Wednesday, July 10, 2019


In a couple of weeks, this blog address will again become

If you've been kind enough to keep me on your blogroll, I continue to be grateful. If you'd like to start adding me to your blogroll, I'll begin the gratitude right away.


MFH said...



(About time!)

Now to make some MONEY! (the Tabbies muttered)

Sophie, the Tabbie that showed up at my front door pregnant a few days after my Mom's dog was adopted (mom had died a few months earlier), became a Mergers & Acquisitions specialist. Her aphorisms still echo through the halls of Squidgewood Manor (Ms. Cook's) --

Show me the money or I'll show you the door!

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

If you have to ask, you can't afford it.

San Francisco? Sell! New York? Buy!

Sophie made a killing (ha, ha!!) on tobacco futures.

Ms. Cook produced this video around that time.

¡Vizcacha! said...

Sophie was a giant of industry.

Not sure why this is better, really, other than it being free rather than insanely cheap.

Ramona said...


The Good Luck Duck said...

Thanks for alerting me, Ramona!