wouldn't have to leave for winter . . . No?

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Looks like a really great place to just BE:)

JO said...

It's just so great every direction is beautiful. Peace is there that's what I need peace.

Anonymous said...

It looks wonderful! Sure hoping to meet up with you in a month or so. Not that I'm casting doubt on your description of your road, but how close can you get to your abode? Just wondering, because the photo showing the part of the road where Spud is parked doesn't look all that bad... Must get worse further on

Merikay said...

Its good to have a "place" and to be able to travel as well.Life is good.

Jodee Gravel said...

Ball bearings - ha! The photos are wonderful, and strangely enough, capture the quiet. I hope the boot comes off soon, it can't be fun with that uneven ground. Enjoy the visit with Mr. Kinda-Like!

The Good Luck Duck said...

THANK you, Jodee! I'll be here all night! The boot adds a layer of complexity to my commute back and forth to the car, it's true. And, Mr. Kinda-Like? Yep, I plan to enjoy that!

I didn't think I needed a "home," Merikay, but I do enjoy it.

Renee, the road you can see with Spud is okay, which is why Spud can get that far into the property. After that it becomes an arroyo for maybe 50 feet, and then becomes fine again.

It's a beautiful place, Jo. I love laying in MY BED and watching the sky, any time of day or night.

I think so, Anneke!

Karen, the elevation here at the cabin is 7500', so I would definitely need a heat source.

It is, Kate. I can't say "thank you" because I didn't do it.

Grace, I'm really enjoying the time I'm here. I'm sure I'd get antsy after a while, but while I'm here, it's good.

Sure, Swankie!

Thanks, Robin!

Nan, I'm not sure I could navigate the zigging and zagging of two nomads trying to meet in the middle of nowhere. I'm not that talented. He sounds good, though.

Nina, this duck is just preening her wing feathers right now. Ducks gotta fly! but not today.

Maura said...

Just beautiful, what a nice little place you have there!


Pam said...

Roxie, RVSue (of RVS and the Canine Crew) got her solar done when she was in Elephant Butte. I can't research that for you because I'm on a ridiculously slow connection but there is info on her site near the beginning of her travels, I think.

Contessa said...

Pure bliss!

The Good Luck Duck said...

It's very peaceful, Maura, and I'm glad to be here!

Pam, I know exactly who you mean! I even met the guy in EB. I should have been more specific; I need solar here at the cabin.

It is, Contessa!

Pam said...

No, you were clear. I just thought maybe it was close enough for him to come up there and do it. I looked back at her blog and saw he was an RV solar guy from an RV repair shop but I figured he might do residential on the side.

Good luck! I love your cabin.

The Good Luck Duck said...

I see what you mean, Pam. If I don't find anyone within an hour's drive, I'll expand outward.

Barb said...

Would you be able to drive up your road if you had a 4-wheel drive vehicle? That would sure make things easier. So beautiful there.

And another question: how long have you had a cast on your foot? My dad broke his ankle, had some sort of cast thing on it for 1.5 weeks till the swelling went down, and yesterday they put a plaster cast on. Supposedly a small, in-line break, but they are telling him two or three months in a cast. Sounds like a long time, but it seems you've had your's for a long time, too. Is it coming off any time soon? :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

Barb, probably so, with 4WD. A good friend is selling her little Tracker, and a part of me did go "Hmmm..."

I broke the bones June 27, so I'm at about eight weeks now. At 5.5 weeks, the cute doc and I could see no bone growth. :( But, I also had no pain, and he considered that more telling than the x-ray. He gave me some suggestions for the boot timeline, and I've been following that. Wear it just a smidgie less each day, but I wear it outside always.

So, because of the way I live, he was willing to let me determine the end date. I'll use my x-ray vision as a diagnostic tool.

stillhowlyn said...

Ahhh, now this is looking (and sounding) very good!

Unknown said...

Who knew Datil was such a lovely piece of this good earth?! Was wondering where you went. Looks like you might have found Nirvana -- until the cast comes off and you're ready to cast off again?!!!!

Gaelyn said...

Sure looks like the perfect peaceful place to BE.