Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Inappropriate! Not even about travel.

I'm dog-and-cat-sitting, with a lot of "creative" time on my hands.

Someone recently suggested I get business cards, so I browsed 1087 styles, many thematic. Then I switched to Facebook, where, as style would have it, I saw lovely pictures begging to be misused.

I'm excited to be meeting up with the gals from Where The Wind Blows after 8 years! Way back when, they hosted my then-wife and I at their sticks 'n' bricks and helped us get our RV electrical system straightened out. If you ever called Annie "Sparkypants," they're why.


Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

I don't see how you could go wrong with any of those options!

Roxanne said...

Haha! Right?

Anonymous said...

Funny stuff .... Doug K

The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks, Doug.

T-burg Annie said...

I like the beetle one.

The Good Luck Duck said...

Hi T-burg Annie! Good to see you here. I like that one, too.

Contessa said...

The cat sitter is my fav.