Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Villanueva State Park and Santa Rosa Lake State Park, New Mexico

I'm combining them, not because either is insignificant, but because we didn't stay long at Villanueva. I really liked it; the (big) downsides are no cell service and no internet signal. You may see those as upsides, and if you're vacationing, they are.

Villanueva sits along the Pecos River at the bottom of a canyon.

First day with two shoes

Swallow nests (not a command)

We moved on to Santa Rosa Lake State Park, where there is signal.

It's easy to find Blue Hole. Go ahead and do that.

Old chapel/cemetery outside of town.

If you want to identify things, please do. I ran out of care, but I wouldn't mind someone pouring information into my head.


Karen Snyder said...

This has been the year of the bug.... I think yours might be:

That aside, the places you're visiting are, simply put, beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Great photos of both locations. We haven't been to Villanueva in YEARS; it's so pretty, & what a drive (drop) if you're coming in from I-40! In all my years here, & so many trips to Conchas Lake, we never stopped at the Blue Hole. Figured it was a tourist trap, but even if it is, it's a very picturesque, un-crowded one.

Al Christensen said...

I spent Easter weekend at Villanueva. The place has a split personality: big RVs on the lower level; small rigs that don't need hookups on the upper level. It was much quieter and less crowded on the upper level. The view was better, too.

Metamorphosis Lisa said...

YAY, two shoes! You made it!

Suzanne said...

Congrats on those lace-ups!! That must feel like such a significant milestone! I trust you are enjoying the evolution of your desires, my friend. ;-)

VtChris said...

Gorgeous photographs! Hey, have you ever been to Clayton Lake State Park? I think we are headed that way and oddly enough it is one of NM's parks I have never anything about. Hope to see you soon!

JO said...
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JO said...

WOW you are finally in 2 shoes. Both parks look great and I like the shelters. I need shelters.
That blue hole is really blue. Nice adventure your having. Keep the pics coming.

Sherry said...

Congrats on two shoes! You must be thrilled. I remember I was, BOTH times. "We" who??

Jodee Gravel said...

Woo-hoo on the two-shoe! Beautiful photos - love the bridge that ends in the hillside :-) Nope on the nests and the blue hole. Hope the weather is as wonderful as it looks, and you're having as much fun as it feels.

Allison said...

So happy you're back in shoes. It's just bad when you can't wear them. After my last foot surgery, it was quite awhile before I could lace up anything. Good photos.

Bill said...

Thanks for taking us along our your journeys. I really enjoy it. And I had to stop and think a second about "not a command." Good one. :)

The Good Luck Duck said...

It's my pleasure, Bill!

It's good to be in shoes, although I still limp. When I had a boot or a cast, limping made sense to the outside world.

Jodee, it is and I am!

Sherry, you know "we who." Same we.

Jo, shelters are almost essential in a truck, tent, or car. I need them, too, when I'm in Spud.

Chris, I had to look that one up. Dinosaur tracks!! I plan to see you before long!

Suzanne, I'm still trying to figure out why I wanted that broken foot, even though it told me some very important things. And Yay shoes!

Al, I can see how that's true. This time, it was pretty empty altogether and all the electric sites were reservation-only; El Cerro looked inviting.

Thanks, Lisa! TWO SHOES!

Renee, it's so easy to get to, you might as well stop. There's no admission to get in (unlike the holes in Florida that are either privately owned or in state parks.

Karen, thanks for the research! That is my bug, for sure.