Sunday, September 28, 2014

Socorro, NM to Datil. Not suitable for grasshoppers under 18.

We spent a few days in Socorro, and I found more to it than I expected. Like a lot of New Mexico towns, it has a historic district with a plaza.

Historic coffee and bran muffins

San Miguel mission

Hundreds of years of history, blah, blah, blah, et cetera. I HAVE A DRIVEWAY!!!

Before: non-driveway

Spud AT CABIN!!!

After: drivable driveway
 We built a road!

My address: 62
More thanks than I can say to Wolfgang, who frequently reminds me that Germans are technicians.

Having a driveway means a lot of things to me. Easy electronics-charging "at home" (instead of a hundred-yard trek up the hill). Easy grocery unloading. Deliveries are now possible. Did I forget something in the car? No problem - it's right there!

I am pleased. So pleased.

I am even more pleased than this couple. For different reasons, naturally.

I wish I had this many hands to clap with glee.

I'm, you know ... pleased.

Gratuitous lichen shot

Wolfgang Rebesky, from Bavaria


Kate said...


Also yay driveway!

Unknown said...


JO said...

Socorro on my 55 gl. drum list.

Nice driveway happy for you. No more hiking with arms full.

SwankieWheels said...

Nice, you are a funny funny fun person.

Anonymous said...

Ah the simple pleasures -- how many folks in civilized places can see a driveway as such a gift? And OMG -- have you ever seen so many grasshoppers? Everywhere I walk, there's a cloud in front of me. Must be because of above-normal rain? Crazy!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

First a house, then a bed, now a driveway. What's next???

The picture of the grasshoppers is stunning!

Linda said...

Wow, you're really rocking! Welcome to the last 100 yards of your home. :)

Jodee Gravel said...

Always love your small town pics - the art is so fun in Socorro! Spud must feel so much better in the dark now - knowing you're only a few feet away. Soooo are you getting a snow shovel next?

Anonymous said...

Woofgang Who? Is that the 2 in 2 of you.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Mysterious Inquirer, Wolfgang is the "he" who turns "me" into "we."

Jodee, bite your finger!

Thanks, Linda! It's a great place, this last 100 yards.

Cyndi, whatever's next has got to be spectacular

Renee, will you be spending the fall/winter here? When my time is less limited, we must meet.

LOL! Thanks, Swankie!

Jo, it's SUCH a boon for me.

Maggie, IK,R???

Yay, Kate! said...

Spending a day in Socorro next week. Thanks for the beautiful pictures. Should be a great visit for us. What a difference a driveway makes. Easier to get to home sweet home.

stillhowlyn said...

Now I'm happy!

sl said...

I so look forward to your blog posts. ... I think we are on similar paths

Karyn-Lee said...

Love thei "history lesson" - what does your new digs look like inside?
Spud might be lonely.

Anonymous said...

We'll be here until a couple days before Thanksgiving -- at least that's the current plan. We'll be wintering (wow -- doesn't that sound ritzy?) in Congress. Drop me a "chat" message & we'll see what we can arrange. As you've discovered, there aren't a whole lot of meeting place options here!